What birth control are you on? Does it work with you?



  • Brianna72994
    I take Gianvi, and it's been okay. I get headaches now when I drink caffeine, and I stopped getting periods.. But my doctor told me not to be concerned so idk. Also, I havent gained any weight from it, so it's been good.
  • Notyourrevolution
    Notyourrevolution Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a NUVA Ring girl myself and have quite enjoyed it for the last 8 years. It's one of the lowest dose forms of birth control you can take so it makes sense that it has less side-effects than some other forms of estrogen. Sounds like it's way pricier down south than in Canada though - my insurance only covers about 50% (contrary to the earlier poster who claimed we don't pay for BC in Canada, we DO pay but our private insurance usually covers at least SOME of the expense) and I usually end up spending about $50 for a 3 month supply so that puts it at about $30 per month cost to me. In the long run though, any expense on BC is gonna be cheaper than a kid...
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    Mirena for 7 years now and I love it. Next best thing to gettin my husband fixed...every darn time I get him in the car he spooks!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    My birth control: hysterectomy 3.5 years ago. BEST thing I ever did! :bigsmile:
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I had to switch pills so many times because I had all sorts of side-effects. Now I'm using Belara (it's only my first month on it) and so far it's been working very well for me!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I just had a conversation with my doc about this this morning. I had my tubes tied, but I was talking to her about my heavy periods. After reading this I'm thinking of the copper IUD or Mirena.

    Hmmm. Thanks for all the info.
  • emwaitexo
    Sprintec birth control pills. Love them, only pay 9.99 a month for them! I know the exact date and time I get my monthly friend:) I had no side effects either...and 0 pregnancy's.
  • KoJoJo
    KoJoJo Posts: 5 Member
    I put my reply under the wrong post...how do I delete it?!!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm on abstinence, and it's super effective. Zero pregnancy scares and no side effects!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I put my reply under the wrong post...how do I delete it?!!
    You can't reply in specific places, so if you want someone to know you're talking to them, use the quote feature. You also can't delete posts, but for the first sixty minutes, you can edit your post. Lots of people erase the contents and just put a "." when they are "deleting" a post.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Pull and Pray.. Hormone free and keeps you closer to the man above :wink:

    This is my preferred method. I do have 4 kids so this may not be for everyone.:wink:

    Same!!! 4 kids later we officially proved the pull out method is not an effective form of birth control.
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    I only have sex with girls. No chance of us getting pregnant that way without some serious miracle work from up above. :laugh:
  • barbi1281
    I had the Paraguard (copper) IUD for 8 years after my last daughter but got it taken out a year ago during my annual with plans to conceive... Went on Beyaz for planning purposes and it KILLED my sex drive but cleared up my face LOL. Got sick and decided to wait a bit longer because I was so sick so had Mirena IUD inserted and off of Beyaz. My sex drive was still missing and it apparently failed because I got pregnant immediately... didn't find out until I miscarried it until nearly 3 months later since I'd been spotting/bleeding the entire time :cry: . Found out my new IUD moved into my cervix and the string "disappeared" so now I'm scheduled to have it surgically removed in two weeks :frown: . I'm trying the minipill next in hopes that my sex drives comes back - I was a true blue nympho prior to the extra estrogen:blushing: .
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    No birth control in the past 15 years. My first year on the depo shot I gained 30 pounds, the following year I quit smoking and gained 50 pounds in two years. Although being fat did not deter my sex life, it has kept me from getting pregnant.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Implanon. It's an implant in your arm that is good for 3 years. I hate it. It makes me cranky and gave me acne I am JUST NOW getting rid of. I want it removed but your arm has to be cut open and dug into and I'm afraid D:
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Abstinence...no side effects; inexpensive, and no worries with it..I actually love it..
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    I am so happy to read that a lot of you turned into raging lunatics as well from a birth control pill. I was on Orsythia .. which is the generic for aviane. Every month I was on it I just got worse and worse. Mood swings were AWFUL.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Oh .. I used the nuva ring at one point as well and it gave me awful headaches. No moodiness, but the headaches were pretty bad.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I'll tout the benefits of the Paragard, too. I have had several of the copper-wrapped IUDs and found them to the be the best birth control. No hormones, nothing to remember to take or put on or in. You just have sex when you want and don't get pregnant. It's good for 10 years, but is completely reversable and you don't have to wait after its removal. As an OB nurse I recommend it to every woman I can.
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    i love the replies you all! ty!