That weird thing you do...



  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Pop my knees..Drink milk and Pepsi..have to have labels facing out in a pantry/cupboard..ummmmm lol dunk fries in my milkshake (all of one time per year), have to put my groceries up on the belt in order of cold, canned and boxed...I'm sure there's more..
  • I smell every morsel of food before eating it.
    I enjoy biting my family and friends.
    I worry that tarantulas/water snakes/piranhas will leap out from the toilet bowl when I'm pooping.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I clean my ears with Q-Tips at least 3x a day!
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I have to have the volume on the tv/radio/stereo/....etc on an EVEN number.

    I hold my breath when I drive past cemetaries.

    Thought I was the only one who did the radio thing!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I put the house keys in the bedroom with me and my husband because I think magically somehow someone will break through the front door and won't be able to kill us because they can't unlock the bedroom door. Not like that would stop them probably, LOL

    When I go to bed I have to check the closet AND under neath the bed to make sure there is no monsters

    I have to shower with the shower curtain open enough and the door locked so I don't have to worry about monsters

    I always check the backseat of the car when I drive at night

    I guess I'm an anxious person!
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    When repair/installation guys come to do work i make sure my pistol it's on my coffee table, my 22 it's leaned up in the Corner next to the door, and that my 370 is next to the table with the phone on it!

    .. So needless to say, i like to let them know i have guns! & i know how to use them. Lol.
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    I cross my toes.....the first toe over my big toe. I find it very comfy and don't even realise I do it, until someone notices and passes comment.

    In bed at night I can't sleep with a foot out of bed cos I think something under the bed will get me !
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I have to have the volume on the tv/radio/stereo/....etc on an EVEN number.

    I hold my breath when I drive past cemetaries.

    I do the exact same thing with the even numbers lol

    ME TOO! I mean two ;)

  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I keep my cereal in the refrigerator
    I count steps ((no matter where I am))
    I eat tuna w/mustard
    If I have to tie my shoe...I just cant do one of them...I have to do them both
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I only eat yoghurt with a plastic spoon
  • I play music in the shower...

    What else? Nup I'm pretty normal ;P
  • I stay up until 2am reading and responding to posts about the weird things I do, when I have to be up early in the morning...
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    i sleep with a fan on (summer and winter)
  • i sleep with a fan on (summer and winter)

    Me too! ALL the time
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    WOW, you lot make me seem almost normal :bigsmile: this is a first!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i like to harass cute pets by talking to them through cardboard tubes like the ones gift wrap or paper towels come on. they go crazy barking or rolling around on the ground when my voice sounds funny.
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    When I eat a sasuma I peel every bit of pulp off each segment! It takes me about 30 minutes to eat it - my family can't believe it! I stopped eating oranges before hitting my teens because I'd be there for an hour!

    I like to stroke my partners lips with my thumb as it relaxes me - needless to say it does not relax him!
  • Candyapplebabe
    Candyapplebabe Posts: 70 Member
    1) I only turn volume down/up by 5s.
    2) I move my foot back and forth when in bed. If I don't I will NEVER get to sleep.
    3) When I burp I make a hiccup sound.
    4) People in full body costumes ( like minnie and mickie at disneyland ) freak me the **** out!
    5) When repair/service people come into my place I have to watch them the entire time.
    6) I LOVE true crime ( the really gruesome stuff ) but I always get paranoid about things afterwards.
    7) Everytime I paint my finger nails I end up picking it off. Then I repaint them... endless cycle...
  • I have to have the volume on the tv/radio/stereo/....etc on an EVEN number.

    I hold my breath when I drive past cemetaries.

    Hahah!! I do the same with the volume.....and if it's too loud or too quiet, I have to close my eyes, so I don't see what number it lands on.

    And you gotta hold your breath or else you breathe in the spirits. Don't want them coming home with you.
  • I sleep with the radio on because I like it when I dream I'm singing whatever song happens to be on and learn the lyrics faster that way.

    Speaking of dreams, sometimes I fall asleep on the couch....with the tv on the ID channel. The ID channel is the one all about murders and crimes. I end up having the most bizarre dreams!!