What do you eat for breakfast?



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Oatmeal with diced fruit .... OR ....
    Fruit ..... OR ......
    Fruit smoothie
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    I either have greek yogurt, and add some honey or frozen fruit; or whole wheat toast with an egg on top. Protein shakes are good as well if you are going to work out in the AM. I make it a meal by adding greek yogurt, fruit, or peanut butter. Just make it good. Also sometimes oatmeal with a tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    I just made a batch of baked oatmeal in muffin tins, they came out good mine are 200 cals each and 6 grams of protein but I think the protein could be upped pretty easily. Mine were 3 cups of oats to 1 cup of almond milk, 2 eggs, cinamon, 1/4 cup natural cane sugar (it called for brown) a pinch of salt and some baking powder, 4 oz walnuts, mashed up a couple bananas into the mixture then sliced bananas on top and in the last few minutes of baking I sprinked a tiny bit of brown sugar on top. 1 tsp did all 12.

    next time I'm going to add some more egg whites and a bit less sugar, maybe try apple cinamon.


    I love oatmeal so much. Put a little brown sugar and cinnamon in that stuff. So good.

    It's pretty typical for me to have multi-bran Chex in a Yoplait vanilla whip. It's my substitute bowl of cereal since I can't drink milk and don't like most (all?) milk substitutes I've tasted.

    yes, it does! gotta try it
  • rocknrollchic311
    I love a bagel thin (100 calories) toasted with a half a cup of strawberries and 2 TB of lite cream cheese... the whole thing turns out to be around 150 calories, and it is filling and yummy!
  • deanabailey
    deanabailey Posts: 124 Member
    1 PKG of oatmeal with water or 2 eggs.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I slice up a skillet of fresh mushrooms. 3 egg whites and make a scramble....love it. This is a treat for change. Normally steel cut oatmeal with fat free milk.
  • ReaganAshley
    ReaganAshley Posts: 8 Member
    Hi for the last couple of weeks I've been eating an English muffin breakfast sandwich which I really enjoy.
    I use a light multi-grain English muffin, 1 egg, reduced fat provalone cheese, 1 slice of turkey bacon, and a slice of tomato.
    Calories: 254 Carbs: 28 Fat: 12 Protein: 18
  • Chris1020
    Chris1020 Posts: 4 Member
    I HATE breakfast foods so I usually don't eat breakfast...yeah I know, it's the most important meal of the day and all... If I do eat breakfast it isn't a breakfast type food. Or I will have half a clif bar or a slimfast shake. Maybe I can get some ideas here.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I HATE breakfast foods so I usually don't eat breakfast...yeah I know, it's the most important meal of the day and all... If I do eat breakfast it isn't a breakfast type food. Or I will have half a clif bar or a slimfast shake. Maybe I can get some ideas here.

    I think that whole "most important meal of the day" thing has been sufficiently debunked. (Probably started by some breakfast foods marketers anyhow.)
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    I buy the big plastic container of Fage greek yogurt at costco and some honey and walnuts.

    I mix the yogurt with honey and walnuts and drink either green tea or spiced apple cider with it. Delicious and healthy and gives you TONS of energy. It's really simple to make too since I'm a high school student with only about 10 minutes to prepare and eat my breakfast in the mornings.
  • ravenforest3009
    ravenforest3009 Posts: 50 Member
    5 times a week i have some kind of porridge. But mix it up everyday: oats, spelt, qinoa, couscous (cooked in orangejuice),.... Any wholegrain variety which has no added sugar. I use different "milks" , like almond; hazelnut; soya or rice milk. Topped with different fruits or nuts everyday or Greek yogurt or fromage frais .
    Changing everyday means i don't get bored.
    2 times a week i have a piece of bread (not the nasty white stuff). Normally sourdough or rye. Just something with a bit of a bite too it. With that i have a boiled egg and fresh vegetables, like tomatoes or cucumber.
    Once in a while a tin of baked beans and tomatoes is nice.

    For me variety is the key and i need to have the feeling i ate something propper, which keeps my snacking till lunch under control.