80 bites diet?



  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    cadavid76 wrote: »
    I think most people are being extemely rude. If you have not yet tried something for an reasonable period, say 1-2 weeks every meal, don't offer your comments. I have tried calorie counting many times and always give up due to how tedious it is, I home cook everything and having to figure out multiple ingredients for 3-4 meals per days and measure every thing I add to the pan etc. is very tedious and time consuming. I am using the 80 bites free app and love it, it is allowing me to eat \mindfully, slowly, and if I am hungry still after 20-25 bites per meal, I have 5 more bites of fresh fruit or veg, and then always feel full. I don't count or worry about those few extra bites of unadorned fruit and veg, it is only 10-30 cals extra per meal and they are healthy at that. I also eat mainly whole foods and a balance of carbs/pro/fat. I make sure at least 5 bites per meal is veg and 5 bites is protien. Nothing else has worked for me for years. This is the first thing that is working. I feel good, my digestion issues are completely gone, and I feel great and energetic after eating with no stomach aches any longer.

    Also, it helped me see that I really was a fast eater and I did not realize that. Studies show that faster eaters tend to gain weight, or be overweight, so this is really good to know.

    It is free now, so there is no risk to trying it. The concept has been studied at major university and more recently they are suggesting 100 bites per day, which if I include my 5 bites of "free" fruit and veg bites times 3 meals per day, I am usually around 90-100 bites total. It is just a feedback tool that can be used, not the answer to every issue, one will also need to choose good foods, sleep, move their body, etc. to be healthy, but this has really helped me.

    Did you just use your first post here to scold people who were mean 3 and a half years ago?

    Holy cow - I sat here and read the entire thread thinking "why is everyone saying 'this again?!' and I've never heard of this before"... then I noticed the banned user icons... and the dates. Most random necro'ing of a thread I've seen in a long time.
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    I think I might have injured myself when I rolled my eyes so hard at the title of this thread.

    But uh yeah, whatever works for you I guess.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cadavid76 wrote: »
    I think most people are being extemely rude. If you have not yet tried something for an reasonable period, say 1-2 weeks every meal, don't offer your comments. I have tried calorie counting many times and always give up due to how tedious it is, I home cook everything and having to figure out multiple ingredients for 3-4 meals per days and measure every thing I add to the pan etc. is very tedious and time consuming. I am using the 80 bites free app and love it, it is allowing me to eat \mindfully, slowly, and if I am hungry still after 20-25 bites per meal, I have 5 more bites of fresh fruit or veg, and then always feel full. I don't count or worry about those few extra bites of unadorned fruit and veg, it is only 10-30 cals extra per meal and they are healthy at that. I also eat mainly whole foods and a balance of carbs/pro/fat. I make sure at least 5 bites per meal is veg and 5 bites is protien. Nothing else has worked for me for years. This is the first thing that is working. I feel good, my digestion issues are completely gone, and I feel great and energetic after eating with no stomach aches any longer.

    Also, it helped me see that I really was a fast eater and I did not realize that. Studies show that faster eaters tend to gain weight, or be overweight, so this is really good to know.

    It is free now, so there is no risk to trying it. The concept has been studied at major university and more recently they are suggesting 100 bites per day, which if I include my 5 bites of "free" fruit and veg bites times 3 meals per day, I am usually around 90-100 bites total. It is just a feedback tool that can be used, not the answer to every issue, one will also need to choose good foods, sleep, move their body, etc. to be healthy, but this has really helped me.

    Did you just use your first post here to scold people who were mean 3 and a half years ago?

    Strong first post. LOLOL.


    However, 80 bites of ice cream sounds like a fantastic diet! I'm all about the exploitation of these kinds of diets. :smiley:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Never tried it. I'm averse to fad diets generally. I don't have to try it to know I won't like it.

    I imagine the idea is to slow down and eat mindfully. I suspect weighing and logging everything you eat would get you to the same place.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    cadavid76 wrote: »
    I think most people are being extemely rude. If you have not yet tried something for an reasonable period, say 1-2 weeks every meal, don't offer your comments. I have tried calorie counting many times and always give up due to how tedious it is, I home cook everything and having to figure out multiple ingredients for 3-4 meals per days and measure every thing I add to the pan etc. is very tedious and time consuming. I am using the 80 bites free app and love it, it is allowing me to eat \mindfully, slowly, and if I am hungry still after 20-25 bites per meal, I have 5 more bites of fresh fruit or veg, and then always feel full. I don't count or worry about those few extra bites of unadorned fruit and veg, it is only 10-30 cals extra per meal and they are healthy at that. I also eat mainly whole foods and a balance of carbs/pro/fat. I make sure at least 5 bites per meal is veg and 5 bites is protien. Nothing else has worked for me for years. This is the first thing that is working. I feel good, my digestion issues are completely gone, and I feel great and energetic after eating with no stomach aches any longer.

    Also, it helped me see that I really was a fast eater and I did not realize that. Studies show that faster eaters tend to gain weight, or be overweight, so this is really good to know.

    It is free now, so there is no risk to trying it. The concept has been studied at major university and more recently they are suggesting 100 bites per day, which if I include my 5 bites of "free" fruit and veg bites times 3 meals per day, I am usually around 90-100 bites total. It is just a feedback tool that can be used, not the answer to every issue, one will also need to choose good foods, sleep, move their body, etc. to be healthy, but this has really helped me.

    Did you just use your first post here to scold people who were mean 3 and a half years ago?

    It's a sales pitch. They post stuff like this so people friend them or contact them and they can direct them to their website to hoc their products and plans. Beach body people do it all the time here. You see topics like, "OMG, I am doing so well finally!", or "Has anyone heard of _____________?" and when you open them it basically sales.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited February 2016
    God damnit- we totally got necroed.
    e11enr0se wrote: »
    80 bites of celery, or 80 bites of Big Mac ?


    all arguments aside...

    has anyone ACTUALLY tried it?

    no- because quite frankly counting calories is way more efficient and less mind numbing.

    There is nothing wrong with trying something new- but don't reinvent the wheel for no reason.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    cadavid76 wrote: »
    I think most people are being extemely rude. If you have not yet tried something for an reasonable period, say 1-2 weeks every meal, don't offer your comments. I have tried calorie counting many times and always give up due to how tedious it is, I home cook everything and having to figure out multiple ingredients for 3-4 meals per days and measure every thing I add to the pan etc. is very tedious and time consuming. I am using the 80 bites free app and love it, it is allowing me to eat \mindfully, slowly, and if I am hungry still after 20-25 bites per meal, I have 5 more bites of fresh fruit or veg, and then always feel full. I don't count or worry about those few extra bites of unadorned fruit and veg, it is only 10-30 cals extra per meal and they are healthy at that. I also eat mainly whole foods and a balance of carbs/pro/fat. I make sure at least 5 bites per meal is veg and 5 bites is protien. Nothing else has worked for me for years. This is the first thing that is working. I feel good, my digestion issues are completely gone, and I feel great and energetic after eating with no stomach aches any longer.

    Also, it helped me see that I really was a fast eater and I did not realize that. Studies show that faster eaters tend to gain weight, or be overweight, so this is really good to know.

    It is free now, so there is no risk to trying it. The concept has been studied at major university and more recently they are suggesting 100 bites per day, which if I include my 5 bites of "free" fruit and veg bites times 3 meals per day, I am usually around 90-100 bites total. It is just a feedback tool that can be used, not the answer to every issue, one will also need to choose good foods, sleep, move their body, etc. to be healthy, but this has really helped me.

    Did you just use your first post here to scold people who were mean 3 and a half years ago?

    Holy cow - I sat here and read the entire thread thinking "why is everyone saying 'this again?!' and I've never heard of this before"... then I noticed the banned user icons... and the dates. Most random necro'ing of a thread I've seen in a long time.

    It makes me nostalgic. I joined about 6 months before this thread happened. So many changes since then.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    edited February 2016
    lingading wrote: »
    if you were searching the internet for an effective diet plan, you should've called it quits when you got here. no short cuts. do it right, learn how to live healthfully, and everything will fall into place. there is no fast lane that you're overlooking. count your intake, make it less than your output, and you will lose weight. mfp has staying power - you can't count 80 bites a day for the rest of your life, that is nonsense. you can, however learn to eat properly, achieve your goals, and use what you've learned to keep it that way. don't rush greatness.

    I'm happy I read threw this for giggles because I found this:


    Omg.. my new fav. phrase for today!!

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cadavid76 wrote: »
    I think most people are being extemely rude. If you have not yet tried something for an reasonable period, say 1-2 weeks every meal, don't offer your comments. I have tried calorie counting many times and always give up due to how tedious it is, I home cook everything and having to figure out multiple ingredients for 3-4 meals per days and measure every thing I add to the pan etc. is very tedious and time consuming. I am using the 80 bites free app and love it, it is allowing me to eat \mindfully, slowly, and if I am hungry still after 20-25 bites per meal, I have 5 more bites of fresh fruit or veg, and then always feel full. I don't count or worry about those few extra bites of unadorned fruit and veg, it is only 10-30 cals extra per meal and they are healthy at that. I also eat mainly whole foods and a balance of carbs/pro/fat. I make sure at least 5 bites per meal is veg and 5 bites is protien. Nothing else has worked for me for years. This is the first thing that is working. I feel good, my digestion issues are completely gone, and I feel great and energetic after eating with no stomach aches any longer.

    Also, it helped me see that I really was a fast eater and I did not realize that. Studies show that faster eaters tend to gain weight, or be overweight, so this is really good to know.

    It is free now, so there is no risk to trying it. The concept has been studied at major university and more recently they are suggesting 100 bites per day, which if I include my 5 bites of "free" fruit and veg bites times 3 meals per day, I am usually around 90-100 bites total. It is just a feedback tool that can be used, not the answer to every issue, one will also need to choose good foods, sleep, move their body, etc. to be healthy, but this has really helped me.

    Did you just use your first post here to scold people who were mean 3 and a half years ago?

    Strong first post. LOLOL.


    However, 80 bites of ice cream sounds like a fantastic diet! I'm all about the exploitation of these kinds of diets. :smiley:

    I really need to come up with a stupid fad diet and write a stupid book about it. Threads like this prove that no matter how stupid it is, people will try it/buy it if you pinky promise they'll melt/blast/burn/torch/nuke the fat off their bodies like never before using your revolutionary new approach!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    80 bites of cake. Sure.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    e11enr0se wrote: »
    has anyone tried this? It's a diet (more like lifestyle) where your goal is to eat 80 bites of food per day. it makes sense that it would help with weight loss...unless you take HUGE bites. Apparently most people average about 120 bites or so. Theres an app for it as well, but I wanted to know if anyone on MFP has had personal success with it!

    So .. reduce consumption by about a third, and you'll lose weight. this is not any different than deciding to reduce calories from 2400 to 1600.

    but the big hole is .. define a bite. I can eat a sandwich on generally square bread in 4-5 bites.

    And what about things like .. m&ms? is each one a bite? Do you queue them up and count a bite after 5? 10?

    counting calories is significantly more manageable and predictable.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    AimersBee wrote: »
    there was a woman that posted a "20 bites a day" forum post and said she had lost a bunch of weight on it (in my opinion starving herself), trying to preach it to others. her post was locked/deleted and she either deleted herself from MFP, or she was removed from MFP...

    I was going to say I thought the number of bites when I last heard this nonsense was a lot lower. 80 sounds better but you're still probably starving yourself thin. Sounds more like an eating disorder than a diet.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    e11enr0se wrote: »
    all arguments aside...

    has anyone ACTUALLY tried it?

    If it has the word "diet" in the title I have no doubt that people have tried it. But I must say this seems one of the more bizarre diet ideas I've come across, and I'm fairly old.

    Besides the obvious calorie differences in bites of food, what constitutes a "bite"? Anything I can shove in my mouth? Must it fit on a certain sized fork or spoon? How do you figure liquid calories?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    e11enr0se wrote: »
    has anyone tried this? It's a diet (more like lifestyle) where your goal is to eat 80 bites of food per day. it makes sense that it would help with weight loss...unless you take HUGE bites. Apparently most people average about 120 bites or so. Theres an app for it as well, but I wanted to know if anyone on MFP has had personal success with it!

    So .. reduce consumption by about a third, and you'll lose weight. this is not any different than deciding to reduce calories from 2400 to 1600.

    but the big hole is .. define a bite. I can eat a sandwich on generally square bread in 4-5 bites.

    And what about things like .. m&ms? is each one a bite? Do you queue them up and count a bite after 5? 10?

    counting calories is significantly more manageable and predictable.

    I can fit an entire piece of cake in my mouth (it squishes).

    Love the fire in the belly that got this resurrected after so long.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Even if it was the best thing ever, I know I'd lose track of bites before I've finished with breakfast. Logging foods and keeping track of the calories is so much easier.

    Plus bites of vegetables and bites of lasagna are WAY different. You could end up way under or way over a reasonable calorie count.

    Right, i see what you're saying. The app helps with the counting of bites, but it would be obnoxious to have to remember to press the "bite" button every time you put something in your mouth. However I'm pretty bad with over-eating so I'm curious if this would help me.

    Instead of counting bites, something that could help is just putting your fork down and having to pick it up again for each bite. It will slow down your eating to give you a chance to feel full. However, if you are binging/overeating for emotional reasons, most likely neither of these solutions would help you. Figuring out why you are emotionally eating, and solving the underlying issue would probably be more beneficial than counting bites.

    I'm a real man, I eat with my hands
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Even if it was the best thing ever, I know I'd lose track of bites before I've finished with breakfast. Logging foods and keeping track of the calories is so much easier.

    Plus bites of vegetables and bites of lasagna are WAY different. You could end up way under or way over a reasonable calorie count.

    Right, i see what you're saying. The app helps with the counting of bites, but it would be obnoxious to have to remember to press the "bite" button every time you put something in your mouth. However I'm pretty bad with over-eating so I'm curious if this would help me.

    Instead of counting bites, something that could help is just putting your fork down and having to pick it up again for each bite. It will slow down your eating to give you a chance to feel full. However, if you are binging/overeating for emotional reasons, most likely neither of these solutions would help you. Figuring out why you are emotionally eating, and solving the underlying issue would probably be more beneficial than counting bites.

    I'm a real man, I eat with my hands

    I am an animal, whole face down on the plate.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Even if it was the best thing ever, I know I'd lose track of bites before I've finished with breakfast. Logging foods and keeping track of the calories is so much easier.

    Plus bites of vegetables and bites of lasagna are WAY different. You could end up way under or way over a reasonable calorie count.

    Right, i see what you're saying. The app helps with the counting of bites, but it would be obnoxious to have to remember to press the "bite" button every time you put something in your mouth. However I'm pretty bad with over-eating so I'm curious if this would help me.

    Instead of counting bites, something that could help is just putting your fork down and having to pick it up again for each bite. It will slow down your eating to give you a chance to feel full. However, if you are binging/overeating for emotional reasons, most likely neither of these solutions would help you. Figuring out why you are emotionally eating, and solving the underlying issue would probably be more beneficial than counting bites.

    I'm a real man, I eat with my hands

    I am an animal, whole face down on the plate.

    you have a plate!! that's jr level *ish.
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    There is no point in trying this. All that matters is your calorie intake. If you take 80 bites of lettuce or 80 bites of chocolate, your calorie count is going to be WAY different. The concept makes no sense.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I'm gonna bookmark this, so I can make sure it gets another revival in a couple years.