40 Day Juicing Fast:)



  • suzyqhealth
    I have been juicing for a week and plan on doing it for another 7 weeks. I just wanted to let you know it is hard, but you can do it! The first few days were pretty rough, and I was grouchy and cranky, but I feel much better now. Make sure you take juice with you every time you go out because you might have to drink some every couple of hours. I had juice whenever I felt hungry the first few days to help me transition to just juice, and now I have some every 3 hours or so. Good luck, you can do it!
  • Vixiedust
    Vixiedust Posts: 7 Member
    We should swap recipes of our favorite juices:)
    I have one for a mean green drink..VERY VERY Tasty!:tongue:
  • undeludedwish
    Opinions are like *kitten*, everybody's got one.

    Just ask how many of them out there who "ate healthy and worked out" and still gained it all back at one point or another. Doesn't seem to deter more people from doing the same thing now, does it?

    Any attempt at leading a healthy lifestyle is commendable, even if you go down fighting. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I will stick to the fellow peers I have received support from, and they will be able to see my progress. After the 40 day juicing fast as I said, "It will help jumpstart a healthier lifestyle". Whether you believe I can sustain these changes or not doesn’t matter to me. I simply am trying to share an experience I am going to embark on with others of similar interest. So please save your negative comments, I don't care to receive them, when I know they derive from self loathing. So instead of spending your time and energy on being such a pessimistic person, exercise and put it to good use! Let me remind you all that weight loss begins with a POSITIVE attitude, determination and dedication.

    Best of luck to you all,


    What I want to know now is what makes people think negative comments are derived from self-loathing? Is this something they teach in "Everyone's a winner" and "medals for participation" school? Sometimes, negative comments are just indicative that something is stupid or wrong.
  • jenny138
    I just watched the video myself, and am going to start it right after Thanksgiving. I did the traditional eat right and exercise and lost 60 pounds. But some where along the way lost my motivation and gained it all back very quickly. So this is a way I am going to break my addiciton to food and get things back in order and from there will start back on the healthy eating plan. And to everyone who is being so negative... If you are getting the appropriate amount of calories and vitamins, what does it matter?!? You wont immediatly gain the weight back if you stick to a low calorie diet once you break the fast!! There are ALWAYS going to be pros and cons of everything you do no matter what it is. So if the juice fast isn't for you, move on and let this board be for people who want to do the juice fast and encourage each other. Do your own research before you start jumping all over someone for wanting to do this. If you would bother to do research on protiens in vegetables then you would see your protein doesn't have to come from animal foods. You can get all of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables probably way more than you get from just "cutting your calories and still eating regular food". Read this article before you make someone feel like crap for making a lifestyle choice that you don't want to make... ....http://www.rawpeople.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=594&Itemid=110

    I wish you the best of luck and hope we can maybe help each other through the process. :-)
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, I too watched the movie and was equally impressed. Good luck to you in your endeavor to lose while you juice. (play on words, kinda).
    Everyone has different opinions on what is a good human diet. I enjoy juicing, but hate wasting half of the fruits/veggies. I recently purchased a Nutribullet. Does a great job. My personal diet is high fat/low carb/moderate protein. I think I just require more protein than an all vegetation diet would afford me. I am basically going for a lifestyle change. For me it just feels right.

    I wish you all the success in the world on your 40 day fast. Please keep us all up to date on your progress.

    ~~~:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I've done a few 40 day fast, never juice, but mine were for church purposes. I'm actually intending on starting one soon, but it's not about weight loss for me. It cleanses your system pretty good.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    The guy who made the documentary gained all the weight back.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    The guy who made the documentary gained all the weight back.

    Are you serious ?
  • aletheathomas39
    aletheathomas39 Posts: 3 Member
    I like to do short fasts. I usually take three days out of the month to do a juice or water fast. I find that it curbs my appetite for junk and I usually feel really good after the fast.

    I don't know if its because I'm vegan but juice fasting has never given me diarrhea. I do suggest being really careful when you do transition into eating solid food again. Stick to soups the first couple of days then cooked veggies and rice after that. Drinking a little herbal tea during your fast is also a good idea, chamomile and ginger can help settle your stomach.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

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