Team UK - February 2010

kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
Hello All UK'ers... Welcome to a new month and hopefully the begining of a new you!! :flowerforyou:

Im going to start this post off by asking what your particular goals are this month and how you are going to achive them?

I would ideally like to loose another 4lbs by the end of the month (only 3 weeks to do this)!! Short month!! :laugh:

January was pretty hectic for me.. i did a lot of birthday celebrating so im all partied out.. well apart from tonight.. im going out for a meal with an old school friend (our 21st are 2 weeks apart, so we have decided to go in the middle of them)... needless to say im going to have to watch what i eat.. Can anyone recomend something healthy from Zizzis??

The rest of this month im going to stick to what i did last month to loose the lbs... and thats to completely cut out the sweets,cakes and picky foods.. i love grabbing handfulls of food and just grazing!! hehe :laugh:

Hope to hear from you all soon,



  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Katherine!

    Well I am off on holiday in 2 weeks! (eek!!) so I will have to have a half month goal!! I'd like to lose 6lbs before then, I know it's 3lb a week and more than you should aim for but ermmm....I will have to wear a bikini for God's sake!!!!!

    So no carbs and no sugar for me.... I am a massive cake and chocoholic so it's going to be interesting!

    Do you like seabass? That would be a good option from Zizzi's

    Good luck!

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Oh wow, where are you going? Lucky you.. wish i could go on holiday now.. all this cold weather has driven me mad!! :-D

    Oh yeah i am too, i cant resist it sometimes.. just gets the better of me n i have to have a slice.. especially if it is chocolate cake! haha!

    Good luck with it all.. always here for support :flowerforyou:

    Oh yeah i do, do they do a healthyish dish with it in? I was also thinking of the tomato pasta - but i've tried to avoid carbs after lunch.. mmm should be interesting!!!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Totally don't want to rub it in but I'm going to the Caribbean! 30 degrees!! Woop! It's the only thing getting me through this weather!!

    Oh God, I really can't start thinking about chocolate cake now!! Haha!

    Yeah I think it's like a tomato, seabass and new potato kind of thing. I know what you mean about the carbs in the evening, so hard, but makes such a difference to me.
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, Missed the Jan board :(

    Started on 17th Jan on MFP once allowed to get back into the gym after breaking my ankle.

    Slightly jealous of your holiday sparklepants :( But hope you have a fantastic time !!!!!

    Im working towards a work annual day in May and a good friends wedding next year. Want to make sure i look good in a suit for the many photos that are going to be taken.

    As they say, let the fun begin.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks Dax!

    Good to hear you're on the mend....good luck!!
  • JimJam87
    Hi everyone,

    My goal is to lose 4lbs this month. I only started calories on Saturday after a few months of following slimming world. I'm still going to sw classes though as I need the discipline of being weighed by someone every week and I have my 1st weigh in tomorrow so fingers crossed!
    Good luck to all UKers this month x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    tag (will reply later)
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi to the UK .... MFP's February here we come! Let's hope we can achieve the goals.
    My February goals are:- To keep within my calories - hopefully without using the exercise bonus calories!
    To drink more water - yuk!
    To lose 5 lb - pleeese!
    To get in to those size 16 trousers that have been in and out of the "Thin" suitcase!
    Not to eat when bored!
    Not a lot really but enough! Here goes then...... Keep keen and be Lean!

  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hello Team UK and a big welcome to all the new people, including Col, Lauren, gemma, gixer, dax and the person with the long name which I keep forgetting :smile: Hope you all find your way over here from the January thread.

    Cross Thread coversation with shoppie: OMG 8 hrs of a child crying in pain :noway: I'm suprised you have any sanity left at all! :frown: Hope all is well now.

    OK surveying the scene, my weight loss efforts almost sank last month under the excesses of my social life, but still I still managed to lose 8 lbs. :bigsmile: Still lots to lose so this month I'm aiming for 10. Good luck everyone :drinker:
  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    I missed the January board too, don't know where I've been! I'm aiming for 8lb loss this month, I'm going on holiday to the Caribbean too on the 3rd March and although won't be in a bikini any loss is better than none!

    seems like everyone here is doing well, carbs are my nemesis, i think it's just almost all English food is carbs and it's winter so i crave them even more! I'm jealous, I looooove Zizzis!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Welcome, embr :flowerforyou: I love zizzi's too (sigh!).

    Speaking of jealousy, are either of you caribbean bound people heading for Jamaica? I spent much of my childhood there.
  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    i'm going to St Lucia, and sorry to rub it in but i cannot WAIT to feel sunshine on my skin, whilst it's pouring with rain tomorrow I'm gonna sit on my desk daydreaming about it! haha
    mmm i could so eat a zizzis pizza right about now!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone! Day 3 of the February Team! I hope you are all doing well!? :flowerforyou:

    Instead of Zizzi's i went to Pizza Express and had the Vitabella Pizza, it was sooo tasty :) and one of the healthiest pizza's on the list plus i didnt eat it all so i've saved on the cals :) woop! :drinker: Only had a Diet coke and no dessert! Luckily the guy i went with isnt into desserts so i avoided like the plage!

    Embr.. im so jealous of your holiday - you lucky lucky thing!! I hope you have an amazing time! Can i come!? :laugh:

    Lorro - WTG on the weight loss!! Im sure you will do fantastic this month!

    I havent put on any weight, or lost any in the last week or 2.. i blame a certain someones 21st birthday - but i've got back into the swing of things pretty well and look forward to seeing thos lbs drop!! :wink:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Morning everyone!

    well ive lost another lb this week so im on the move again lol

    my goals for this month are:
    lose 2lbs (at least)
    keep the refined sugar out of my diet (im not craving chocolate now)
    drink more water

    Ive never heard of Zizzi's lol
    i ate a whole pizza to myself last night :S 820cals! was still within my cals for the day though so was fine
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Well goal this month is 8 - 10lbs.

    Aiming for 2st loss over next 14 weeks due to having a annual company event mid May. Gives me a weekly target of 2lbs a week and i know its going to be hard to maintain over that time frame but want a good target to aim for.

    So.... Watch this space :)
  • barrierfreeman
    Ive never heard of Zizzi's lol

    ...and there was me thinking i was the only one!

    Not much to report to 'group' this week. Missing chips but i am sure i will live. Managed to get out on my bike both sat/sun for a bit of off road riding. Got about 50 miles done in total. Wish i knew more accurately what the calorie burn was on that. As i know i must have earned a decent wedge of leeway on what i could eat and still have a deficit, but always end up miscalculating and feeling a bit burned out on the monday.

    Anyways, aiming for a 1.5lb weekly drop this month so a slower rate than last month. I am going to increase my calorie limit to allow for the exercise i have been doing, as have been feeling a bit frazzled of late and think it is because i am not taking enough fuel on. Something i really do not want to suffer from next Friday as have my driving test! .....which i was supposed to have before xmas but it was cancelled due to the Arctic weather we had.

    Right, i am off for a run......and i am actually looking forward to it!

    Weird i know ;)
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    So so SO tired today, I could just eat a whole family sized cake I'm sure of it, probably followed by giant fruit and nut bar!!!!!

    I haven't been tooooo bad, ate a packet of crisps though! Grrrr.... baked, but still!!

    I'm off to the hairdressers tonight, this is either really good because I wont be able to eat, or really bad because I'll get home and be starving!!!!!

    A bit fat *sigh* for today I think.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone - :happy: Have had a good day so far... Scales were the same but hey it's early in the week!! Day out in Liverpool . Pub lunch was no problem... Cajun chicken, salad and 1/2 jkt potato. Sorry... I had salad dressing and a bit of butter on my potato. Had a black coffee for dessert and lived dangerously and had a diet coke. And it was.....boring but worth it! It was ...It was!!

    Tonight I've earmarked some Vegetable soup and Ryvita, some carrot sticks, and my hot choc. drink. Well within the calories . No exercise today so I have nothing to help anyway.

    I told my friend in Liverpool about MFP and what a great bunch you all are. Maybe she'll tag along too.

    good luck achieving all the goals you've set for February :drinker:

    Bye for now
  • JimJam87
    Well I've stayed the bloody same this week...again, 2nd week in a row!! I'm gonna put it d0wn to switching diets half through the week as my week runs thurs-wed. Anyway, hopefully a loss next week!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi everyone - :happy: Have had a good day so far... Scales were the same but hey it's early in the week!! Day out in Liverpool . Pub lunch was no problem... Cajun chicken, salad and 1/2 jkt potato. Sorry... I had salad dressing and a bit of butter on my potato. Had a black coffee for dessert and lived dangerously and had a diet coke. And it was.....boring but worth it! It was ...It was!!

    Weh hey! Well done for being so good.. sounds yummy anyways!!

    Diet coke is my vice at the moment, if i cant have anything else.. ill have a coke.. :) it satisfys(sp.) the cravings!!

    Kat x