Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I am being strong and staying away from everyone's leftover Easter candy today. First day I'm re-attempting to go without diet soda AND sweets. So far, so good.

    My snack of plain yogurt, fresh strawberries and granola sounds better anyway.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Viv, Shuntae, Cheryl-- way. To. Go.

    Seriously-- this enemy is so strong-- but it can be defeated-- or at least contained.

    Check the signature-- I've done very well. Kisses, M&Ms, Reeses and Hershey's Miniatures all around me-- in great quantity.

    I know I have to stay away from it. When I fool myself that I can have it in moderation (which I have in the past, and fear I will again some day) I am toast. It owns me from that point on.

    Presently doing a veggie juice gig this week, hoping to cleanse the system and give some arthritis relief. It really is astonishing how less the pain is nearly instantly--

    Appreciate the strength and support from you folks--
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Can you believe this? Yesterday I actually heard someone call licorice a health food because it's fat free. I had to tell them that eating that amount of sugar is not "healthy" a few pieces once in a while is ok but to sit and eat a bag because it doesn't have fat. What kind of healthy is that?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V:2 Sugar:0

    My husband tried to buy me a cookie. I responded "no thank you, it isn't Sunday." Victory, I have it.

    Trying to keep the balance between confident and cocky...because when I get cocky, the white devil is sneaky, and he gets in.

    April sugar brings May... not fit into my pants. mwahahaha.

    Stay strong, sugar free sistahs!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well, I didn't have any sugar until dinner, when I let myself have one of my homemade muffins... :blushing: Oops...

    S: .5 - Sugar: 32.5

    I also had my Rice Dream with cereal (organic cane sugar), but I'm confused by the Rice Dream. It says 12 grams of sugar / cup, but there is no sugar in the ingredients. Where is this sugar coming from?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Hi sugar free friends. I'm not winning the battle all the time, but I'm working on it. Its' a tough one to fight.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi all! Succombed to the sugar fiend for awhile, but am pulling away and gaining ground. It is so much easier for me to eat well when I get up in the a.m. and workout. That does mean getting up at 5 or 5:30. Which is hard for this night owl. But it helps me through the day to eat better. Dh and I will be meeting with another couple tonight and a small dessert will be served. I'll have to see how that goes. Maybe it will be strawberries and whipped cream - which I could easily have. One can always hope!!
  • Ladyhyjinx
    I love it!!! An entire discussion on my nemesis....THE SUGAR MONSTER! Glad to find others to stand by my side in this battle..

    Trying to be sugarfree, but oh the struggle. Addicted to those WW giant fudge bars that pass off themselves as OK, but really are

    Good luck to everyone in their struggle. We can do this.....TOGETHER!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I love it!!! An entire discussion on my nemesis....THE SUGAR MONSTER! Glad to find others to stand by my side in this battle..

    Trying to be sugarfree, but oh the struggle. Addicted to those WW giant fudge bars that pass off themselves as OK, but really are

    Good luck to everyone in their struggle. We can do this.....TOGETHER!

    Hey-- welcome!

    Yes, the WW treats, and all the new, 100 calorie pack treats of crap-- seductive, temptresses all of 'em-- avoid!!!!!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'm on a roll! Did pretty good yesterday, did have the dessert at the meeting. But the only thing I've had today is my 2 squares off my Dove Dark Chocolate bar. It satisfies me and doesn't kick in my cravings, except to finish the bar! I'm getting better with that. This one has lasted 2 days and still has 2 of the 5 chunks left - Monday's after lunch treat.

    Bought some canned salsa from the Hutterite Colony that stopped by to pick up product. MMmmmmm. I don't think sugar will be the issue tonight. I think corn chips with salsa will be the issue! They make the salsa from veggies they grow right there. *drool* It is Friday, after all. Somehow I just have to enjoy and have a little restraint. Chips and salsa is an acceptable dinner, no?? :love:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    MTGirl... Good for you for controlling the cravings! Last time I had After 8's, I was good at only eating one at a time, but after a while, I did like the peeps, and ate all the ones that were left in the box! I realized after that, that I should just avoid the entire thing all together.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello sugar shunners! Easter has come and gone, Lent is over, and this is my first post back on the boards. Am hoping to keep it under control now...

    Read back a few pages. I was at the store the other day, with the Easter candy half off. I picked up the peeps and read the ingredient list, wondering if it would trigger my allergies. Good thing is that it won't. But then I realized I still have a box of orange peeps (orange is my favorite color) in the cupboard from last year. So, I put the peeps back on the shelf.

    Have been traveling this week, took my oldest on a road trip to N.C. to visit my best friend. They have Peanut Butter and Co. on their shelves. I have read about the joys of PB and Co on the forum here. I picked up a jar. I had it gone in 4 days. Damn, that stuff is deadly. Then I was stupid and bought 3 jars to take home. I sat in the hotel room last night and ate 3/4 of a jar spoonful by spoonful. I awoke this morning with stomach cramps. When I get home, I am giving the jars to DH, and he is going to have to ration it. I cannot control myself with it right now. I do not trust myself with it. I've not had this kind of issue before, and I'm not sure how to deal with it. Wow.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I picked up the peeps and read the ingredient list, wondering if it would trigger my allergies. Good thing is that it won't.
    I picked them up and read "gluten-free" and that was good enough for me! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Proud of rebounding today and not letting the sugar monster grip me yesterday--

    Wasn't the best of days yesterday-- lots weighing on me-- rather than continue to eat everything else in sight to avoid the sugar that I craved, I finally indulged in some ice cream.

    Bought some donuts tonight for the kids-- and didn't even sniff 'em-- way relieved--

    Dodged a bullet, I think-- whew!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    So... finished off the second jar of that darned peanut butter tonight. I put DH in charge of the remaining 2 jars. Not sure if that's a good thing. He likes it too, ha ha. Then again, if he eats the jars, then I won't be. Good to be home. It's only 8 and I'm ready for bed already.

    All this talk of peeps, and after I didn't buy them at the store the other day, I thought I'd eat the year old ones that were in my cupboard. Ummm.... no.... even though they were probably still soft and squishy (they had never been opened), DH threw them away when he was on a cleaning frenzy while I was gone.

    Saved from myself again!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Last time I made cookies, I was so disgusted by them and from the amount I was eating, that I ended up throwing them all out! Lately, I had some salted nuts I kept snacking on, and ended up doing that too. It's really the best thing you can do sometimes. You have to do it right when the urge to stop hits. STOP. Look at what you're eating, and throw it out. :smile: I have to do this more often. Or stop baking.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yesterday was my authorized sweet day and I ended up not having any. It did involve homemade macaroni and cheese, so don't throw me a moderation parade just yet. I also had a spoonful of the PB & co. stash I keep in the house...and it's not a trigger food for me. I think it's because it's not refined sugar. Refined sugar = trigger, big time...a lot of other sweeteners (cane syrup, agave, honey, maple syrup) seem actually satisfying. I'm a walking experiment.

    Also, I decided to move my authorized sugar day to a post-strenuous workout time. My trainer has informed me that simple carbs are actually good for muscle recovery, and I'm having major issues there (essentially I'm sore all the time) so I'm doing it in the interest of science. I have boxing on Mondays, and a strenuous lifting/bootcamp class on Wednesdays, so I'm thinking one of those. One.

    Or not. I can't seem to figure this out. I guess I need a screw-up portion of my life to keep everything in balance.:tongue:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Yesterday was my authorized sweet day and I ended up not having any. It did involve homemade macaroni and cheese, so don't throw me a moderation parade just yet. I also had a spoonful of the PB & co. stash I keep in the house...and it's not a trigger food for me. I think it's because it's not refined sugar. Refined sugar = trigger, big time...a lot of other sweeteners (cane syrup, agave, honey, maple syrup) seem actually satisfying. I'm a walking experiment.

    I think I figured out why I went through 2 jars of PB & CO in 10 days (gosh that sounds really bad). With my milk allergies, I have found a semi-sweet chocolate chip (ghiradelli) that is made without milk. It's semi-sweet though, so while chocolatey and good, doesn't trigger sweet cravings, just satisfies. That dark chocolate dream PB & CO is a very sweet chocolate flavor. I think the sweet chocolate is what triggered my binges. I guess figuring it out is step one of conquering it.... Right????
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Oh boy. I'm in trouble here. Not good. Hubby was sick last night with the same thing baby girl had last Wed night. Men are sooooo much worse - at least my man is. I hate being this tired, I cannot overcome the sugar cravings. I'm putting the brakes on, and will do my couch 2 5k run tonight so hopefully that will help. I've slid off the cliff and need to find my way back up!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yesterday was my authorized sweet day and I ended up not having any. It did involve homemade macaroni and cheese, so don't throw me a moderation parade just yet. I also had a spoonful of the PB & co. stash I keep in the house...and it's not a trigger food for me. I think it's because it's not refined sugar. Refined sugar = trigger, big time...a lot of other sweeteners (cane syrup, agave, honey, maple syrup) seem actually satisfying. I'm a walking experiment.

    I think I figured out why I went through 2 jars of PB & CO in 10 days (gosh that sounds really bad). With my milk allergies, I have found a semi-sweet chocolate chip (ghiradelli) that is made without milk. It's semi-sweet though, so while chocolatey and good, doesn't trigger sweet cravings, just satisfies. That dark chocolate dream PB & CO is a very sweet chocolate flavor. I think the sweet chocolate is what triggered my binges. I guess figuring it out is step one of conquering it.... Right????

    I found it didn't taste that sweet to's always interesting how people's tastes/cravings/demons are different. If it makes you feel any better, my last hard-core binge involved two (large) jars of nutella in under two days...and a lot of other foods. Nutella is a crazy trigger for me (I think it's just eating candy in peanut butter form, essentially).

    Last night, I had my scheduled, portion-controlled sugar for the week. (after boxing class). Then, I went home and took my fish oil...and no muscle soreness today so far. Hooray! Wednesday I'll try a controlled experiment with just the fish oil. (I have no idea why that's supposed to help, but that was my trainers recommendation: aggressively don't carb restrict after strength training and take some fish oil after).

    So, now I'm back on the no-sugar train until at least next Monday. I find that for me for now, having an authorized day really helps me say no on the non-authorized day.