Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Couch to 5K just about killed me last night. Maybe I learned my lesson about eating a bunch of sugar then trying to jog. NOT fun! So far, so good today :drinker: On Thurs I do two 10 minute runs so I want the sugar out of my system. Sat is the 25 minute run. I'll call it running if I want to - I don't care what anyone watching me calls it :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    " authorized day "

    Brilliant, V, as always.

    Welcome back, bunny. We missed-ed you. hug3.gif
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I guess maybe that's what my ice cream with the other night-- my authorized day. I was just having a very stressful day, and knew I'd keep eating other junk to try and satisfy my yen for sweets-- so I indulged.

    But, I'm so happy to have gained some control. My kids built "sod houses" for an Oregon Trail unit study we're doing with some homeschool friends yesterday-- their building blocks were brownies. Ouch. They made their roof with chocolate frosting and coconut.

    Minus a fingerful of icing, I abstained-- major victory. I know what happens to me if I give in.

    Still afraid of doing the authorized day-- especially with certain foods. Chocolate? I'm a goner if I touch it. I know this. So, I don't know when I'll let myself have it again.

    Enjoying the current strength-- even if it's not translating into weight loss presently.

    Went to the doctor today who has me up 6 pounds since September. You can't know how this pisses me off. Nothing has changed in my eating and/or activity levels. Watching sugar, sodium, pastas and white bread, et cetera--

    Having my thyroid checked, because at the same time, I have major belly gluck that won't budge no matter what I'm doing.

    At least she didn't blow me off-- great doctor. We'll see what happens.

    Later, my sweet friends.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    Welcome back, bunny. We missed-ed you. hug3.gif

    Awwww.... I missed-ed you's guys too!

    Am doing well staying away from the sugar, although I have to verbally (yes, my family is now positive that I am insane) tell myself "NO!" when I start thinking about that darned chocolate peanut butter. So far, the seals are still unbroken on those two jars.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member

    Welcome back, bunny. We missed-ed you. hug3.gif

    Awwww.... I missed-ed you's guys too!

    Am doing well staying away from the sugar, although I have to verbally (yes, my family is now positive that I am insane) tell myself "NO!" when I start thinking about that darned chocolate peanut butter. So far, the seals are still unbroken on those two jars.

    An out-loud "NO!" is your friend. :laugh:


    I think most people gain five pounds or more in the winter; even those who watch carefully what they are eating. We may think we haven't changed our activity levels, but we really don't do as much when we can't get outside and go to all the summertime functions. I bet you didn't run as much in the winter time, either. It's just cold outside! Those of us (like me) who don't go to the gym and live in colder climates will naturally not get as much exercise unless you're into home stuff like weights or DVDs.

    There are also many "events" centered around huge spreads of food in the winter. The lack of sunlight can contribute to eating more carbs and less hours of activity because of shorter days. I've learned that even life-long thin people gain weight in the winter (no excuses for you Floridians - with your sunny winters!)

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least I didn't gain 15 like last year...........I gained 5 lbs since my doctor appointment in September. I'm not sweating it, and I'm not seeing it as a failure, either.

    It's okay, they will be gone when / if we ever get sunshine again.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hmmmmm-- maybe, Cheryl-- 'cept I did the veggie juice fast last week for four days for the arthritis-- and gained a pound. WTF?

    We'll see-- I'm still plugging along.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hmmmmm-- maybe, Cheryl-- 'cept I did the veggie juice fast last week for four days for the arthritis-- and gained a pound. WTF?

    We'll see-- I'm still plugging along.

    Have you heard anything on your thyroid test Marla?? They should have the results within 2 days or so. At least they do here! You definately should have lost weight on the veggie juice fast. You know, unless you guzzled gallons of the stuff!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hmmmmm-- maybe, Cheryl-- 'cept I did the veggie juice fast last week for four days for the arthritis-- and gained a pound. WTF?

    We'll see-- I'm still plugging along.

    Have you heard anything on your thyroid test Marla?? They should have the results within 2 days or so. At least they do here! You definately should have lost weight on the veggie juice fast. You know, unless you guzzled gallons of the stuff!

    Nope-- not gallons, by any stretch. And I buy the low sodium kind, and drink water with it, to boot. So, it made no sense to me.

    No results yet-- had the blood test yesterday-- I'll call tomorrow and see if they have anything.

    Had a great run tonight-- shorts and a tank top-- felt cool and had good energy-- go figure.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hmmmmm-- maybe, Cheryl-- 'cept I did the veggie juice fast last week for four days for the arthritis-- and gained a pound. WTF?

    We'll see-- I'm still plugging along.

    Have you heard anything on your thyroid test Marla?? They should have the results within 2 days or so. At least they do here! You definately should have lost weight on the veggie juice fast. You know, unless you guzzled gallons of the stuff!

    Nope-- not gallons, by any stretch. And I buy the low sodium kind, and drink water with it, to boot. So, it made no sense to me.

    No results yet-- had the blood test yesterday-- I'll call tomorrow and see if they have anything.

    Had a great run tonight-- shorts and a tank top-- felt cool and had good energy-- go figure.

    Hey, I had my thyroid tested a few weeks ago, and they called to set up more bloodwork...are we in some weird disorder sync? Although, I had a bunch of other junk tested, and apparently only one of them came back with a result that was (according to the nurse who called me) "a teeny bit off"...but she couldn't tell me which one over the phone. I would really like to know why I seem to magically be staying the same or gaining weight while usually calorie restricting.

    And, yes, ladies that's "usually"....

    Yesterday was a super-bad-awful-crazy-out-of-control food day for me. I had a clothes shopping meltdown and essentially just ate for about six hours straight. (I have no idea how I can do this and not hurl.) Strangely, there was no refined sugar invovled (although there were some brown-rice-syrup sweetened cookies from an earthy-crunchy bakery, so pretty much it was sugar) . It was all semi-good food, I just

    Back to my semi-normal self today.
  • oliveoil7979
    Well after reading through the posts I feel like I have found my long lost family. I am a sugar adict. I really thought it was just me that suffered from this. My husband could really care less about sweets, and I don't see other people literaly acting crazy because they are having a sweet attack. lol

    I have not been activley avoiding sugar, but it does seem to happen on its own the more healthy I try to eat. I have been doing a great job..unti yesterday. I stopped at Starbucks, got a skinny late, and a choclate banana coffee cake. (I thought I would give myself a small reward) I spent the rest of the raiding the vending machine, something i haven't done in months. I had cookies and crackers and granola bars. It was out of control. After reading the posts I know it all started with that bit of sugar in the morning that I don't normally have. Isn't it crazy how much it alters our personality and eating habits.

    Sugar is not my friend. Sugar is the opposite of my friend.
    I am "back on the wagon" now. Fingers crossed I stay there.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    binged last night............changed my routine.....not sure what triggered it .........but I am on vacation this week .......idle they say so I resolve to get on line whenever I feel the need to cave in. Thanks to all of you Richie
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning all! I did open my jar of dark chocolate dreams peanut butter last night. I smeared it over a banana. Then I dipped in for a spoonful. Realized what I was doing, and took the jar back to the kitchen, put the lid on and left it alone. Yeah me! Semi-controlled portioning! Semi-controlled only because of that extra spoonful.

    Other than that, I've been doing pretty good. I managed to talk myself out of the coffee shop coffee (I usually get a soy snickers bar-expresso, soy milk, hazelnut flavor, chocolate syrup and caramel syrup, I think it ends up being 400 to 500 calories). I stood in front of the bakery case at the store, salivating, before finally talking myself out of anything (which was good, because it would have triggered my allergies). I stood in the checkout line vacillating between a candy bar (chocolate will trigger allergies) and skittles, finally deciding on neither.

    Not sure why I've been craving so much lately. Is it because of the peanut butter binging of last week? All I know is I've been struggling quite a bit since coming home from vacation. I've been winning the battle, but still, it's a struggle.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Well, I still say it's the lack of sunshine. CrossedArms.gif

    Welcome sister oliveoil! :flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Hey gang. Long time, no post.

    Some friends that have been in your life a long time are really hard to cut all ties with and move on like you never knew them in the first place. You know the good times you had and no matter what you tell yourself about how bad they are for you, it's hard to ignore that friend.

    Just sayin........

    I decided yesterday I either have to deal with the dang friend or deal with the extra belly pudge. It's so sad I can't have my friend and a flat tummy. :sad:
  • wannabe
    wannabe Posts: 29
    oh but donuts are!!!! i really dont care i will eat donuts and i will <3 them forever..............
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I still say it's the lack of sunshine. CrossedArms.gif

    Welcome sister oliveoil! :flowerforyou:

    Well, blood tests supposedly are normal-- Internet says thyroid is historically misdiagnosed, so I think they're full of crap. But, not much I can do. I can go down the list with symptoms-- brittle, crunchy hair, et cetera-- but, you know, whatever--

    Good thing, I guess, is 40 pounds ago, while I was "unhappy" with my appearance, I lived with it-- content. If I gained 5 over the winter, eh, no biggie--

    According to my scale, I'm 4.5 pounds up-- and it's all in my belly and back-- and I feel like a beached whale. Definitely not content-- love the change.

    Still working my butt off-- not giving up by any stretch. Body may not respond, but I'm gonna mind my P's and Q's, dot my I's and cross my T's, do the ABC's of this new lifestyle and hope the weight comes off PDQ.

  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Marla - did they give you a print out of your results?? If not, ask them for it. I once had a Dr. tell me my TSH level of 16 was normal. Ha! There is some variance in what is considered normal but 3.2 - 5.5 is the high end of both scales used. Would be interesting to know the actual result.

    Hope something breaks loose for you soon :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla - did they give you a print out of your results?? If not, ask them for it. I once had a Dr. tell me my TSH level of 16 was normal. Ha! There is some variance in what is considered normal but 3.2 - 5.5 is the high end of both scales used. Would be interesting to know the actual result.

    Hope something breaks loose for you soon :heart:

    Nope-- but I am going to call in the morning.

    I got this terribly annoying form letter--

    "I hope you continue to do well and look forward to seeing you-- blah, blah, blah"

    Uh, hello? If I was doing well, I wouldn't have come to you in the first place-- idiot.

    I don't run to the doctor with anything-- ever. I have to be dragged there. Hell, I suffered through 12 agonizing hours of a gall stone attack last spring before finally going to the emergency room-- and was told that my gall bladder was so infected they couldn't even remove it yet-- I had to have a day of IV antibiotics before they'd remove it.

    So my point-- I'm no sissy. If I'm going to the doctor, it's because I truly feel like crap, lady-- so take your form letter and put it where the sun don't shine.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Marla - did they give you a print out of your results?? If not, ask them for it. I once had a Dr. tell me my TSH level of 16 was normal. Ha! There is some variance in what is considered normal but 3.2 - 5.5 is the high end of both scales used. Would be interesting to know the actual result.

    Hope something breaks loose for you soon :heart:

    Nope-- but I am going to call in the morning.

    I got this terribly annoying form letter--

    "I hope you continue to do well and look forward to seeing you-- blah, blah, blah"

    Uh, hello? If I was doing well, I wouldn't have come to you in the first place-- idiot.

    I don't run to the doctor with anything-- ever. I have to be dragged there. Hell, I suffered through 12 agonizing hours of a gall stone attack last spring before finally going to the emergency room-- and was told that my gall bladder was so infected they couldn't even remove it yet-- I had to have a day of IV antibiotics before they'd remove it.

    So my point-- I'm no sissy. If I'm going to the doctor, it's because I truly feel like crap, lady-- so take your form letter and put it where the sun don't shine.

    I hear you on that! I don't go unless it is imperative!! Like I think maybe I'm going to die. Definately get that print out! Sometimes Dr.'s decide a level is perfectly o.k. when it isn't - it amazes me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Hey gang. Long time, no post.

    Some friends that have been in your life a long time are really hard to cut all ties with and move on like you never knew them in the first place. You know the good times you had and no matter what you tell yourself about how bad they are for you, it's hard to ignore that friend.

    Just sayin........

    I decided yesterday I either have to deal with the dang friend or deal with the extra belly pudge. It's so sad I can't have my friend and a flat tummy. :sad:


    I recently "broke up" with a very good friend of 20 years. It is awful. They were like family to me. But as much as I used to love being around her, I cannot deal with the "Oh, woe is me..." any more. At some point, if all they do is complain: then they need to either change it or SHUT THE H-E-double-hockey-sticks UP !

    We are all dealing the best we can with things that are less than perfect in our own lives.

    I cannot solve her problems. I can barely solve my own.

    And I'm tired, oh so tired of hearing about the same problems for decades......