Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Boo to a form letter, Marla. Boo to it.

    I apparently have a vitamin B12 deficiency, and they did more bloodwork to find out why. This would explain the extreme fatigue (sample: lay down on the sofa at 2 pm to watch a movie, wake up at 5:45 going "wha' happened?" after sleeping the sleep of the dead for a few hours..really the sleep of the dead, I have slept through multiple phone calls and doorbell rings.) and crankiness. Also, if it's a malabsorption issue (which it pretty much has to be, since I'm not a vegan, an alcoholic or have Crohn's disease) it would explain why sometimes I am starving physically, as my body is not getting the nutrition out of the food I'm eating (or the vitamins I'm taking, apparently, as one of the supplements I take is B12). I am a mixture of cranky and grateful that they found something actually verifiably wrong.

    Also, I have two squares of dark chocolate yesterday. (see low energy levels comment above). I'm still avoiding the white devil, though. (it was earthy-crunchy, sweetened only with coconut dark chocolate.) Comment from the farmer's market dude selling it to me "it's essentially just heart medication". I'm pretty sure he was high.

    As a side note about the lack of sunshine...look for these things called "D drops" at the pharmacy. Miraculous. Got me through February without committing a single act of violence. (my good moods are entirely solar powered.)

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla - did they give you a print out of your results?? If not, ask them for it. I once had a Dr. tell me my TSH level of 16 was normal. Ha! There is some variance in what is considered normal but 3.2 - 5.5 is the high end of both scales used. Would be interesting to know the actual result.

    Hope something breaks loose for you soon :heart:

    Hey-- well using the range of 0.45-4.500-- my TSH level is 2.96 -- for what it's worth.

    Curiously, my blood chloride level is 108-- 108 being the top of the scale-- and my blood sodium level is 143, high end being 145. Both of which are linked with dehydration-- *gulp* I'm historically negligent about water intake since I bloat so badly.

    But, I bloat anyway-- even without all the water--

    Not sure whether to follow up about this with the idiot doctor or just start drinking more water--

    Probably B-- I hate doctors-- I'll just start upping the H20 and see what happens.
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    This is definitely something I am concentrating on cutting out of my food intake!! I'm glad I found this post on another thread!!:happy:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kristina-- so glad you found us. And I love your inspiration in your profile-- "me, me, me." That's why I'm here, too-- not for an occasion, a dress, an event-- I'm here for M-E.

    You can do this-- MFP can help-- welcome aboard!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Hi, everyone! Welcome Kristina:flowerforyou:

    So much easier to stay away from the enemy when there is no big freakin' HOLIDAY to deal with!

    Happy Sunday!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    ok guys the sugar thing almost got me but Ididn't cave in:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    ok guys the sugar thing almost got me but Ididn't cave in:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: :wink: Nice job!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I am still not eating sugar, FYI. I even skipped my "sanctioned/allowed/authorized" Sunday this week. I did have wine, which is essentially sugar in another form, but that's all. (and it was totes delicious)

    Stay strong, friends and new friends.:flowerforyou:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Marla - did they give you a print out of your results?? If not, ask them for it. I once had a Dr. tell me my TSH level of 16 was normal. Ha! There is some variance in what is considered normal but 3.2 - 5.5 is the high end of both scales used. Would be interesting to know the actual result.

    Hope something breaks loose for you soon :heart:

    Hey-- well using the range of 0.45-4.500-- my TSH level is 2.96 -- for what it's worth.

    Curiously, my blood chloride level is 108-- 108 being the top of the scale-- and my blood sodium level is 143, high end being 145. Both of which are linked with dehydration-- *gulp* I'm historically negligent about water intake since I bloat so badly.

    But, I bloat anyway-- even without all the water--

    Not sure whether to follow up about this with the idiot doctor or just start drinking more water--

    Probably B-- I hate doctors-- I'll just start upping the H20 and see what happens.

    I hope the water thing's been helping. More water drinking = less water retained. That TSH is really good. No matter what scale is used. That is a perfect number. Hope you figure out something!!

    Oh - and for the record - been gorging on sugar. Boo. The stress level here at work has been unreal. It's hard being the receptionist, secretary, bookkeeper, sales support/sales person and pleasant. (I have a strange feeling that my spelling just went to crap in this post.) Help everyone, answer all the questions, fix all the problems, send out the bills, apply the payments, justify reasoning for people hundreds of miles away, and be nice. All while having PMS. I could really use a visit from one of my friends, Jack (Daniels) or Jim (Beam) or even Crown (Royal) :) *sigh* Not to be, but whatever - chocolate's been handy. Hubby is supposed to get his first paycheck of the year Friday. I really hope he does! These people haven't been real reliable and I'm pissed that he went back to work for them, but we shall see what happens. Sorry for the vent!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member

    Your vent included the battle with sugar. We can all relate. I think I had your job in a past life. I seriously feel your pain.

    At the front desk, there is always sugar. Arrgh.

    Feel better. fridaysmileybigger.gif
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member

    Your vent included the battle with sugar. We can all relate. I think I had your job in a past life. I seriously feel your pain.

    At the front desk, there is always sugar. Arrgh.

    Feel better. fridaysmileybigger.gif

    Thank you Cheryl! I needed that :) Next week our new salesman starts so the month of us trying to do that job will be done. Yay. Crop science is really hard with no training! TGIF!! and TG even more it is rainy. No planting or spraying going on today! I'm almost caught up with my work and filing. Then I can start fresh Monday. I do manage to keep the sugar out of my office though, unless I traipse back to the break room and bring it back with me. Or the empty office next to me with the evil mini peanutbutter cups. However, next week that office will have a person in it so I won't be so tempted to snag "just a couple". :drinker:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Let's just be honest and say......too much sugar and not enough sunshine.

    I'm soooooooooooooooooo over this cold rainy spring.:grumble:

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

    oh..........(a "record" is an old-school vinyl disk that was used on an electric-plug-in device called a record player....when a record would become scratched, it would "skip" and play the same sound over and over and over.) :tongue:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Let's just be honest and say......too much sugar and not enough sunshine.

    I'm soooooooooooooooooo over this cold rainy spring.:grumble:

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

    oh..........(a "record" is an old-school vinyl disk that was used on an electric-plug-in device called a record player....when a record would become scratched, it would "skip" and play the same sound over and over and over.) :tongue:

    I am so glad you explained that:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    I say come ona my housea, mya house...............(an old song from the 50s)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Let's just be honest and say......too much sugar and not enough sunshine.

    I'm soooooooooooooooooo over this cold rainy spring.:grumble:

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

    oh..........(a "record" is an old-school vinyl disk that was used on an electric-plug-in device called a record player....when a record would become scratched, it would "skip" and play the same sound over and over and over.) :tongue:

    I am so glad you explained that:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    I say come ona my housea, mya house...............(an old song from the 50s)

    !!! Jeannie-- get thee behind me, Satan-- the lyrics of the song are-- ahem--

    "Come ona my house, my house, I'm a gonna give you candy-- "

    (didja ever hear the Bette Midler album where she sings old Rosemary Clooney songs? To. Die. For. Produced by Barry Manilow-- awesome stuff)

    Sugar is not my friend. :wink:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Two words, Cheryl: D drops. Seriously. Trust your SAD sister. One teeny drop = 1000 whatevers of easily absorbed vitamin D3. Magical, I assure you. (My doc says I can do up to 5000 a day. Apparently, it's one of the vits that's really hard to overdose on.)

    In other news, I have avoided refined sugar for yet another week. I have had some honey. I had honey with my yogurt one morning before a spin class. Sugar = massive energy boost. Yowza. Other than that, "all fruit" sort of jelly, fruit, pecans and almonds have been doing it for me.

    In other other news, some of my pants are literally falling off of me. Coincidence? I say no.:heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    and...I just ate a cookie.

    I'm blaming all the sunshine.:tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Not fair. You aren't s'posed to have sunshine and cookies.

    The Vit D thing. I take a 100% supplement daily. I'm just wanting to be vitamin can do that. I'm in layers of clothes still and not able to be outside as much as I would like.

    I've been taking my cats in their cages in the car. Cause I want to move to Florida and it's an eight day drive. With two cats. Who for all intents and purposes believe with every fiber of their little beings that I am taking them to the VET every time I put them in the car. Or perhaps to the SHELTER - which is not a bad plan (I'd never!) but that is where they came from.

    Or maybe I'm anthropomorphising and it's some other phobia altogether. Like that cats are just freaking neurotic by nature.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Let's just be honest and say......too much sugar and not enough sunshine.

    I'm soooooooooooooooooo over this cold rainy spring.:grumble:

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

    oh..........(a "record" is an old-school vinyl disk that was used on an electric-plug-in device called a record player....when a record would become scratched, it would "skip" and play the same sound over and over and over.) :tongue:

    I am so glad you explained that:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    I say come ona my housea, mya house...............(an old song from the 50s)

    !!! Jeannie-- get thee behind me, Satan-- the lyrics of the song are-- ahem--

    "Come ona my house, my house, I'm a gonna give you candy-- "

    (didja ever hear the Bette Midler album where she sings old Rosemary Clooney songs? To. Die. For. Produced by Barry Manilow-- awesome stuff)

    Sugar is not my friend. :wink:

    Thanks for the Bday Bette on FB....rightly appreciated! I will look up this album tomorrow.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    V I looked at my D and I'm taking 1200 I.U. daily in supplement plus all the D I already get in two glasses of milk fortified.

    I should be D-lighted to be in the cold and wet, then, right??

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- so what's the deal with Vitamin D-3 from your perspective?

    My husband has been reading about its benefits on thyroid health-- so, I figured what the hey. Bought 5000 iu of D-3 gel caps--

    Called the doctor for a follow up-- asked for more specific tests the "free t4 and free t3" tests. She gave me major attitude-- we went back and forth-- long story short, she'd rather refer me to an endocrinologist than simply give me a lab slip for another stinkin' blood test-- *kitten*.

    So, I'll be seeing one. You know, (disclaimer: this may come across offensive, but is not meant to) if I were simply an obese woman looking for an excuse on why she's not losing, I'd see her blowing me off.

    But, I told her I measure every freaking thing that goes in my face-- run 12-15 miles a week, 3 days a week of strength training, limit sodium, limit sweets, limit fats-- you know the mfp routine-- I do it pretty damn faithfully-- and my spare tire around the middle grows daily.

    So, I told her I just don't want to be blown off with her little "it was nice seeing you, I hope you continue to be doing well" form letter. She didn't like that much-- tough ****.

    Anyway-- I'll be following up with somebody else, and going the D-3 route in the meanwhile--

    Later, sweet peeps.