Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member

    thanks :wink:

    I think sometimes I get so over-analytical about the whole thing. But I'm determined to solve the puzzle.

    If I had a house full of people, especially kids, I'd have either solved it by now, or weigh 300 pounds. I've constructed a life with no responsibility to anyone else, no need to check-in or make food for other people. It's a good thing I'm analytical: I spend a lot of time in my head. :laugh:
  • countjackula
    Seconded on sugar not being your friend!*

    *Or hundred-and-seconded... there are a lot of posts in this thread. :D
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Glad this challenge is still going. I am on a mission to lose 18 pounds by Valentine's Day, and I have heard of people rapidly losing weight because they cut out all sugars. I might still have some fruits(vegetables have fewer calories, so I tend to eat more of them), but definently the refined sugars are off my list.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Didn't log anything today-- it's Christmas. Had a lovely, sweet-filled day-- back to the usual routine in the morrow.

    perfect day today with all my kids-- really, really a lovely Christmas--

    Wishing all my sweet friends a great day.

    Logging. My albatross.

    So glad you had a nice Christmas. That's great to hear.

    I stayed home alone, fixed my turkey meal, ate my pumpkin pie, woke up with a sugar hangover. Yeah, I definitely have some biological reaction to sugar. That just isn't right......I will do some research on that.

    I liked what Dewdrop said about "things to remove from the refrigerator." I removed sugary stuff from the house long ago....but what her statement made me think of was doing a running calendar on the fridge tracking my treats, and then how I felt afterward. Not the guilt and remorse "feelings" - but the physical feelings: like the sugar hangover this morning. In the past I've been able to break bad habits by noticing how I physically felt when I participated in _ _ _ _ _ <insert bad habit here>. Then sitting with that bad feeling and working through it. The psychological feelings are a whole nuther story.

    So when I start this, probably on January first, I'll track my days successful (by keeping a count 1, 2,3 etc) and by success I'm going to say Not Eating Added-Sugary Treats Of Any Kind. That is the only thing that works for me. I know I'll have something on holidays, but I'm limiting myself to those days again/still. I'm allowing three drinks a week, although I can't remember the last time I had cocktails, I think it was Thanksgiving week.

    To each their own. Marla, if I lived in a house with nine children I would need a different strategy.

    Like maybe eleven drinks a week....

    Well, I ended up logging after all after I posted this-- and was actually rather encouraged that I was only 470 calories over for the day-- so I ate some more chocolate to celebrate. D'oh!!!! *kitten*.

    I've gotten a new plan for 2011. 11 family birthdays account for 9 of the calendar months-- I intend to eat sweets on birthdays only in the year 2011. Three months, January, May and October we have no birthdays-- but, no biggie.

    I've already walked past the chocolate this morning and thumbed my nose at it-- take that, chocolate-- armed with this plan, and a new resolve, I can resist you. So there, nyah!!

    Apple, whole almonds and black coffee for breakfast-- really, really delish.

    Be strong my friends. Sugar is NOT your friend.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I am sooooooooo back on this train in the new year - going to do another 30 days no alcohol, no added sugar, no grains (break in February since it's both my husband and my birthdays) and hit it again hard in march. I did it in November and lost 6 pounds (and a solid 6 pounds since I was crossfitting and building/maintaining muscle mass!)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    All sugary treats are gone from the house now. I ate the entire pumpkin pie by myself on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was yummy and I don't feel bad about it. I skipped a meal on both days, had pie instead, went way over calories....I didn't log them, so don't know how many. But I think for the week I was really close to maintenance calories.

    I have a bottle of champagne for Friday. I'll stay home and fix a nice meal and watch "Phantom of the Opera" as is my New Year's tradition.

    Is it summer yet?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I figured out something last night, and if we look back on this thread it is not the 1st time.

    When I READ about all the sugar, I want sugar more than anything in the entire world!!

    So I will have to avoid this thread :laugh:

    Last night after reading up, I went for 4 pfefferneuse and a glass of milk. :sick:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I figured out something last night, and if we look back on this thread it is not the 1st time.

    When I READ about all the sugar, I want sugar more than anything in the entire world!!

    So I will have to avoid this thread :laugh:

    Last night after reading up, I went for 4 pfefferneuse and a glass of milk. :sick:

    Yep, that's part of my problem, too. Sugar is such a trigger food that when a thread goes into "yes, I need to avoid the white devil that is so delicious in the form of x, y or z" then all I can think about is "man, I really want some x, y, or z". And don't get me started on the people who use a piece of cake or some such nonsense as their avatar or signature.

    I'm hereby pledging to avoid the following until January 28th: wheat, refined sugar and alcohol.

    Pray for me.:laugh:
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I'm into the sugar free deserts found in the natural section in the freezer at the grocery stores. I'm used to eating less sugar, but for someone who is not, it will take time to adjust to the new flavors. They make really great substitutes!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Thank you Jeannie and Viviakay.

    Last year, if you will remember, I threw a small hissy-fit about just that subject. When there is discussion about treats, visions of sugarplums dance in my head.

    I'd really really reallllllllllly like to have a thread where it is understood that we not go into detail about all the stuff. If you will remember, I stated that I couldn't continue to read about the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that everyone was eating. That I was going to stop coming to the thread The Thread That I Started!!

    I hated having to say that. But I knew I couldn't control everyone's speech. I wanted this thread to be about "How to avoid the stuff," and strategies to get the cravings under control. Not a confession thread.

    It really isn't helpful to anyone to talk about food on Myfitnesspal support threads. Go to the recipes threads......I'm just saying........

    So the pumpkin thingy will be the last food you hear ME utter on this thread. I debated even posting about it.. . . but everyone else continues to, so I figured I should get over myself. I totally agree, though!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    and oh, Jeannie,
    When I READ about all the sugar, I want sugar more than anything in the entire world!!

    So I will have to avoid this thread:laugh:

    I guess you need to avoid the Black Team and Things that make you proud too.......there is a lot of food talk there......:wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member

    alcohol? :noway:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    alcohol? :noway:

    Not even to excess, just too often. (with every dinner, sometimes lunch...necessary for a celebration, etc.) Since your body pretty much treats it as sugar, I'm sticking to water and lovely hot tea for the next little bit.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    If I might humbly suggest...on a new thread, we could have a "no triggers" rule. It could be an understanding that we're there to discuss techniques for avoiding the addiction (my word, but it applies for me for sure) not how great what we're addicted to is. Because, sugar is not our friend, or our one-night stand or a pleasure...

    I think if we started with that intention, and then requested that no one wax rhapsodic about the white devil, maybe that would work? Maybe? It seems like there are enough of us with this mindset to justify its own thread.

    Because the triggering that goes on here at MFP in general is amazing to me. (not judging...just observing..sometimes I get triggered to crave/overeat just reading a recipe's title on the home page) Imagine an AA meeting where all people did was talk about how wonderful and delicious cocktails were. Not productive. I don't mind talking about something along the lines of "I slipped and now I feel terrible" (no details!) but I hate "I slipped and it was wonderful! I had a .......and a ........ and a juicy....."

    Just saying?:wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    If I might humbly suggest...on a new thread, we could have a "no triggers" rule. It could be an understanding that we're there to discuss techniques for avoiding the addiction (my word, but it applies for me for sure) not how great what we're addicted to is. Because, sugar is not our friend, or our one-night stand or a pleasure...

    I think if we started with that intention, and then requested that no one wax rhapsodic about the white devil, maybe that would work? Maybe? It seems like there are enough of us with this mindset to justify its own thread.

    Because the triggering that goes on here at MFP in general is amazing to me. (not judging...just observing..sometimes I get triggered to crave/overeat just reading a recipe's title on the home page) Imagine an AA meeting where all people did was talk about how wonderful and delicious cocktails were. Not productive. I don't mind talking about something along the lines of "I slipped and now I feel terrible" (no details!) but I hate "I slipped and it was wonderful! I had a .......and a ........ and a juicy....."

    Just saying?:wink:

    I think all of you ladies are onto a wonderful idea-- God bless you all.

    I had a very strong day yesterday-- and feeling grand today, as well.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    If I might humbly suggest...on a new thread, we could have a "no triggers" rule. It could be an understanding that we're there to discuss techniques for avoiding the addiction (my word, but it applies for me for sure) not how great what we're addicted to is. Because, sugar is not our friend, or our one-night stand or a pleasure...

    That's exactly what I was thinking yesterday when I was typing out the thoughts about it. But I've been on MFP long enough to know that if you start making rules, everyone gets all territorial, anti-discrimination, and First Amendment-y.

    So - I thought of naming the new thread something like V's Bugaloo thread is named. What I thought of was something with "White Death" in it....or some made-up word like Bugaloo that makes it easy to search for in the index.....if you follow me...... That way those of us who know the whole long story we've written will be able to log on to it, and yet it won't attract the same attention as the name "S" does. This thread is about to roll anyway, so now is the time!

    Name suggestions?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    "White is only good for linens"?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    "No Confessions"?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    "The "S" word NOT spoken here"?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    "If you ignore it, it goes away"?