cardio is pointless in my opinion



  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I have been doing nothing but cardio for the past three years and have yet to lose any weight. In fact, I have gained. I started with a trainer this week and he has me warm up for a lap on a treadmill, but stresses strength/resistance training. After I work out for an hour doing dry land, he has me swim for an hour and a half for the cardio benefits.

    I truly believe cario has some awesome health benefits, but you can't lose weight with cardio alone!!!

    My first 50 lbs was lost with healthy eating and just Cardio. It wasn't until I hit that 50 that I started with Strength training. Everyone's body is different.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What the point of increasing the size of your muscle? How will that help anyone? It's not directly related strength.

    What sports do you participate in where muscle size is important for your sport?

    Muscle size is directly related to strength, and for the people saying “cardio is good for your cardiovascular health” are not awear that any type of exercise is good for your cardiovascular health.

    Just because cardio starts with the word cardio, doesn’t imply that it is the only exercise good for your “heart”

    and just because your "cardiologist " says its good, doesnt mean isnt written in stone. cardio is ok, but people have died doing cardio and as well as people that have not died doing cardio. such black statements as "my doc says this, so it must be this and all other possible answers are wrong" is just stupid

    Not true. You can gain strength without increasing the size of your muscles. (If you are in a calorie deficit)
  • DzNuts11
    I can burn more calories in the same amount of time doing cardio then lifting weights. Plus, I love what the stair master can do to my glutes. Love the type of burn it offers and bet your bottom dollar it helps me with endurance.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I love to lift, but I also love to box and play sports. I'll do both and just stay happy overall.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Please don't feed the obviously deranged, knife wielding, burqa wearing troll. Thank you!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What the point of increasing the size of your muscle? How will that help anyone? It's not directly related strength.

    What sports do you participate in where muscle size is important for your sport?

    Muscle size is directly related to strength, and for the people saying “cardio is good for your cardiovascular health” are not awear that any type of exercise is good for your cardiovascular health.

    Just because cardio starts with the word cardio, doesn’t imply that it is the only exercise good for your “heart”

    and just because your "cardiologist " says its good, doesnt mean isnt written in stone. cardio is ok, but people have died doing cardio and as well as people that have not died doing cardio. such black statements as "my doc says this, so it must be this and all other possible answers are wrong" is just stupid

    im pretty sure kayaking and cycling is cardio

    yes, i do them bc i enjoy them and not bc i am trying to create a defecit to lose weight, i only do it on the weekends when it doesnt rain

    so your suggesting overweight people should just strength train, and never do cardio?

    Unless it's raining.

    Rainy days are for lifting?


    And I love how the OP has an excuse for his own cardio. He must like doing pointless things.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Cardio fitness really helps in sexytimes. I do anything for my body that helps naked sports.
  • quietcoral
    quietcoral Posts: 64 Member
    Why does it have to be an either/or question? Strength training and lifting improves metabolism long term as muscle is more thermogenic than fat. Strength training and lifting also improve bone density. Cardiovascular improves heart function, hence the reason it is called Cardiovascular. Cardio=heart in latin, vascular=veins. Improved heart function improves lung function and endurance.
    Sure, you can lose weight doing just one or the other, but then you miss out on other health benefits. Just like we focus on balanced nutrition we should also focus on balanced fitness. Not everyone can join a gym or buy weights, but everyone can go out for a walk, take the stairs, and other cardiovascular exercises. Form matters much more in strength training to prevent injury, not everyone can develop good form without a trainer.
    I think instead of criticizing people who are focused on one over the other people should understand that everyone's abilities and resources are different and anything that leads to weight loss and healthier lifestyle should be applauded.

    I agree with this guy. I do both and I think people should do what they enjoy and stop worrying about other people.
  • VogtAndrea
    LOL When someone says that cardio is pointless but are out there doing it anyway, they don't really know from experience whether it is or isn't.
    Frankly, I could diet till the cows come home but if I don't add cardio to the diet, I won't lose anything. My job's sedentary so I need to burn calories somehow. I do some strength and resistance stuff too. You're welcome to think of it any way that you want but I'll keep including it into my life because it works for me and I enjoy it.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Why does it have to be an either/or question? Strength training and lifting improves metabolism long term as muscle is more thermogenic than fat. Strength training and lifting also improve bone density. Cardiovascular improves heart function, hence the reason it is called Cardiovascular. Cardio=heart in latin, vascular=veins. Improved heart function improves lung function and endurance.
    Sure, you can lose weight doing just one or the other, but then you miss out on other health benefits. Just like we focus on balanced nutrition we should also focus on balanced fitness. Not everyone can join a gym or buy weights, but everyone can go out for a walk, take the stairs, and other cardiovascular exercises. Form matters much more in strength training to prevent injury, not everyone can develop good form without a trainer.
    I think instead of criticizing people who are focused on one over the other people should understand that everyone's abilities and resources are different and anything that leads to weight loss and healthier lifestyle should be applauded.

    Yeah, what she said
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I have been doing nothing but cardio for the past three years and have yet to lose any weight. In fact, I have gained. I started with a trainer this week and he has me warm up for a lap on a treadmill, but stresses strength/resistance training. After I work out for an hour doing dry land, he has me swim for an hour and a half for the cardio benefits.

    I truly believe cario has some awesome health benefits, but you can't lose weight with cardio alone!!!
    This is simply untrue. There are many many people on this site who have results that refute your claim. If you create a deficit with cardio, you will lose weight. If you do cardio but eat up to your TDEE, you will not lose weight. It's as simple as that. Cardio allows you to create a deficit without having to be so deprived, which increases the likelihood that a person will succeed.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    why use all your energy tying to create a deficit in your body to lose weight? why not just channel that energy to muscle development.

    and before anyone gets butt hurt, i kayak and cycle every weekend.

    unless you are in a sport that requires aerobic fitness, then yeah there is a point, but other then that just a waste of time.

    cant build muscle in a defecit if you lift regularly.. im bulking and i still do cardio.
  • jnoire
    jnoire Posts: 43
    Why does it have to be an either/or question? Strength training and lifting improves metabolism long term as muscle is more thermogenic than fat. Strength training and lifting also improve bone density. Cardiovascular improves heart function, hence the reason it is called Cardiovascular. Cardio=heart in latin, vascular=veins. Improved heart function improves lung function and endurance.
    Sure, you can lose weight doing just one or the other, but then you miss out on other health benefits. Just like we focus on balanced nutrition we should also focus on balanced fitness. Not everyone can join a gym or buy weights, but everyone can go out for a walk, take the stairs, and other cardiovascular exercises. Form matters much more in strength training to prevent injury, not everyone can develop good form without a trainer.
    I think instead of criticizing people who are focused on one over the other people should understand that everyone's abilities and resources are different and anything that leads to weight loss and healthier lifestyle should be applauded.

    ^^Amen to alll of this!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Cardio fitness really helps in sexytimes. I do anything for my body that helps naked sports.

  • TimTamF
    Why does it have to be an either/or question? Strength training and lifting improves metabolism long term as muscle is more thermogenic than fat. Strength training and lifting also improve bone density. Cardiovascular improves heart function, hence the reason it is called Cardiovascular. Cardio=heart in latin, vascular=veins. Improved heart function improves lung function and endurance.
    Sure, you can lose weight doing just one or the other, but then you miss out on other health benefits. Just like we focus on balanced nutrition we should also focus on balanced fitness. Not everyone can join a gym or buy weights, but everyone can go out for a walk, take the stairs, and other cardiovascular exercises. Form matters much more in strength training to prevent injury, not everyone can develop good form without a trainer.
    I think instead of criticizing people who are focused on one over the other people should understand that everyone's abilities and resources are different and anything that leads to weight loss and healthier lifestyle should be applauded.

    Yep what Julicat6 said...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    The real question to ask yourself, "What specific goal am i training for?" If you answer, "to get bigger" and you get asked "why?" if you say, "i don't know." Then you're doing something pointless.

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Man . . this thread is still going huh?

    It's simply a matter of opinion. Obviously your a weight lifter. Your goals are either hypertrophy or strength training therefore long duration cardio isn't congruent with your goals. However if I was to ask a marathon runner whether they thought bench pressing was important they would probably say the same thing you said about cardio.

    Also, just to be clear, are you actually suggesting ALL cardio is pointless? Because even strength trainers should do conditioning work.

    ^^I would highly advise that you read this article especially this part:

    In another study on elite level Korean Judo athletes undertook sprint interval training with 30 second sprints and 4 minutes rest. The results were compelling “anaerobic peak power and mean power in SIT group was significantly increased by 16% and 17% at 4 weeks and by 17% and 22% at 8 weeks compared to baseline values.” Additionally the blood lactate was lower and ability to clear metabolites was higher in those who did SIT. Jens Bangsbo performed a study in 2009 showing that if you want to run, cycle or swim faster at any distance, you have to train at a pace that is almost as fast as you can move. In 2005 and 2006 Burgomaster et al performed studies looking at the effect of sprint training on endurance. They concluded that short sprint interval training (approximately 15 min of intense exercise over 2 wk period) increased muscle oxidative potential and doubled endurance capacity during intense aerobic cycling in recreationally active individuals. In 2005 Gibala reported that 30 second bursts working at 250% of VO2 max had significant improvements on endurance.
  • Kathy_TheVampireSlayer
    I agree cardio is pointless, i would rather use that energy eating at KFC:drinker: :indifferent:
  • ashleyacee
    about 30 mins Cardio decreases depression and anxiety more than any medication ever could, as well as improves overall health
    IT IS NOT POINTLESS if you care about your HEALTH.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I run because I have 5 kids at home and it's the only way I get out alone... you can't make me stop. But I will admit I love what lifting is doing for my body.
    Okay, I only have 3 kids, but this is me 100%