
  • I do none of these.
  • I found a pin of Bob Harper’s 20 “skinny rules.”

    The Skinny Rules

    1) Drink a large glass of water before every meal - no excuses. --good idea

    2) Don't drink your calories. --meh, i drink SOME.

    3) Eat protein at every meal or stay hungry and grouchy. --great idea

    4) Slash your intake of refined flours and grains. --good idea

    5) Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day. --great idea --not sure why the upper limit is what it is though

    6) Eat apples and berries every single day. Every single day. Single day! --meh, not necessary.

    7) No carbs after lunch. --bogus. I don't agree.

    8) Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating. --ABSOLUTELY!

    9) Stop guessing about portion size and get it right - for good. --ABSOLUTELY!

    10) No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones. --no thanks. not for me.

    11) Get rid of those white potatoes. --bogus.

    12) Make one day a week meatless. --bogus.

    13) Get rid of fast foods and fried foods. --bogus. fast food options CAN BE healthy.

    14) Eat a REAL breakfast. what's real?

    15) Make your own food and eat at least ten meals a week from home. ABSOLUTELY!

    16) Banish high-salt foods.--BOGUS.!

    17) Eat your veggies - JUST DO IT! --ABSOLUTELY!

    18) Go to bed hungry!!! -no thanks. bogus recommendation.

    19) Sleep right. -what is right? I agree that sleep is important.

    20) Plan one splurge meal a week if you must. . --ABSOLUTELY!
  • I love lists like this because anyone can find a couple new ideas that they haven't experimented with. not everything works for everyone, but everyone can find something that works!

    I agree. not all will work but it's something to consider. I LIKE the list.
  • Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?
  • easybeinggreen
    easybeinggreen Posts: 6 Member
    My goal isn't to be "skinny," so I'm free to ignore these and eat white potatoes.

    My words exactly!
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    I don't like any extreme set list of rules. There's a handful of good tips there though. Take a few rules from all the different ones and combine them, that's what I think is the best.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Oh Well..I will never be skinny then. I dont do any of those..
    No carbs after lunch??? Go to bed hungry?? No thank you very much
  • Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    no carbs after lunch is nonsense and you shouldn't go to bed hungry in my opinion. Those sorts of things increase the odds of becoming a binge eater.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.

    That is not the definition of hungry.

    And if you are an evening snacker and you have the calories, what's the problem?
  • I dont eat carbs after lunch. If I do its sweet potato or squash. I have lost so much weight just from doing this. If I eat carbs after lunch you bet your *kitten* I was working out after dinner or early in the morning. Carbs are one of the first things to stick and turn into fat.

    I think the wording for, going to bed hungry, is wrong. If you eat dinner at 6pm and go to bed at 10 pm there is no need to eat in between. You should be able to go 4 hours without eating. If you need to eat, grab a veggie.

    Sleep right, 8 hours... no more. I wouldnt sleep less than 6.

    Everyone is different. These rules will work for some but not all. We all have different metabolism and genetic make up.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.

    So have a filling dinner, but you cant have any carbs for what, like meat and veggies..and then no snack after that??..Nah..Being skinny is not that worth..

    I think these rules are BS myself...My rule is 'everything in moderation and work out as hard as you can"..period
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.

    Ok, how about don't mindlessly eat after dinner/near bedtime.

    That is not the definition of hungry.

    And if you are an evening snacker and you have the calories, what's the problem?
  • Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.

    So have a filling dinner, but you cant have any carbs for what, like meat and veggies..and then no snack after that??..Nah..Being skinny is not that worth..

    I think these rules are BS myself...My rule is 'everything in moderation and work out as hard as you can"..period

    Eat a serving of chicken with sides of raw veggies.. that will keep you full. Raw veggies are really good at keeping people full.
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    No 7 and no 5 are also contradictory....

    Actually if you read the book and get into the meat of the rule they are not. He is not talking about all carbs because lets face it most things have carbs in them. He is talking about pasta, bread the heavy loaded carbs not fruits and veggies!

    This actually goes for all of the rules. The list you see is a simplified version of the rules or guidelines whatever you want to call them. A lot of them i do already without really thinking about it. Some people not all need to have a plan, rules, guidelines whatever to keep them focused. Are they all 100% necessary of course not they will vary with each person. If you do not need a set of rules thats awesome! For those of us who need structure these are our rules and right now I'm really enjoying them and they are already starting to work for me 3 days in!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! I love it! However, no carbs after Lunch is hard!

    Can anyone explain 18) go to bed hungry!...why should I go to bed hungry?

    Yes, "go to bed hungry" just means that you shouldn't snack after dinner. If you eat a filling dinner, you won't be hungry anyway. Don't bring food to bed with you, things like that.

    So have a filling dinner, but you cant have any carbs for what, like meat and veggies..and then no snack after that??..Nah..Being skinny is not that worth..

    I think these rules are BS myself...My rule is 'everything in moderation and work out as hard as you can"..period

    LOL I know. Last night I ate about 2 cups of butternut squash for dinner and was full the rest of the evening. It was interesting because there's not a lot of protein in it (from what I figure).
  • flabbyjay
    flabbyjay Posts: 95 Member
    Listen skinny people these aren't for you. You obviously have it figured out and/or have great genetics. Most if not all of these are right on point.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Well, he *does* want you to go to bed hungry...

    ETA: that was in response to the question asking what you were supposed to eat after lunch on the meatless day. I forgot to quote...
  • Stop getting your panties in a knot over this. They are only strategies for people to lose weight. There's reasons people gain in the first place and this guy is only putting forth some useful strategies to use.

    amen to you my friend.
  • I think a lot of these fall into place with a healthy lifestyle. I still have a carb with dinner, but not a white one. For someone who needs a place to start, taking one of these rules at a time would be a great starting point.

    I agree, I'm sure most of the people on here who are healthy and fit probably already do most of these, maybe they're not calling them rules or punishing themselves over one they might not do but like you said these fall into place with a healthy lifestyle. And definitely for someone starting out who may not know any better or where to start, trying some of these may be a good thing. I think we're a little touchy about the word "rule" lol, how about ideas, tips... Anyway, thought I should mention I don't follow all of these either.

    ^ THIS!