Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • tpaceltsfan
    tpaceltsfan Posts: 6 Member
    I have always been health conscious but after I got married I got comfortable and happy! We started eating out a lot and making poor food choices. My husband does not work out so I stopped working out/running as much as I had before. I joined a new gym and fell in love with their workout plan and started going regularly. The did a company-wide weight loss challenge and I took part. I still did not lose any weight. Finally in late 2012, I decided it was time for a change. I made it through the holidays without any weight gain and started watching what I was eating. I also started attending my gym classes 3-4 days per week. We started another weight loss challenge on Jan. 17 and I went all in! I have lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks. My goal is to get down to 130 which I have not seen in many years! I am also studying to get my nutrition counselor certification so I figured I needed to practice what I preach!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My wedding pictures.... *ugh*

    This^^^ I felt so beautiful on my wedding day (last June) until I saw the photos and realized I looked four months pregnant. Just about broke my heart.

    The other thing was having to clear out clothes that were too small from my closet for the second time in three months. That was it for me.
  • Bookaholic88
    Bookaholic88 Posts: 106 Member
    The BF will be proposing soon, so I'm getting a jump start on the wedding weight loss.
  • d4ggl3s
    d4ggl3s Posts: 11 Member
    Hitting 200lbs. I carry most of my weight in my lower half so when I looked in the bathroom mirror every day I thought I looked pretty great. Only after stepping on a scale did I realize just how heavy I had gotten; I started eating better the next day.
  • smurfaggie07
    I have a trip to Maine this summer and it requires flying on a plane. Soooo I need to lose weight to feel more comfortable flying in an airplane seat. Unfortunately it's slow going and I'm not going to reach my mini goal by July like I'd hoped, but I'm hoping it will be enough for me to still be comfortable on the plane.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I had recently bought a pair of size 22 jeans and started getting too big for them. I refused to buy 24s. I'm down to 14 now & hope to get into the single digits before I'm finished!
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    My doctor scared me in to thinking I would walk out of the room and die. She overplayed it, but it was still a wake up call. I wish my progress was better, but I can see change...it's just been so slow.

    Yeah but think, how long did it take to get to your current weight? How long have you been carrying it?

    So why should it go instantly?

    Give yourself a break and be realistic.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I had once gotten to 235 in high school and ended up losing almost 60 pounds and was 178 at my smallest. I got a new job and went from being active at my job to an office position. Since then I've gained more weight but kept telling myself I was never going to be 200 again. Welp I was 210 when I decided to start again and this time keep the pounds off for good.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    My husband told me how he really felt about my weight gain, since our daughter was born, during a bad fight earlier last month. It wasn't the fact that he was bothered about my weight (he loves me the way I am) but MY entire attitude about it and my inability to never finish what I start. And he was right. I say I will lose weight/diet/exercise only to follow through a couple days and go back to my old ways. I guess it was more that I was not only unhappy with myself but I was also becoming a disappointment to my family which, in turn, became my catalyst.

    My approach is slow so I don't set myself up to fail. I've lost 3 lbs in two weeks and signed up 2 5K mile walks this year. I also started practicing yoga, which not only helps me touch my toes (couldn't do it before!) but also connect with my body and mind and have an overall acceptance of myself so I can make better choices. I'm learning to cope with stress in an entirely different level (instead of resorting to booze all the time).
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    A PHOTO did it for me! I didn't feel 'fat'. BUT I had my photo taken with a group of Navy Moms and when someone posted the photo on a website, I thought, 'Oh my God, I'm FAT!' I felt embarrassed for being so fat....... Hello.........

    I want to be proud of myself for the way I look and feel. My adult children have praised me for losing weight and tell me how grateful they are that I'm taking better care of myself. It's important for them too because I AM important to them.
  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    I have been pretty aware for a long time that I needed to do something about my weight. I would start, then I would stop for one reason or another. Over the years, I got really good at the excuses. But, I hid everything from pretty much everyone. I would lie about my weight, or what I ate that day... Even photos taken were mostly cropped to only face images.

    Then, the wake-up call and shock... Over the holidays, my husband took pictures of me with our daughter. And not the close up kind - the ones where you see the WHOLE part of me. I was embarrassed, mortified, and just disgusted that I allowed myself to get to this point. I started MFP the next day and haven't looked back.

    I'm keeping that picture. Not because it's great, but because it will be my constant reminder of where I don't want to be ever again. And I made everything public... No longer will I lie to anyone - ESPECIALLY myself. So, I am documenting EVERYTHING on my blog.

    I have a long way to go, but I'm happy that I made the first step to really making the lifestyle change. One day at a time...
  • SRT4twg
    SRT4twg Posts: 35 Member
    The last straw for me was when I had a very nice Christmas cruise dinner I was to attend and I needed a nice dress to wear.

    I don't normally wear dresses but I have about 15 I keep for special occasions( I know a lot but I'm a clothing hog :) I knew I was heavier than the last time I tried on dresses so I saved my one emergency dress for last and tried on all the rest. None of them fit. That was kind of expected so I pulled out the emergency dress.... It didn't fit either! I just couldn't believe it. How could I have put on that much weight when I thought I had lost weight by going to the gym months before.....

    I ended up having to special order a dress that would fit and I just couldn't let myself do that again. I might not have realized how big I had gotten but the clothes don't lie.

    I had been going to the gym for months but not really watching what I ate and that was the problem so January I started logging my food and finally started loosing weight.

    I'm so happy I found MFP!
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Realizing I'm "the fat one" in photos with my friends
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I looked at myself one day in teh mirro and it felt awful to see how gross I'd become and I remeber actually and honestly HATING myself.

    I never want to feel that again.
  • danijolson
    danijolson Posts: 32 Member
    Sadly enough, for me being borderline diabetic didn't do me in, neither did having my boyfriends "big tee's" getting to tight on me, it was when I was working at a bank and two times in the same month by different customers, I was told that I have a BEAUTIFUL pregnancy glow and how cute I look pregnant. I have never been pregnant so that for me hurt.... and now Im here!!
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Holiday in Aprl this year and deciding I am finally going to go, feel good and enjoy myself x
  • Sarah_L_S
    Being 'congratulated' by a former colleague I bumped into on the tube....

    Him: Hey, long time no see! Oooh, congratulations!
    Me: On what? (I had started new job 1 year earlier.)
    Him: Ha ha, well you've either put on 25kg or you're expecting! When are you due?
    Me: I have put on 23kg *fights back tears*
    Rest of carriage: Shut up you idiot...

    After fighting back the tears for the rest of the journey home, I went home, had a big cry, then the following morning I walked into the gym on the way to work and joined up. I've been 3x a week for the last 8 months and have lost 8.5kg so far. His thoughtless comment was the kick up the backside I desperately needed!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I was so sick and tired of feeling depressed and hating the way I looked. I literally just woke up one day and thought "*kitten* this". And it's been awesome ever since :drinker:
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    I am 29 and have high cholesterol, it runs in my family. I decided to be a healthier verson of me, and lose some weight in the process. I also gained 15-20lbs over the last year, and that was really the kick in the rear that motivated me.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I've had way to many...and way to many fails.
    I've started to cover myself up whenever my husband would look at me.
    My "big" girl pants don't fit anymore.
    NOTHING fitting anymore
    Hidding from the camera...
    I HATED shopping (where did that come from!!??)
    Looking at old pics and feeling like that was the REAL me...and I'm some fake horrible unhappy version of that.

    I'm glad I looked into this today. I've been bad all last week & weekend...and I need to get on this again.