Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    Got denied for life insurance, blood test was sky high for A1C test, diagnosed with diabetes. Thought hell these guys are not even willing to take my money and gamble I am going to live for 10-20 years. Yikes!!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Watching my mother nearly die from cardiac issues this time last year. She was 84 then and almost 86 now. I had a conversation with myself while watching her in the cardiac ICU. It went something like this, "I look like you more and more every day. I have had a lot of the same issues you've had over the years, too. I've managed to dodge your diabetes, but that's the only thing I haven't gotten. This one is really scaring me. I'm going to be just like you soon if I don't make some changes. Besides, daddy had some cardiac problems, too. Genetically, I'm so screwed."
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Its not one thing, its a multitude of things hitting at once.
    First, seeing pictures of myself and not recognizing who I was. Second, finally weighing myself and being TWENTY lbs heavier than I thought (I was clearly in denial). Third, pole dancing for over a year and still not being able to invert. Fourth, not wanting pictures taken of myself doing awesome pole tricks cause I didn't like what i would see. Fifth, my life is all over the place and I need to take control of one thing to improve myself. Sixth, just being so damn tired of my weight affecting me everyday either emotionally or physically.
  • SeekingOne54
    SeekingOne54 Posts: 38 Member
    I work at an inpatient hospice facility. Last summer we had a 62 yr. old man with ALS come to us to live out his final days. One morning I was feeding him breakfast and I happened to mention how I was thinking about "maybe" losing some weight. He said to me, "Deb, if I could get rid of this ALS with diet and exercise, I'd do it in a heartbeat." That hit me like a ton of bricks and the next day I joined MFP. No more excuses. While none of us know whether we'll get a disease like ALS, cancer, etc. we can do our best to live healthy lives eating correctly and exercising (which can control or reverse some health conditions without meds).

    Greg died a few days after Christmas, but his words encourage and inspire me everyday. He made a difference in my life and I pray I can do the same for others.

    Take care all.
  • cdightman
    cdightman Posts: 7 Member
    I played football at 185 back in the dark ages (1980's). I've gained weight since then. I've always known I should lose weight. For the same reasons others here have noted (looked like a whale in pics, breathing hard after taking 15 steps, etc...but none of that really seemed to do the trick).

    I was a bit sick a while back (I never get colds) and a co-worker told me if I didn't go to a doctor she wouldn't talk to me anymore. I had an ear infection in both ears...no big deal really....but they made me get on a scale. The number I saw there was unbelievable...about 70 lbs more than I ever believed it could be. That did it for me...right there.

    I went home, bought a scale and started logging my calorie intake each day. I give myself a "cheat" day every three weeks but eat under 1800 calories every other day. I walk a few miles each week while my daughter has soccer practice and that's helped tremendously. I weigh myself once a week and it's great to see the pounds falling away. Having that scale has been a godsend.

    Love reading these forums too...full of little motivational tidbits all the time.
  • hubtech
    hubtech Posts: 43 Member
    Stepping on the scale and hitting it's upper limit. Didn't want to have to buy a super duty version - enough was enough. I had to make changes. Started down the road to gastric surgery but found an alternative that has worked for me.

    Anyone can add me for mutual support.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    For me it was a changing room mirror in the LL Bean Store. I didn't realize just how big I had become and I didn't like what I saw.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    Mine was 2 things, my doctor wanted to put me on pills for cholesterol and blood pressure, and she said I was border diabetic. I didn't want to go on pills so asked her to give me some time, she gave me 5 months to make and improvement, so i lost 6Kgs and started exercising and that was enough to bring all my levels down so she said ok, your safe for now. I also went to Darwin with hubby for 6 days and it's very hot and humid there, and walking to see the falls and sights was very hard, we are going to travel around Australia in a few months, for a few years and I wanted to be fit enough to do the things we want to do. That was 2 1/2 years and 24Kgs ago, I'm the fittest I've ever been and have been able to keep it off, I'd still like to lose another 5Kgs but that's really only for looks, I'm fit enough and happy enough and healthy enough at my current weight, so I don't stress too much about losing the last 5.....:tongue:
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    1. Im young!!
    2. I KNOW I DESERVE BETTER, thats why I am doing what I am doing
    3. I want to be married eventually and have a family. I dont want to be self conscious and having extra baggage when I meet my special guy.
  • mattyb1971
    Gout. Boy, that sucked.
  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    For me it was a series if small things. First...my clothes didn't fit. I put on my cute summertime shorts and they were painted on. My cellulite was oozing out in bulges. Ugh my dryer shrank my shorts. ;)

    Then during changing in front if my husband his reaction to seeing me went from, "Dayum! How did I get a hot girl like you?" to, "I love you no matter what." It was subtle but I noticed it.

    Then the clincher was saying in front if my friends, "I think I want to lose a little weight," and they didn't do the girl thing where you say, "What? You? No way you look great." Instead they gave md diet and exercise tips.

    I knew I was gaining but I thought I was hiding but from everyone. Turns out, I was only tricking myself and weight was getting out if control.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    When my doctor told me the side effects of type II diabetes, I got so scared that I wouldnt be healthy and here for my kids.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    my fat clothes don't fit anymore. I tried to put some jeans on and realized that none of them fit. I'm stuck wearing skirts and leggings and yoga pants for a bit here.
  • krissyphard
    I would have to say, My weight was making me sick and my daughter said to me, "mommy you sleep to much and your always sick." It made her sad and i thought to myself that I could do something about this. Im worth being healthy and my children deserve for me to do the best I can to stay as long as I can to be in this world with them.
  • Front_Runner
    For me it was a series if small things. First...my clothes didn't fit. I put on my cute summertime shorts and they were painted on. My cellulite was oozing out in bulges. Ugh my dryer shrank my shorts. ;)

    Then during changing in front if my husband his reaction to seeing me went from, "Dayum! How did I get a hot girl like you?" to, "I love you no matter what." It was subtle but I noticed it.

    Then the clincher was saying in front if my friends, "I think I want to lose a little weight," and they didn't do the girl thing where you say, "What? You? No way you look great." Instead they gave md diet and exercise tips.

    I knew I was gaining but I thought I was hiding but from everyone. Turns out, I was only tricking myself and weight was getting out if control.

    I can SO relate to those things! There were other things, too... life goals for me, but ^^ was totally true, too!
  • brismum10
    brismum10 Posts: 25 Member
    there is afew reasons i finally decided to do this most importantly for my health i am an insulin deoendent diabetic and most of my family have died fromoir had limbs removed due to damage. i have a 2 year old daughter who i want to b around for. i want morr energy to run around and to see her grow up. i met a guy who loves me the way i am but i weighmore than him and hes a big rugby player. hitting over 14o. kgs and my legd swelling and been sore cos i weigh.so much and to mayb fall pregnant again one day
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i had just turned 22, and was so unhappy i didn't want to go out and celebrate.

    i decided i was too damned young to be so unhappy and fat.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    My mother developing type 2 diabetes. Heart attacks in the family. My favourite dresses not zipping up anymore...
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    When I stepped on the scale and saw I weighed 252 pounds. I realized I was closer to weighing 300 pounds than 200, and for some reason that scared the heck out of me. I started my weight loss journey that very day (April 14th, 2004).