Do you think milk is safe?



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Think about this........... Those parents who are so concerns about the health and wellbeing of their kids drinking milk are the exact same people feeding their kids all the processed crap like lollies, chips, biscuits cakes and wondering why their kids are obese at 10, 12, 14 years old.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Life without dairy is no life worth living.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ''Everybody is overreacting,'' Mrs. Child said. ''If fear of food continues, it will be the death of gastronomy in the United States. Fortunately, the French don't suffer from the same hysteria we do.'' ''We should enjoy food and have fun,'' Mrs. Child insisted. ''It is one of the simplest and nicest pleasures in life.''

    Mrs. Child recalled that when she began her mission of bringing French cooking into American kitchens nearly 30 years ago, ''no one cared'' about what food might do to one's health. ''Those were halcyon days,'' she said. ''You could eat anything you wanted. I remember a wonderful recipe for spinach. You put in as much butter as the spinach could possibly hold.''

    No more. Today, nutrition has ''reared its ugly head,'' she said, and cholesterol has ''become a trendy word.'' People are so fearful of what they eat, Mrs. Child observed, ''they are no longer enjoying food the way they once did, and the dinner table is becoming a trap rather than a pleasure.''
    Quote from - etoiles_argen

    I believe most of us are on this website because we didn't care about what we ate, and put as much butter in spinach that it could possibly hold. Those things had side effects on us that are, diabetes, HIGH cholesterol, heart attacks, etc... Don't know how this was supposed to help but if I ate like Julia Child's wisdom states, I'd be back where I started, unhealthy, unhappy, and on my way to diabetes.

    Live how you'd like, food doesn't scare me.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    ''Everybody is overreacting,'' Mrs. Child said. ''If fear of food continues, it will be the death of gastronomy in the United States. Fortunately, the French don't suffer from the same hysteria we do.'' ''We should enjoy food and have fun,'' Mrs. Child insisted. ''It is one of the simplest and nicest pleasures in life.''

    Mrs. Child recalled that when she began her mission of bringing French cooking into American kitchens nearly 30 years ago, ''no one cared'' about what food might do to one's health. ''Those were halcyon days,'' she said. ''You could eat anything you wanted. I remember a wonderful recipe for spinach. You put in as much butter as the spinach could possibly hold.''

    No more. Today, nutrition has ''reared its ugly head,'' she said, and cholesterol has ''become a trendy word.'' People are so fearful of what they eat, Mrs. Child observed, ''they are no longer enjoying food the way they once did, and the dinner table is becoming a trap rather than a pleasure.''
    Quote from - etoiles_argen

    I believe most of us are on this website because we didn't care about what we ate, and put as much butter in spinach that it could possibly hold. Those things had side effects on us that are, diabetes, HIGH cholesterol, heart attacks, etc... Don't know how this was supposed to help but if I ate like Julia Child's wisdom states, I'd be back where I started, unhealthy, unhappy, and on my way to diabetes.

    Live how you'd like, food doesn't scare me.

    then why are you on MFP? just curious.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    And for all you masochists out there who really just had to know....

    Topic 4: Raw milk is safe right?

    Yes, it is safe if it comes from a reputable dairy farmer. My uncle had a dairy farm before he retired. Raw milk is *all* they ever drank. I used to love drinking it when we went for visits. Anyone who tells you otherwise puts too much faith in food industry bureaucrats.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    If I cut out everything that *might* cause cancer, there would be nothing left to eat.

    I'll stick with trying to eat a sensible variety of foods.

    I tend to want to go with this concept.

    What a range of strong responses (in both directions) that I got on this thread. Anyway, this whole argument brings this Shel Silverstein poem to mind...


    I was settin' at this restaurant
    When the waiter came up and said, "What do you want?"
    I looked at the menu--it looked so nice
    Till he said, "Let me give you a little advice."
    He said, "Spaghetti and potatoes got too much starch,
    Pork chops and sausage are bad for your heart.
    There's hormones in chicken and beef and veal,
    Bowl of ravioli is a dead man's meal.
    Bread's got preservatives, there's nitrates in ham,
    Artificial coloring in jellies and jam.
    Stay away from doughnuts, run away from pie,
    Pepperoni pizza is a sure way to die.
    Sugar's gonna rot your teeth and make you put on weight,
    Artificial sweetener's got cyclamates.
    Eggs are high in cholesterol, too much fat in cheese,
    Coffee ruins your kidneys and so do teas.
    Fish got too much mercury, red meat is poison,
    Salt's gonna send your blood pressure risin'.
    Hot dogs and bologna got deadly red dyes,
    Vegetables and fruits are sprayed with pesticides."
    So I said, "What can I eat that's gonna make me last?"
    He said, "A small drink of water in a sterilized glass."
    And then he stopped and he thought for a minute,
    And said, "Never mind the water-there's carcinogens in it."
    So I got up from the table and walked out in the street,
    Realizin' ther was absolutely nothing I could eat.
    So I haven't eaten for a month and I don't feel too fine,
    But I know that I'll be healthy for a long, long time.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    In the wild wild east, in Sindh, when I used to go to the local farmers who kept some cows around, they would take the milk out of the cow and literally pour me a glass. I don't care what anyone says but that was the most delicious thing I ever drank. So rich and... just delicious!

    Many people have drank that stuff raw, straight out of the cow. So fast that the milk is still warm. In Europe it is common practice to do so too. In US, regulations are wayyyy too tough and cautious which actually kills a lot of good enzmes too. Which is also why there are certain cheese that cannot be made the "proper" way in US legally and also why European cheese are far superior in taste

    Just my humble opinion. Also thanks for adding tl;dr btw

    No prob on the TLDR. I know I'm wordy.

    I will agree with you on the raw milk thing. I know several people including veterinarians, farmers and my own mother that have drank raw milk and NEVER had a problem. Why? Because they were raised on it, they are healthy and they are able to fight off the pathogens. The problem is when people push raw milk on the immunocompromised such as HIV patients, organ transplant recipients, or young children without good immune systems. You need to be healthy to drink raw milk. If you aren't, even the stupidest little bug could kill you and raw milk has plenty of stupid little bugs.

    All that said, several of my teachers were talking about getting fresh village cheeses from veterinary assistance trips to Mexico, India, Pakistan and Egypt. One of them got tape worms from eating undercooked chicken. Another got brucellosis from helping birth a cow and had arthritis for two years following treatment. Our head professor went to a farm in South America where the milk was PINK due to blood from listeriosis infection. One of his best friend's died from brucellosis caught while either drinking raw milk or helping with a dystocia. The final one ate village cheese (made with raw milk), loved it, and simply kept and eye on himself to make sure he never got an undulating fever (a hallmark of many of those diseases). Most of them turned out just fine, but it was a risk that they were aware of. Some people aren't aware of the risk and that makes me worried.

    Raw milk is fine if you're healthy and you keep an eye on yourself, but it is not "safe" as in feed this to your friend with HIV.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    TLDR: If you drink raw milk, fine whatever but do it at your own risk.

    In the wild wild east, in Sindh, when I used to go to the local farmers who kept some cows around, they would take the milk out of the cow and literally pour me a glass. I don't care what anyone says but that was the most delicious thing I ever drank. So rich and... just delicious!

    Many people have drank that stuff raw, straight out of the cow. So fast that the milk is still warm. In Europe it is common practice to do so too. In US, regulations are wayyyy too tough and cautious which actually kills a lot of good enzmes too. Which is also why there are certain cheese that cannot be made the "proper" way in US legally and also why European cheese are far superior in taste

    Just my humble opinion. Also thanks for adding tl;dr btw

    ^^^ True Story
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    And for all you masochists out there who really just had to know....

    Topic 4: Raw milk is safe right?

    Yes, it is safe if it comes from a reputable dairy farmer. My uncle had a dairy farm before he retired. Raw milk is *all* they ever drank. I used to love drinking it when we went for visits. Anyone who tells you otherwise puts too much faith in food industry bureaucrats.

    Agree. I grew up on raw milk. These people seem to forget about all the recalls "safe" processing plant issue all the time. So many people afraid of the Boogey Man.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    That just sounds sooo stupid.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    And for all you masochists out there who really just had to know....

    Topic 4: Raw milk is safe right?

    Yes, it is safe if it comes from a reputable dairy farmer. My uncle had a dairy farm before he retired. Raw milk is *all* they ever drank. I used to love drinking it when we went for visits. Anyone who tells you otherwise puts too much faith in food industry bureaucrats.

    Agree. I grew up on raw milk. These people seem to forget about all the recalls "safe" processing plant issue all the time. So many people afraid of the Boogey Man.

    No doubt! The idea that the "Big Pharma" and food industry leaders that run the FDA are actually successful at keeping us safe is laughable at best.

    I miss my uncle's dairy farm. :sad:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Sounds like you were sitting at a table full of morons!
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    And for all you masochists out there who really just had to know....

    Topic 4: Raw milk is safe right?

    Yes, it is safe if it comes from a reputable dairy farmer. My uncle had a dairy farm before he retired. Raw milk is *all* they ever drank. I used to love drinking it when we went for visits. Anyone who tells you otherwise puts too much faith in food industry bureaucrats.

    Reputable like the following?


    I can pull up a some more, but I think I've made my point. EVEN REPUTABLE FARMS GET SICK COWS. Even farms without sick cows can have subclinical TB, Ecoli STEC, Salmonella, Camplobacter, listeria, leptosporsis and other diseases that can harm those without a competent immune system. Raw milk is never 100% safe but some farms are safer than others.

    All that said, if you're willing to take the risk (which is usually pretty low for healthy people in the US since our animals are awesomely healthy), then go for it. However, if you expose my HIV positive friend to a potential pathogen because you didn't wash your hands after you drank that milk, I will regard you as a lesser human being.

    The key is: be safe, know the risk.

    Edit: I'm going to add this because I think this sums up everything nicely:
    “It is possible for people to get sick from any food. There is no such thing as a food that has never made people sick,” said Judith McGeary, executive director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, a national group dedicated to independent farmers.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In the wild wild east, in Sindh, when I used to go to the local farmers who kept some cows around, they would take the milk out of the cow and literally pour me a glass. I don't care what anyone says but that was the most delicious thing I ever drank. So rich and... just delicious!

    Many people have drank that stuff raw, straight out of the cow. So fast that the milk is still warm. In Europe it is common practice to do so too. In US, regulations are wayyyy too tough and cautious which actually kills a lot of good enzmes too. Which is also why there are certain cheese that cannot be made the "proper" way in US legally and also why European cheese are far superior in taste

    Just my humble opinion. Also thanks for adding tl;dr btw

    No prob on the TLDR. I know I'm wordy.

    I will agree with you on the raw milk thing. I know several people including veterinarians, farmers and my own mother that have drank raw milk and NEVER had a problem. Why? Because they were raised on it, they are healthy and they are able to fight off the pathogens. The problem is when people push raw milk on the immunocompromised such as HIV patients, organ transplant recipients, or young children without good immune systems. You need to be healthy to drink raw milk. If you aren't, even the stupidest little bug could kill you and raw milk has plenty of stupid little bugs.

    All that said, several of my teachers were talking about getting fresh village cheeses from veterinary assistance trips to Mexico, India, Pakistan and Egypt. One of them got tape worms from eating undercooked chicken. Another got brucellosis from helping birth a cow and had arthritis for two years following treatment. Our head professor went to a farm in South America where the milk was PINK due to blood from listeriosis infection. One of his best friend's died from brucellosis caught while either drinking raw milk or helping with a dystocia. The final one ate village cheese (made with raw milk), loved it, and simply kept and eye on himself to make sure he never got an undulating fever (a hallmark of many of those diseases).

    Raw milk is fine if you're healthy and you keep an eye on yourself, but it is not "safe" as in feed this to your friend with HIV.

    It doesn't look like raw milk is to blame for any of those deaths. Have you noticed that it's only folks like the FDA that make such wild claims? On the one hand, they spend tens of millions of tax dollars encouraging us to drink milk, then they spend tens of millions more raiding Amish farmers and private dairy cooperatives.

  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Milk is very dangerous for you.

    A carton of milk once attacked me with a baseball bat. I had to defend myself with a packet of chocolate chip cookies. True story.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Milk is very dangerous for you.

    A carton of milk once attacked me with a baseball bat. I had to defend myself with a packet of chocolate chip cookies. True story.

    It`s awful when milk goes bad...
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Giving a cat cow's milk can cause tummy troubles. That's why they have cat's milk substitute that's sold pretty much anywhere they have pet food/supplies.

    It's not the cow's milk... it's the lactose. My cat drinks Lactaid. And because she drinks Lactaid, so do I. She also eats sharp cheddar cheese. The sharper the cheese, the less lactose it contains. No tummy trouble at all.

    ETA: you're killing me quote box!
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    Think about this logically....Don't you think if this were true, there would have been a lot more sick people in generations past? Those hearty folk that lived by the milkman's deliveries?

    Milk is fine, healthy even- full of nutrients. Consider the agendas of those that push this nonsense. Usually it's a vegan scare tactic.

    Oddly, both of the ladies at the table leading the "milk causes cancer" conversation were both people who had dealt with cancer and consequently became vegans. Although, I don't think they were trying to be mean really. I think they truly believed what they were saying and were now sort of preaching it to the masses.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ''Everybody is overreacting,'' Mrs. Child said. ''If fear of food continues, it will be the death of gastronomy in the United States. Fortunately, the French don't suffer from the same hysteria we do.'' ''We should enjoy food and have fun,'' Mrs. Child insisted. ''It is one of the simplest and nicest pleasures in life.''

    Mrs. Child recalled that when she began her mission of bringing French cooking into American kitchens nearly 30 years ago, ''no one cared'' about what food might do to one's health. ''Those were halcyon days,'' she said. ''You could eat anything you wanted. I remember a wonderful recipe for spinach. You put in as much butter as the spinach could possibly hold.''

    No more. Today, nutrition has ''reared its ugly head,'' she said, and cholesterol has ''become a trendy word.'' People are so fearful of what they eat, Mrs. Child observed, ''they are no longer enjoying food the way they once did, and the dinner table is becoming a trap rather than a pleasure.''
    Quote from - etoiles_argen

    I believe most of us are on this website because we didn't care about what we ate, and put as much butter in spinach that it could possibly hold. Those things had side effects on us that are, diabetes, HIGH cholesterol, heart attacks, etc... Don't know how this was supposed to help but if I ate like Julia Child's wisdom states, I'd be back where I started, unhealthy, unhappy, and on my way to diabetes.

    Live how you'd like, food doesn't scare me.

    then why are you on MFP? just curious.

    My FITNESS pal?
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    Sounds like you were sitting at a table full of morons!

    Not morons. I was sitting at a table full of people who had faced cancer, almost died, and really wanted to answer the "why?" question for themselves. Whether their answer is true or not is obviously debatable...but they somehow wanted to latch on to it as truth (no pun intended :) )

    It kind of reminds me of the autism debate. I have a son with autism so I've been introduced to the autism community on a very personal level. So many parents are insistent that vaccinations caused autism in their child. Maybe that's true, maybe not. But they were content with that being their truth so that they had something to blame.

    So, I'm not inclined to believe that milk is evil or unsafe. But who knows, maybe that's just me wanting THAT to be the truth so I can keep eating ice cream?!