I went into the big boys gym survived! (question for lads)



  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    keep doing it ! il bet none of them could care lol also you might inspire another lady to do some weights. I was always a bit nervous about going to the "boys side" of the gym till I seen an older lady an a girl my age using them.

    I hope to be inspired myself...I've yet to see a woman in there the handful of times I've gone in (just to get a kettle bell which doesn't belong there).... I'm hoping to be inspired myself...!
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    Once you get over the first couple sessions, you will be fine... I had the same problem. I always wanted to hit the gym but never did it...becuz I always thought it was full of the big boys...thinking they're the greatest and probably making fun of us noobs....but was I ever wrong!!

    I finally joined a gym myself, with my son and I just love it now...Going with my son was great but he has to leave for business trip for next 3 months, meaning I need to crank it up and go by myself, and you know what...I will do it because it's amazing at how it has changed me.
    My self-esteem and confidence is growing on me and people are so friendly...

    Had I known this, I would have done it many moons ago. So, stick to it, stay the course and you will see at how much it will change you.

    I wish you the best :)