Merina IUD-5 yr. with Hormones (plastic)



  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Mirena! It's seriously the best thing ever. I have a period every couple months and it's so super light. Don't be scared!
  • Jes_ika
    Jes_ika Posts: 72 Member
    I hated mine and so did my husband.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Love mine!!

    Got it in this past September, when I started here.

    The insertion wasn't fun (and I've had 2 gigantic babies), and had a bit of cramping the whole day, but then the weekend I was pretty much ok.

    I spotted for a few days, then stopped for a few days, then spotted etc...
    I had a 2 week-long period at the end of September and beginning of October, and then spotted in the middle of October, and nothing since! I've been having my PMS symptoms this week, but no period. (Not pregnant, took a test lol)

    I've lost almost 30lbs. My moods have stabilized, I was a crazy mess on the pill!!

    Yay for a don't-think-about-it birth control!!
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I've had mine for three years--and always used the pill before that. I have had two children, and my youngest was about 4 when I got it put in. Pretty sure no more kids, but I did not want to take the pill for my next 10 years or so of "fertility". I have no periods what so ever, and mine was pretty heavy before, even on the pill. It is strange, and not sure how one knows they are going through menopause...but, I plan to have another one inserted in two years if I'm still in danger of producing a baby. I will be WAY too old then.
  • STC189
    STC189 Posts: 34 Member
    Your are right. Everyone is different.

    I personally had a terrible experience with the Mirena. Weight gain, horrible mood fluxuations, cystic acne, loss of hair, etc. etc. etc.

    To the person who said that people were using the Mirena as an excuse for weight gain: I had maintained my weight for 2 years prior to having it inserted, and I had absolutely no changes in my diet or exercise after having the Mirena inserted. Within 2 weeks of having it inserted I had gained 12 lbs.

    My new female health provider also had a terrible experience with it, bt I know quite a few people from both camps. Try it, see what happens. If it doesn't work for you, have it removed.
  • deegee44
    deegee44 Posts: 27 Member
    Let me tell you girl...for years I have suffered with bad PMT, as the years went by it became worse with heavy bleeding, After years of going back and forth to doc's, they reluctantly, ( I say reluctantly, because doc initially told me I was too young to be starting the menopause...but they realised they were very wrong!) Doc's told me I was perimenopausal, but because I was still having periods they could not put me on HRT and to be honest, I did not want to try HRT. They offered me the Mirena but I declined because I thought it would cause me to gain weight. I went to the health shop and got me some evening primrose oil and vitamin B complex. This combination worked for a while, but I was still experiencing the awful monthly mood swings...which by now was all the time and worse at that time of the month.:grumble: I absolutely felt like a mad woman!:explode: Cut a very long story short, desperation drove me to try the Mirena. OH MY GOSH...I could slap myself in the face! all those years I suffered, when I didn't have to. The Mirena for me has been awesome! not only did it stop my periods, but I no longer feel like a crazy woman AND best of all it has NOT caused weight gain. :bigsmile:
    As you said, give it a try and if it is not for you then have it removed. But girl... try it!:flowerforyou:
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Why would it cause weight gain? It's localized hormones, not a pill.

    Do you really think your body works this way? My uterus isn't made of plastic or steel...

    Anyway, my sister and I were two of the rare bad reactions. However, I agree that it is a great option for most women and almost all of the women I know with it are happy campers. One note though, if you decide to get it, please try the Canadian Mirena site for a more comprehensive list of side effects and monitor any reaction(s) you may have carefully. Good luck!

    Nearly all weight gain associated with BC is the result of the woman eating more without realizing it, or realizing it and blaming the BC. It is very rare that the actual BC causes weight gain, so yeah.

    I hope that one day you can experience what I experienced with Mirena so you will stop saying such dismissive things. While in some cases, eating more is certainly the culprit, weight gain as a direct side effect of the hormones from the BC happens. It happened to me. The week after I got rid of Mirena, I started losing weight. Immediately. I was absolutely not overeating and I was exercising more than most people and GAINING weight on Mirena. Twenty-five pounds' worth of weight. The scale stayed the same or went up, no matter what I did.

    I said it was rare, not impossible. Sorry if that upsets you.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I've had mine in for 6 months and I've had no problems with it. None of the side affects have applied to me, and in the last year and a half, I've went from weighing 248 pounds to 168 as of today. It hasn't affect my weight loss at all!