cardio bunny... dont judge me



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    What I'm seeing a lot in this thread is "If you don't like it, you won't stick with it, so don't do it." Isn't that a self-fulfilling prophecy then?

    People who lose weight and keep it off don't simply find something they like and ignore the things they don't like. They change their attitudes about fitness from a childish "I'm only going to do what I want" to a more mature "Being fit means doing things I may not want to do."

    I've lost a whole lot of weight doing and eating what I want. I've done it healthy, and while I still have a way to go, I'm looking pretty damn good. I've been doing this for 19 months. If I was doing exercise that I didn't like and eating foods that I hated, I would have been finished 18 months ago.

    I find your above statements inaccurate and judgmental.

    But its totally childish to not judge
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know. Judging someone for their routine is stuipid, and you can make different workouts work for you, but there are still better and worse ways to acheive a goal. Not incorporating any strength training at all is certainly on the side of being worse. Honestly, I'd rather remain a bit fatter than risk lean muscle loss since it's so hard to gain back once gone. If your very obese then you probably have a lot of room for error though.

    I think most people hate incorporating new things for 2 main reasons.

    1. No one likes to leave their comfort zone. If you've always just gone to the gym and hit the treadmill or run around the block, it's tough to go out on a limb and do new stuff. I think this is really true for women lifting weights.

    2. You do it wrong (bad form) or you try to do too much too fast. I'm a runner so I'll use that as an example. Most people try to run too fast when they start out thinking that going all out they will improve fitness faster when the opposite is true. If you aren't already athletic, you should be incorporating a lot of walking when you first start or you'll end up injured and hate it.