Thanksgiving Help....dreading the Food Pushers!



  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I guess, coming from a relatively small "immediate" family I never had trouble with food pushers. There weren't heaps and mounds of desserts, appetizers, or main dishes to select from. Now that I am grown, I don't see the point in being that wasteful with food in the first place :P

    Celebrating a day of Thanks is fantastic, feast away- enjoy family, enjoy delicious food, but do so in moderation. If people get pushy, just say you're full. Say you're saving yourself for dessert. Say you don't want to turn into Aunt Margaret, do what it takes to draw your boundaries and then stick to them.

    You already showed you are a strong person simply by starting on this new lifestyle where you watch what you eat, why doubt your ability to stand up for yourself? I think your mom can handle you moderating yourself, and if you bring healthier dishes to the feast table, maybe you can start a new trend where others will do so next year, and show folks eating healthy isn't about losing flavor :)

    Good luck!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Sounds like our mothers talk!! I use to be given a whole pecan pie to take home after Thanksgiving. I took the pie home to not hurt any feeling and threw it in the trash. It's probably not the best answer but with my food pushers....I put it on my plate along with the things I want to eat....and since it's busy and no one is paying attention...the plate goes in the trash after I have what I wanted!! This will be 3rd holiday season while losing weight...and it works!! Don't know if it's the right answer for you!! But it's what I do!!

    I dump the bad food too. I dont want it to go to waist!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    For those of you that offered constructive advice or left me personal messages...thank you! I really appreciate it!

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    We are going to my husband's aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I fully intend to bring my Lean Cuisine. I don't care who gets mad or pouts! I have worked too hard and too long to have a "binge day" :smile:

    I can think of no question where bringing a Lean Cuisine box "meal" is the correct answer.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I eat on Thanksgiving ... food coma big time. One day isn't going to make me gain weight! I do the Turkey Trot 5K in the am and then the feasting and drinking begins. Back to normal on Friday (probably with a hangover)! :drinker:

    Edited because I can't spell!
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Sounds like our mothers talk!! I use to be given a whole pecan pie to take home after Thanksgiving. I took the pie home to not hurt any feeling and threw it in the trash. It's probably not the best answer but with my food pushers....I put it on my plate along with the things I want to eat....and since it's busy and no one is paying attention...the plate goes in the trash after I have what I wanted!! This will be 3rd holiday season while losing weight...and it works!! Don't know if it's the right answer for you!! But it's what I do!!

    I dump the bad food too. I dont want it to go to waist!

    I throw away bad food too that people push me to take home. I always feel guilty about throwing away a perfectly good cake or cookies or what have you but its better in the trash than in my stomach!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    This is definitely a case of "choose your doom". If you don't eat their food, they're going to be upset. If you do eat their food, you're going to be derailed. Yes, it's the holiday, but you don't want to be completely out of control either - and some people just don't get it. With me - 1 bite is too many and 100 is too few. Meaning - once I take that first bite, I'm going to eat the rest of it and everybody else's too.

    Somebody's feelings are going to be hurt: either yours or your family's. There's probably really no way around that.

    You can either just go, do as best you can with the choices that are available and basically make it a "free day";

    OR you can eat something very healthy before you even go over there, bring stuff that is okay for you to indulge in, and lessen the chances that you'll go overboard on unhealthy food.

    Remember: Only you can control what makes it past the gate (into the mouth).
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Depending upon how big the gathering when they try to shove food at you, you could say you already had some and was yummy! We had large gatherings when I was younger but don't remember any one pushing food much.

    If you are over 30 you know what you want and don't want. Just say no thanks, or you are full, or your tummy is acting up or whatever. That lots of sugar doesn't appeal to you today... Maybe you will have some later in the day, etc. etc. etc.

    Enjoy the time with your family!

    Just me and the kids (has been for years) so I got the menu mostly planned out, mostly low cal stuff, except my son wants stuffing so going to make a small one of that for him. And am going to splurge on some desserts, but they are low fat, so its all good. My kids don't shove food at me, so I don't have any problems. So even though I miss the large family gatherings it has its pluses!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Your mother and the rest of your family have nothing to do with the pact youve made with your body.

    This. Just remember that you should be doing this for you, not them. If they don't like it too bad.

    Also, nothing wrong with a little portion control around the holidays. Eating small portions of even "bad" foods can minimize your calorie intake, allow you to eat a greater variety of everything around, and keeps the pushers from pushing too much. This way you can say you already had some and refuse the seconds.
  • LaceyMorley
    I toally agree. I would be upset if I planned, bought the food, and worked all morning to cook a beautiful meal and my guest either threw it in the trash (hello, there are starving people in this world AND food is expensive) or brought a frozen meal to eat instead.

    You can enjoy thanksgiving and not lose control. Eat the healthier items in moderation (ie veggies, white meat turkey, etc.). If you are really worried about that one day, which by the way won't break you unless you are the type to go off the wagon from one day, get a ton of exercise in that morning. There usually are 5k-10ks hosted on t-day mornings you could join or hit the gym if it is open.

    For myself, I plan on enjoying the day and getting back at it Friday morning. Simple as that.
  • LaceyMorley
    Might be time to stand up to your mom, in private of course, and tell her how you really feel about the food pushing. I'm sure she hears you but maybe its not clicking. Sit her down away from food (maybe in a bedroom), look her in the eye, and tell her you are an adult and you make your own food choices now. That you don't want her pushing food on you anymore, period. Maybe it will sink in.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    You dont have willpower cause you dont want it.
    ^^This was unnecessary.

    Apart from the above comment, I think a lot of constructive and positive opinions have been provided. You can walk into Thanksgiving with a solid game plan and no worries. HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • BuckeyeGirlBrit
    I have learned over the years to let it go in one ear and out the other and when it starts to politely walk away.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Your mother is right. It is one goddamn meal, it's not going to kill you, you won't gain 50lbs, just enjoy food and family times.

    Leftovers? Freeze and portion them into single-size serving meals. Done.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    We are going to my husband's aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I fully intend to bring my Lean Cuisine. I don't care who gets mad or pouts! I have worked too hard and too long to have a "binge day" :smile:
    I find this incredibly sad. Im so sorry for you. Lean Cuisine isnt living. I plan to enjoy my day with my family.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Could you compromise with something like roasted broccoli with olive oil and garlic? Or maybe add a little reduced fat cheese to the steamed broccoli. You could even make the casserole with quinoa or brown rice and reduced fat canned milk instead cream and reduced fat cheese. You can also use fat free canned milk but it will separate easily when heated so heat very slowly if you use it.

    Healthy dishes don't have to be plain.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, in a way your mom IS right... it is a holiday that comes but once a year. Just because you don't really want to eat the fattening food, doesn't mean others shouldn't have what they want. If you want to makes a few healthier options, go for it, but don't restrict the normal fare because not everyone wants to eat fruit salad for Thanksgiving. Some people enjoy the traditional food, and there's no reason to get rid of it.

    In truth, I always thought sticking to your "diet" on a holiday was kind of dumb. Enjoy the day, and that means the food that comes with it. One day will not ruin your progress. What will ruin your progress in indulging like it's Thanksgiving all season long.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    We are going to my husband's aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I fully intend to bring my Lean Cuisine. I don't care who gets mad or pouts! I have worked too hard and too long to have a "binge day" :smile:
    I find this incredibly sad. Im so sorry for you. Lean Cuisine isnt living. I plan to enjoy my day with my family.

    Geez, judge much?? It doesn't sound good to me either, but if that's what someone is happy doing then I'm happy for them.

    It seems more odd to me that someone would have to eat anything in particular to enjoy a day with family.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    I look at my mom for inspiration. She on her journey has lost 70 pounds as well and has turned into this amazing beastly lady. She rides 50+ mile bike rides, has climed a high rated mountain in our area 7 times (it is, on average, an 8 hour hike with a climb!!). She has maintained her weight only fluxing 5 pounds here and there for over 9 years. You want to know how she eats on Thanksgiving and Christmas? Like a normal human being. Enjoying the foods we do not get to enjoy year round. If she can do this one day where she is making mashed potatos with real butter or indulging on more than a bite of dessert and come out victorious than why can't I?

    I think life is a beautiful thing, which is why I am so hell bent about this weight loss journey of mine. My aunt however emailed me one day and said "Kayla, you're doing fantastic but do not forget to stop and smell the roses every once in awhile". I believe this. I Have realized I went to far in the other direction, not even going to birthday parties anymore because of food temptation. I am at a happy place in my life now where I understand with healthy days 90% of the time and those few situations where I might not eat perfect, I am still happy and successful.

    One day you'll miss having those Thanksgivings with your family. We all die at some point. Is this saying you should sit down and devour a whole pie? no. It is all about that happy moderation and knowing not to weigh yourself the next day. You can't blow it all on one day. If you can, I would still be 330 pounds.

    make your own decisions but I think we get so caught up in our journeys that we forget to be real people every once in awhile.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    Sabotage the deserts so no one wants to eat them.