What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • natashahunt2010
    Right after I hit puberty, my siblings made remarks like "thunder thighs" And, I have gap in my teeth, so more than once my brother called me "snaggle tooth" <-- that was the worse one ever!! But my sister has called me turkey neck, ugly, stupid and told me I should kill myself. People are cruel sometimes.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    My worst ever was a coworker at my old job. I was in another coworker's office, she popped in and said quite loudly, "I just wanted you to know that you're getting a little -hand gesture here-." I was so mortified. I ended up crying in my office that day.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Someday all your muscles will turn to fat :huh: Thanks bro
    Wow, someone was seriously jealous....

    Mine all came from my dad and brother when I was a kid. We would sit down to dinner as a family and every single bite I took (no lie, every bite) my dad would talk about how if I kept eating he would have to put in double doors to get me into the house. I would break the stairs trying to go up to my room. He was going to sell my horse because it would be cruel to make it carry me. No man would ever marry such a fat person. He was going to make me sleep on the living room floor so I didn't break the bed.

    Looking back now at pictures of me then.... yeah... pretty healthy kid who wasn't very overweight.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    What size bra do you wear.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    my husband swears to this day he didn't, but I VIVIDLY remember he said "You look like Skeletor." I mean, I guess I was 98 pounds soaking wet at 5'5", so he was probably right, but dang it, I was trying really hard to gain at the time...
  • sparksshannon
    sparksshannon Posts: 14 Member
    I had a co-worker yesterday tell me that my Husband who has lost 80 lbs will gain some of it back....watch and see. Now why would anyone wish that someone would gain their weight back. All I could say was well no he won't he is pretty dertermined and works hard to maintain.
  • natashahunt2010
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn

    Oh no! That is horrible! I never thought of that being hurtful before.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    Growing up, my dad (who is very overweight, btw) used to lecture me and my sisters (but not my brothers, for some reason) that nobody would ever want to marry us if we were fat. In particular, he used to call my sister Sarah out on her weight and talk about how she'll never get married being as fat as she is. Mind you, Sarah is now very happily married with 2 beautiful children :smooched: Goes to show that a-hole!
  • bermudamel
    When are you due?


    I've gotten this a few times too and I said to the last one "Never ask a lady is she is pregnant unless you see her crowning." And trust me he was no Johnny Depp!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    1. YOU are so pretty but....
    2. OINK OINK OINK...you the noises boys make at you.
    3. I bet if you lose weight you can get a boyfriend
    4. YOU are definitely not a size 0!!!!!
    5. YOUR fat
    7. I was attempting to jog and this man felt it necessary to say "don't hurt yourself now...trying to jog"
    8. Are you pregnant?

    Do your really want me to keep going bc I can be here allllllllll day!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why I don't tell folks nothing and don't allow my diary to be open I have had toooo many years of folks and their OPINIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humph!
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Mom to me at 16: "We're putting you on the soup diet dear...then you can be as skinny as your sisters."

    Mom to me two weeks ago (age 29): "Are you taking diet pills or drugs?"

    fml...I can't win!
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I had a lady argue with me once. She asked when I was due and when I said I wasn't pregnant just overweight she literally argued with me and told me it's ok to be a teen parent. A) I'm not a teen B)I would own that if I was pregnant and C)Lady. You think admitting I'm obese is better?

    And then yesterday leaving work, I take the stairs in the parking garage on purpose. About 50 stairs and by the end I'm usually out of breath. A woman stepping off the elevator at the same time I reached the landing looked at me and said "the elevators exist for people like you" to which I said " I got looking this way taking the elevator that's why I'm doing the stairs. I'm able bodied" she just looked at me and walked away. How rude.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    My FIL (may he RIP, bless his heart) once said to me "you've got f'ing saggy g-dam tits."
    That's the year I stopped going over there for holiday dinners.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I had an arguement with my best friend of 11 years and she told me that I was a worthless, pregnant piece of crap, and I might as well give up living because I'm fat as **** anyway. It hurt. She and I no longer speak. Her words are stuck in my mind every day.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn

    Oh no! That is horrible! I never thought of that being hurtful before.

    The funny things is .. IT WAS EASIER .. hahaha.
    I was 225lbs @ 5'8"
    I wasn't movin' all that great.
  • Jenni_Q
    My mom was "joking around" a couple years ago, before I met my now fiancee. I had just gone through a horrible breakup, had put on weight and was suicidally depressed, trying to act happy (manic). We were talking in the car and I was having a moment of serious insecurity and said "I just feel like a failure; ugly, page, dull, single, I'm in a dead-end job-" and she joined in enthusiastically "AND you're fat!" and then started laughing.
    The silence was deafening. I got out of the car and walked home and didn't speak to her for a week. When I did, I came undone and screamed at her so loud that I was hoarse for days. She thought she was being funny. I wanted to kill her.
    On the upside, my pure rage snapped me out of my suicidal thoughts. On the down side, having the one person you have tried for 20+ years to please and never have telling you you're fat and thinking its funny gives you a complex. Six years later and I still haven't forgotten it. And I'm still trying to please her. Guess I'm the one who needs therapy...
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    When are you due?


    ^^^^ This ^^^^
    You should never ask this question unless the woman in question is wearing one of those 'bun in the oven' shirts, or if you see her leaking amniotic fluid, actually, if you see her leaking fluid, better to assume she is peeing herself.
  • SimplyStush
    The meanest thing that someone has ever said to me umm let me see theres a few. You look pretty for a big girl.
    and recently I was at my moms surprise b-day party and I was talking to my uncle and he was like you would be so much prettier if you lose weight I was immediately disgusted like how dare you. Normally I dont let stuff like that bother me but that was just so rude I had no words for it.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    I had a video on youtube that became very popular a few years ago. Unfortunately most of the comments were either making fun of my weight, or questioning my gender (I had short hair at the time and have since grown it out a bit), or something along those lines (Someone said "Man the harpoons!" and another one said "So that's what caused the earthquake in China" because I was jumping around to a song.)

    A boy at my school, starting in 5th grade, would do or say mean things because of my weight. It started with him going up behind me and covering his mouth so he sounds like an intercom and saying "Attention! Attention! You are fat!" In junior high, he'd moo at me every time he saw me.
  • SimplyStush
    Ive also been asked when am I due and the crazy thing is my stomach isnt that big. so I think it was just really a cruel thing to say.