What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • toomuchbootyindapants
    have my baby.

    FAWWWWK YOUUUUUU. Growing another human for nearly ten months is NOT my idea of a good time. That was just mean. He knew what it was going to do to my body. :angry:
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    My wife told me once that her worst fear in life was that our son was going to grow up and be just like me.


  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Walking into Old Navy a few years ago and held the door open for the woman who was right behind me. I know she meant no disrespect but her response was: "OH, I should be holding the door for you. You're the pregnant one....I think?" :noway: :angry: :huh:
  • Pilchema
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    I do agree with your mom LA! You are very pretty!
  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    What an awful thing to say to a child...I'm glad those words your mother told you didn't damage you.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    i ran cross-country and track in high school. i will never forget this...

    its not exactly what was said, but how it was said/how publicly it was said.

    my cross-country team and i were all on the bus on our way to an invitational one saturday. i was a junior. i wasn't the fastest, but i wasn't the slowest.

    in front of everyone on the bus (about 20 boys and 20 girls) my coach said to me "you know, you could probably shave 2 minutes off your 5k if you just lost some weight in your legs."

    the entire bus was like "he did NOT just say that publicly in front of everyone!". even a bus of 15-18 year olds new that embarrassing. he could have said that privately.
  • Pilchema
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn

    OMG :noway:
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    How sad... My hubster and I agree that if we could do it differently we would have had MORE! Parenting do FUN and they are a delight to us now.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Most of the things on here aren't mean, they're stupid or misguided.

    Asking someone 'when is it due?' isn't mean unless they know you're not pregnant.

    Pointing you to the plus size clothes isn't mean, it's thoughtless.

    When I went into a clothes shop a few years ago, and without even asking me what size I was the guy told me that they didn't have anything for me, I didn't run to the internet and boohoo about how mean he was, I thought, 'bloody hell have I got that big?' and moved on.

    Get some perspective!!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    "I have a whole bag of Reeses' Cups..."




    "And you can't have any!"

  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Hmmmm.... Can't say I have ever taken words poorly...action is far greater....but then, I dont give a **** what other people say about me.

    Thank God someone has some sense
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    One I can recall is my former MIL asking me if I had stretch marks when she came to visit her new grandaughter. I said no...I didn't get any, and she said that was because I was already fat so my skin had stretched. WTF???!!!
  • IamBlackMamba
    I'd get a strike if I made a list of the things people have said to me over my lifetime but. the one that I will never forget was when my mental ill, morbidly obese mother said to me:

    "I hope you get AIDS and die." Wow, thanks.

    I haven't spoken to her in 14 years. Good riddance.
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    I was the only Asian kid in my grade in a African American majority school. At some point, someone said that I used the N-word. All my friends turned on me or did nothing. I got called every name in a take-out menu, told to go back home to my country (I was born here) and endured slanted eyed jeers and a couple death threats... all within about 15 minutes. I didn't get control of the rumor until I hit a guy in the face and asked him "Who said I did that? Why would I do that?" I was angry and in tears. To top it off, I nearly got suspended.

    Wow that irony at its finest.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    boyfriend when i was 15 told me i had cankles.

    in reality, i had strong, muscular calves (still do, bulge my jeans out) without much ankle bone showing.

    still echoes in my head sometimes! i should have slapped him.

    i guess he also told me i had the kind of beauty which only improved with age and maturity. that also has stuck with me.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    My mother:"If I could do it all again differently, I wouldn't have kids."

    :( Some women have the maternal instinct of alley cats. I'm sorry she said that to you.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    When I was about 9-10 yrs old.
    My Mom told someone that if she didn't know that I was her child.
    She would not like me.
    She knew I could hear her.
  • schell81
    schell81 Posts: 187 Member
    My daughter was 5 weeks old and I still looked 5 months pregnant and was wedding dress browsing to get out of the house. The store owner put herself between me and the normal sized dresses and pointed at the rack that started at size 22. ( I was more like a 18, even with the belly ) I told her that I planned on losing weight and I had just had a baby 5 weeks before and she shook her head and told me I needed at least a size 20. I walked out in tears
  • rebeccajoybrown
    a very close friend was trying to motivate me when i mentioned needing a personal trainer. the response i got was "you're weak...you need a trainer to push you because you're weak." note that this was one year into my "healthy me" journey and 40 pounds lighter. i had a goal and couldn't quite finish on my own. i used all the tools i had and needed an extra push. i am NOT weak and worked hard to overcome that mindset for a week or so.