What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • Brentinc28
    Brentinc28 Posts: 10 Member
    The comment that stuck with me for YEARS was, "You have such a pretty face.......what a terrible shame". But after reading all these posts I am absolutely stunned by how mean and nasty people can be. We are always going on about being politically correct about most things but when it comes to extra weight, it seems that some people think that it is absolutely fine to take their best shot. Who the heck do these people think they are?? It makes me feel like my head is going to explode:explode:
  • LilMissImperfect
    Wow the list could go on and on but the most painful, etched-into-my-soul things would have to be...

    Being 8 years old, overweight, and a tomboy with short cut hair. Meeting up with a group of "friends" at their school bus stop and having a random young girl say to me "Hey are you a boy or girl?" I replied with "Girl!" befuddled as to why she'd ask. Her response? "What'd you say? You're a hippopotamus?" My "friends" all laughed. That's the first time i remember being conscious of my weight, and I went into an unhealthy 10-year bout of depression full of drinking, and self-mutilation.

    I also remember when I worked in a restaurant and was engaged to an a-hole about five years ago. Walking past some of the bar patrons I heard one of them say "WOW what a fat b*tch!" TO my fiance who was sitting at the bar next to him, unknowing that he knew me. I waited, and waited, and waited for him to come to my rescue. But he laughed along with the guy! Needless to say, we weren't together much longer after that.

    As the oldest of 8 kids (5 of us being girls), it was always a competition of who's prettier. I always lost. Always the heaviest, always the ugliest, and even though im the oldest im the one who's NOT married and doesn't have kids...Oh well.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    My mother always asked me if I had gained more weight. I always told her no... it must be your eyes going bad.
    We never had a real relationship as I was adopted because my dad wanted me. I am losing weight so when I go to the hear after she won't recognize me and I can enjoy myself with out her in my after world,. :drinker:
  • _april
    _april Posts: 10
    I think the worst is always - "you would so _______ IF you just lost some weight." Thanks Mom.

    I know!! Only it was my grandma when I was about 11 years old. "you would be so pretty if you weren't so big."
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I once was told my legs looked like the goodyear blimp and in a separate convo that my legs were like tree trunks. Yeah, I guess my issue is my legs, LOL. Grrrrr.
  • ElizabethMKE
    ElizabethMKE Posts: 16 Member
    When are you due?


    I HEAR ya on that one girl! It's happened to me FOUR times! I was like, uhh....I'm not pregnant you idiot! People are so insensitive sometimes. I cried about it and used to beat myself up, but then I came to the realization that I can not control other people's stupidity. I think they felt worse about it in the end then I did...or at least that's what I like to think!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    My mom would always say: "why can't you be skinny? Why can't you be like that cheerleader or dancer on tv? if you were thinner, you would have guys lining up to marry you." Well mom, here is the thing: I met a man who has accepted me regardless of my weight, and I am losing the weight so *blows raspberry*

    Also, being told in 8th grade that I looked like I was pregnant because of how heavy I was. I was also told by my peers that I would not be "marriage material" and that I was too fat for anyone, and that i needed to die. it was bad.
  • ElizabethMKE
    ElizabethMKE Posts: 16 Member
    Oh yeah, AND I was on a date with a guy one time and looks at me and says, "you know what? you'd be a lot prettier if you lost 10lbs." What a douche.
  • kristamarie91
    kristamarie91 Posts: 21 Member
    I think the hardest part for me was growing up with my dad as my single parent. He would constantly call me names like bubble but, and chunka, and chubby cheeks. And I wasn't even that big then I just had some baby fat to lose then. And then when I gained a bunch of weight he said, you should really eat like this and go for walks.

    But yet was overweight himself.

    My mother told me not to get any fatter than I already was.

    My younger sister used to ask to try on my clothes and knowing they were too big for her.

    My uncle told my mom I'd never get married because no one wants someone fat at my age.

    Yeah, love my family-

    At the time I had weight about 190 and gained MORE because of their comments and went up to 211. Now I'm at 170+/- and pregnant and they all say how beautiful I look and they are all FAT!
    Now I'm just focusing on eating healthy for myself, and my baby so I don't gain a ton of weight with this pregnancy!
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    Wow, what happen to you? and please don't get so big that I have to get you out of bed with an oar.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    By my oldest sister : "You'll never find a guy and get married if you stay this fat. Guys like skinny girls not chubby ones." I weighed about 160 pounds when she said this to me. I'm 5'4.75" btw.

    By my size 0-2 "friend" : whenever shopping for clothes, "Oh look here's a size XL.. oh wait, are you a L?" <- When I was 155-160 pounds.

    By my size 0 sis-in-law: -_- & 0-0 <- i constantly find her staring at me as if i'm a buffalo!! I'm now about 143 pounds, too!!
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I had an old fart one time ask me to roll down my window and when I did, he said "Just wanted to tell you how ugly you are. And how does your car keep moving with all that load it has to move around." I told him to go **** off and have a heart attack. Yeah mean of me to say but he was an *kitten* and what he said was uncalled for. I didn't do anything to him.

    wow, some people are just plain idi-tic! remember, what goes around comes around.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    It's so sad all these posts I'm reading. It seems we all have one of "those" stories.

    I had a co-worker, who for the record I wasn't the least bit interested in, tell me I looked like a cow in this black and white outfit I was wearing. Ouch. And then proceeded to tell me he'd sleep with me (only not in that delicate a manner) if I lost 20 pounds. Of course, with my sarcastic protective barrier, I responded, 'I wouldn't sleep with you unless I lost half my brain cells' or something to that effect. I got the last word, but 12 years later it still bothers me.

    Sadly, I've chosen to own some of the hurtful comments and behaviors of others rather than chalk them up to something being wrong with THEM, not something being wrong with me. Still struggle with that...
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    A client came into my office a few weeks ago and said, "You're putting on weight, are you expecting?" I said no and stop talking to me, and he wouldn't let it go. This was after I'd lost 4.5 lbs my first week on MFP too.
  • freshvl
    freshvl Posts: 422 Member
    when i was in high school i was shy fat and ugly, every single morning i'd walk into homeroom and a girl would say the same thing every day without fail, "you are the ugliest most disgusting person i've ever seen, i don't know why you even bother getting out of bed in the morning, you should just kill yourself"

    That was over 10 years ago now and i can still hear it as if it was yesterday, i don't think it's something i will ever forget
  • sskitka
    sskitka Posts: 33 Member
    I have a few the most recent was from a 'Professional" so she called her self.... I went in for some severe female issues and she all she could come up with was, "You are 300 pounds with all the hormones what do you expect!" with her tone and look I could have reached across her desk and slapped the sh** out of her. To make matters worse just so happened there was a big problem and I had to get surgery. I did get a second opinion and found one of the best GYN EVER. Dr Gabriel.... He's awesome.

    Then also all the snide comments.. " You would be soo beautiful if you would just loose weight." _ REALLY I thought I would be ugly that's why I never did, LOL.

    Or as a child " Your gonna be as big as the side of the house."
    " Your gonna get as big as your granny."
    "Once on the lips forever on the hips."
    - At that time I was like 12 or 13 for real?

    But these comments do hurt and affect us for a long long time.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    get a job
  • Hungrygirl88
    There are several.
    Here are a few that come to mind.

    My dad got to the point that he tried to put both my brother and I on a soup diet and force us to go "walking" after school every day. My dad has always been very thin and athletic and I think I was 12, so I didn't walk as fast as he did...he was like several yards away...that wasn't so bad.

    My bestfriend's cousin used to call me Samamoth, my name is Samantha....come to find out he actually had a crush on me, and after I lost a ton of weight he didn't really want anything to do with me.

    When I was in first grade, I wasn't huge but I was starting to pack on the weight...well, I was in an after school day care and the older boys called me thunder woman and when I walked they act as if the world was shaking...and they'd fall to the ground yelling and screaming..
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    There are two that come to mind.

    I was trying out a dating site a while ago and a guy was interested. I got this from my mom- "has he seen a picture of you? is it recent, because you're bigger now."

    I've gotten this from about 3 or 4 guys-
    him "wanna go out"
    me "um no thanks"
    him "you fat m*f*ing cow". Or something much worse.
  • Brentinc28
    Brentinc28 Posts: 10 Member
    when i was in high school i was shy fat and ugly, every single morning i'd walk into homeroom and a girl would say the same thing every day without fail, "you are the ugliest most disgusting person i've ever seen, i don't know why you even bother getting out of bed in the morning, you should just kill yourself"

    That was over 10 years ago now and i can still hear it as if it was yesterday, i don't think it's something i will ever forget

    OMG! I thought we were all a bit nicer than that here in Brissy :mad: