Didn't go over cal limits THXGIVING DAY success stories



  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I stayed under my calories, I exercised in the morning (like I normally do) but I guess the big different's is in the past years I would of just ate and ate even when I wasn't hungry. This year I did not do that. I ate my first plate and I was good, I had a half a piece of pie and that was all I needed there too.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Honestly, I feel like if you stayed under your calories on Thanksgiving you're doing it wrong. One day of enjoy some good food won't hurt your progress. I'm not saying you should stuff you face, but treating yourself isn't a bad thing.

    Who says it’s just one day, though? We could use the same reasoning for:

    New Years
    Church Picnic
    Pastor's Anniversary Dinner
    My wedding anniversary
    My Birthday
    Best friend's wedding
    Vacation to {insert awesome place}
    Parents 50th wedding Anniversary

    And on...and on...

    I used my holiday to experiment with several different vegetable recipes. My dinner clocked in at 700 calories. I did not feel deprived because I went against the traditional fare. I thought the holiday was meant for thanks. I gave thanks to the Lord for a change in my habits and the good sense to get started before my body completely fell apart. I gave thanks for the fact that I can actually RUN at well over 200lbs. I would never contradict that sentiment by splurging on food that I don’t even want just for the sake of tradition.

    We could use the same reasoning, but we don't usually. And even if we did - that's say 20 days out of 365 - no biggie.

    Sarauk2sf, girl...it's all good. That's what makes this ole world go around and filled with such diversity. I truly believe that variety is the very spice of life. How boring this world and this battle of the bulge we're in and on would be if we all marched to the same drum beat. Well, it'd be super boring and bland to me anyhoo---it's wonderful you don't use this type of reasoning and it's wonderful that she and I do. It's what makes us ALL so beautiful...our differences. We're not better nor worse than one another--just blessed to be, think, live and eat and drink differently. I think it's wonderful! :drinker:

    Not saying it is bad for you - just that the logic applied does not 'sit' with others and is not necessarily the case for others. I personally like food - I eat in a way that I can have what I want and still lose weight.. I also like to celebrate certain days without worrying about my food intake.

    Someone laid some logic out - I disagreed. Simples.
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    I didn't go over, but that was mostly do to the 10k/400 meter-rise hike we went on that day. That's going to have to be a new holiday tradition because I do love my pie.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    No way I try to stay on my diet during Holidays unless I'm in contest prep. I like take pleasure in good food, large quantities of it, and relaxing and enjoying myself. My life is consumed by what I eat, when I eat it, and how much of it down to the grams most days of the year. I need time off to enjoy it and also have a mental break to indulge and not worry.

    I gained a bunch of weight in the last 4 days but it was mostly water and I'll probably be back down to normal in a week or so. I got a month to maintain until I spend another Holiday period getting fat again. *L*
  • Johnson593
    I didnt track anything for Thanksgiving but I didnt over eat either.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    Nope i didnt go over at all i just some turkey, caulflower mashed potatoes and collard greens, I try to stay on track and i was proud of myself cause the last 2 years around the hoildays i didnt eat like crazy and cooked healthy things and didnt gain any weight
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Honestly, I feel like if you stayed under your calories on Thanksgiving you're doing it wrong. One day of enjoy some good food won't hurt your progress. I'm not saying you should stuff you face, but treating yourself isn't a bad thing.

    Who says it’s just one day, though? We could use the same reasoning for:

    New Years
    Church Picnic
    Pastor's Anniversary Dinner
    My wedding anniversary
    My Birthday
    Best friend's wedding
    Vacation to {insert awesome place}
    Parents 50th wedding Anniversary

    And on...and on...

    I used my holiday to experiment with several different vegetable recipes. My dinner clocked in at 700 calories. I did not feel deprived because I went against the traditional fare. I thought the holiday was meant for thanks. I gave thanks to the Lord for a change in my habits and the good sense to get started before my body completely fell apart. I gave thanks for the fact that I can actually RUN at well over 200lbs. I would never contradict that sentiment by splurging on food that I don’t even want just for the sake of tradition.

    We could use the same reasoning, but we don't usually. And even if we did - that's say 20 days out of 365 - no biggie.

    Sarauk2sf, girl...it's all good. That's what makes this ole world go around and filled with such diversity. I truly believe that variety is the very spice of life. How boring this world and this battle of the bulge we're in and on would be if we all marched to the same drum beat. Well, it'd be super boring and bland to me anyhoo---it's wonderful you don't use this type of reasoning and it's wonderful that she and I do. It's what makes us ALL so beautiful...our differences. We're not better nor worse than one another--just blessed to be, think, live and eat and drink differently. I think it's wonderful! :drinker:

    Not saying it is bad for you - just that the logic applied does not 'sit' with others and is not necessarily the case for others. I personally like food - I eat in a way that I can have what I want and still lose weight.. I also like to celebrate certain days without worrying about my food intake.

    Someone laid some logic out - I disagreed. Simples.

    Simples...that's cute :smile: I personally far more than like food...I LOVE me some food, so much so I can honestly say that I can(and for years and years have indeed given myself over to being a glutton). Since I have and can so very easily give in to my gluttonous tendencies and have previously done so for so long with reckless abandon (especially with the "excuse" of celebrating and holidays), I personally have chosen to change my "logic" in terms of the way I think about food and drinking. I can and do still eat and drink what I want to, just like you. The difference is my logic on eating and drinking has changed, as my entire lifestyle has. Now instead of thinking of or using the popular and logically way of thinking about eating, and holidays, celebrations and rewarding myself with food and drinks--the way I always chose to do in my gluttonous past, now I use moderation, wisdom and my choices of the amounts of foods and the types of foods and drinks are different and I'm so very grateful and thankful for that too. I now see that for me, food is NOT my enemy...as one wise poser wrote in this thread...I have conquered the enemy and the enemy is me. It's NOT food that's the problem. It was my "thinking" about food, my overindulging in food and drinks, my looking to food as my source of comfort, joy and reason for living (living to EAT and DRINK....instead of eating and drinking to live--if that makes sense to you) it's my previous former way of thinking/logic that type of logic (living to eat and drink) that helped me super-size my body and grow into a typical unhealthy, unattractive/fat and flab laddened overweight/obese westerner.

    I'm glad that your relationship with the logics of food is good to and for you and many many others that think as you do. I honestly am thrilled for you. I am equally thrilled with the new lifestyle of my way of thinking, eating and drinking and living that I have. I started this thread in hopes of reading about others who have this mind-set and way of thinking/logic that I have success stories...for inspiration and motivation. As I said previously...my "logic" isn't any better not one whit superior to yours and visa versa. You way/logic is not better than my way logic--you and I are NOT better/superior to one another in this business of life and battle of the bulge, period--it's just different. I can and do learn from difference/disagreements, I can and do respect it--difference/disagreements isn't the enemy either--at least it's not for me :wink:
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Went over on calories but didn't over eat really. It was the first time I wasn't sick to my stomach after a thanksgiving feast. And I ate what I wanted without guilt.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    My calorie limit is 1300 and on thanksgiving i did 1382 BUT i did cardio in the morning giving me the a possible 1820. Yay me!

    I weighed myself thanksgiving morning and the next morning and lost 0.6 lbs.
  • Sunflowerinbloom
    Sunflowerinbloom Posts: 119 Member
    I went over in calories and drank water Saturday night lets just say bathroom was my friend lol weighed this morning and lost 3 lbs so excited 24 lbs down woohoo
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I did go over my calorie limit but it was IN THE PLAN, and it was SUCCESS because we celebrated THANKSGIVING. :)

    I am no longer in the weight loss phase, but everything still applies in maintenance and success is enjoying life and celebrating holidays with family.

    A high calorie day for sure. Now it is back to business. All the tools you learn in the weight loss phase comes into play for maintenance and the rest of your life. None of the skills you learn are wasted efforts. Even once you get to your goal, you don't stay in the same spot. Life happens, you enjoy celebrations and feasts, and at some point the party is over. You get back to business. You don't get discouraged. You know what to do. A scale is not needed. Your clothes get slightly tight, it's not a big deal, just do what you know how to do; calories and work out, it's a slow process, be patient, nothing else matters. If it's something you want, just do it.

    Randy and I enjoyed a nice non traditional Thanksgiving on our back deck. We hiked the canyon in the background and came home to a simple yet delicious feast. We enjoyed every bite with no regrets. We are thankful for a wonderful long marriage and even though our house is not perfect we are Thankful for the beauty around us. We are thankful for the food and the food choices we have. Many in the world do not have any of this. Most of us are blessed, more than we can probably imagine.

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I went over in calories and drank water Saturday night lets just say bathroom was my friend lol weighed this morning and lost 3 lbs so excited 24 lbs down woohoo

    That is so tremendous--way to go--WOOT!!!!! :drinker:

    I stayed under a wee bit and lost 1.6 pounds this week, isn't seeing that blasted scale move downward big time thrilling...I LOVE IT:love: !
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Not only did I not go over my calories this Thxgiing, I reached goal this weekend ! Next challenge - doubling my daily average of nike fuel from 2000 to 4000!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am on 1800 calories. I ate about 1300 for Thanksgiving dinner, then had a piece of pie in the evening, so I was still under for the day.
  • Sunflowerinbloom
    Sunflowerinbloom Posts: 119 Member
    I went over in calories and drank water Saturday night lets just say bathroom was my friend lol weighed this morning and lost 3 lbs so excited 24 lbs down woohoo

    That is so tremendous--way to go--WOOT!!!!! :drinker:

    I stayed under a wee bit and lost 1.6 pounds this week, isn't seeing that blasted scale move downward big time thrilling...I LOVE IT:love: !

    thank you it is an awesome feeling the funny part is every year i would not gain weight during the holidays im wondering if i might have a high metablosum (sorry bad speller)
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    I did well for thanksgiving dinner. I ate a little turkey, some plain mashed potatoes without gravy, a couple bites of dressing (im allergic so very limited on the amount I can eat), green beans, and had two small rice crispies treats. I believe that the importance is in letting yourself have a few things you don't normally have (like for me it was the rice crispies treats), partaking in Thanksgiving (not allowing or over restricting will only cause bitterness, anger, and resentment- and as a result a catastrophe later when you eat to make up for it) and trying to eat healthy. Your body needs food. There are no "bad foods" just bad choices, bad quantities, and bad habits.
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178
    I managed to have a fantastic Thanksgiving day meal and was under my overall calories for the day. I also went into the holiday planning for success.

    The thing for me, is this is not some self-righteous thing: I am motivated by fear of diabetes. It runs rampant in my family and the last thing I wanted was to be in that category.

    I am extremely fortunate to have a very supportive family. They put aside some apple walnut salad for me before adding the mayo (this has more to do with the fact that I don't care for mayo). My cousin is a vegetarian, so there was fresh steamed broccoli which I was able to enjoy. I had turkey and honey baked ham and other veggies I brought with me. I also brought with me a sugar-free, low carb pumpkin pie that was amazingly good. So, I was completely satisfied and very proud as my meal added up to 489 calories. I went over on the carbs for the day, but they were almost all from fruit and veggies, so I didn't feel guilty about it.

    When I am tempted by those other things I love, like mashed potatoes, chocolate cake or whatever, I just think of my uncle who died having lost both his legs, was on his way to losing his arms and was on dialysis for 7 years by the time he died. This was all from diabetes and an extremely poor diet. Suddenly, that cake doesn't look so good to me.

    But like I say, this is what is right for me. What's right for me is not right for others. I wish everyone the best of success in whatever works for them.
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