What's your small NSV



  • weliveaswedream
    weliveaswedream Posts: 56 Member
    What is C25K?

    It stands for Couch to 5k and is a 9 week running/jogging program to get you from beginner to running either for 30 minutes straight or a 5k. The program can be found here: http://www.c25k.com/

    My NSV is that I lost an inch in my hips. Not much but it's a start! :smile:
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    Well done everyone, sometimes the scales can seem so discouraging and these sorts of NSV's really keep you going!

    Some small things for me:

    Today I am wearing a shirt that has never fit me - it wouldn't even button up when I first bought it (it was my regular size, I just assumed it would fit) and now it fits great and looks good. (nice to have one smart thing that fits right!)

    I am wearing a new (smaller) waistcoat today that I bought on ebay and took about a week to arrive and is already too big for me. I've had to pin it at the back to keep from looking swamped. Need to look for a smaller one...

    I did my measurements today and most have decreased, but most of all my boobs which are two inches smaller than when I last measured meaning I have lost 6" there altogether (bit sad about loosing my boobs though...)

    My underwear is feeling looser.

    And a silly one - I realised today that I have completely gone down a size bracket in Boden clothes, and some of my measurements are the next size down again.

    All of this is nice and encouraging because the scales have fluctuated around the same kilo for the last week and I was getting a bit despondent.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Being able to take off a pair of pants without having to unbutton or unzip(Used to be super tight on me)
    Getting complements from a ton of guys and some girls :P
    Having a guy actually pick me up effortlessly o.o (Was very surprised..I told him not to because I was heavy but he said I wasn't)
    Not losing my breath when going to tie my shoes!
    Being able to wear medium pants! :P
  • maoliver1024
    maoliver1024 Posts: 24 Member
    My NSV was getting into clothes i haven't worn in 3 yrs. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • babymamahowell
    Well I'm up 4 pounds from my pre-Thanksgiving weigh in that will hopefully come off ok now back on logging and running, but my NSV is that I ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving in 31 minutes!!!! So proud! I've noticed my size 12 jeans (kinda of stretchy material) are big by end of day, so maybe my shopping tomorrow for christmas presents from my mom :) a sixe 10 will work :)
    Great job everyone!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I am down to the last notch on my size Large belt. My pants are starting to feel roomy, I can feel where the jeans are getting bunched up and pleated around my hips and legs and back side. No longer so tight I feel like a sausage crammed in them. I can twist in the torso now when I am in my car trying to look to back up.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Being able to button up my wool coat and my trenchcoat from last season.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    Some of my NSV after losing more than 90 pounds:

    -i know for certain that my old clothes from high school would still fit if i still had them,since I'm even smaller than I was at 18 years of age.
    -all the clothes i bought for "the day i slim down" look ridiculously huge and i had to give them to charity
    -i love salads and my green veggies now!
    -i became a better cook
    -i ran 6 miles last weekend (first time ruunning EVER, since i have asthma) and... i could have ran double that length!
    -i don't have to fight to put my car seatbelt on anymore!
    -i can do the house chores without being afraid to hurt myself
    -i know I'll buy a bikini for next summer! I have never worn a bikini in my entire life!
    -i can fly low cost (ot any economy class) without feeling afraid i won't have half my body weight resting on the next passenger's lap and can actually FIT COMFORTABLY in the seat!
    -i can buy clothes in normal stores, i can wear almost anything i like!
    -i have trouble finding my size in sales periods. My size is gone too fast!(still a pain to have to plan shopping in advance, but at least it's because I'm healthy now!) so i see it as a NSV

    And i could go on and on!!! I love reading about NSVs!
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    I'm looking forward to a few things having to do with the changes in my body rather than the number on the scale:

    -Enjoying shopping for clothes again since my rapid weight gain in the past year
    -No more thighs rubbing together
    -Visible collarbone again
    -Smaller breasts (yes I know everyone wants huge boobs, but believe me, they're not all they're cracked up to be! I know, I'm currently a 36D and I miss the days I wore a 34C)
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Having my waist:hip ratio at 0.79 (low risk) instead of 0.81 (moderate risk) where I started. I may also hit the "healthy" BMI today when I weigh myself.

    And realising that the new work wardrobe I bought in Autumn last year is conclusively baggy, making me the slimmest I've been since Sep 2011.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    When I look down in the shower, I can see my ****. That's a big thing for me.
  • shelleyspots
    Here's one no one has mentioned! I fit in the dentist chair! last 6 month check up, my arms kept falling off and I had to tuck them under my body. It was uncomfortable. Now I fit with room for my arms! Funny, but true.
  • xiofett
    xiofett Posts: 138 Member
    My size 36 jeans, while still a little too tight at the waist to wear, are significantly easier to button. Another couple of weeks and I should be able to wear them.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    My most recent ones were 1) went to the movies with my daughter on Wednesday. The arms on the chairs were stationary. In the past, I had trouble fitting in the seats and would be uncomfortable. So when i saw the seats, I was a bit concerned and began feeling down. Didn't want another reminder that I was too big. But, I sat down, and I actually had extra room!

    2) When I walked into my sister's house for thanksgiving, she instantly noticed my weight loss and told me how good I looked. When her husband walked out, he did the same, guessing I had lost 50-60 pounds. :)
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    I'm wearing a long sleeve button down shirt that I bought 9 months ago!!! :happy: I only got to wear it once because I gained a lot of weight really fast (40 pounds in 5 months) and I couldn't button it any more.

    Wait!!! There's more!

    I tucked my shirt in and i don't look half bad! :blushing:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Today I deadlifted my bodyweight for 7 reps :D (also did 2 sets of 8 reps of a slightly lower weight before that). Won't say what my bodyweight is as it sounds less impressive then LOL
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Every one has such GREAT NSVs.

    I am having to give up my walks for now. :grumble: I had lung issues 4 years ago. I had hypersensivity pnueomonitis. I was sick because of mold in the heating ducts...but it took us 6 months and several trips to the doctors at UVA to figure this out. The local doctors were at a loss. When I get a cold now, its in my lungs and I get short of breathe walking up the stairs and I cough up thick green gunk. Of course the NP I see at the my doc's office is gone and I have to go see someone new today. I am not real sick, yet, but I know where this is going to go. I pray the new NP will give me the anti-biotics and steriod injection that I usually get. I pray she doesn't make me wait till I am sick sick before helping me. I am coughing up some thick green gunk, but not enough that would send a normal person to the doc. The shortness of breathe is always my first sympton. I want to get rid of this ASAP so I can go back to walking.
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Yesterday at the gym, I ran a 5k on the treadmill at 5 mph.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Normally I do squats with no weight (For speed), or with a light bar (25lbs?) but today I grabbed the 45lbs bar and did tons of squats with it on my back! Slow and steady, good form! AND, I told my instructor planks were too easy and asked how I could make it harder so I did them with my feet on 2 medicine balls!

  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    In the past week or so I've noticed that I have to wear a belt with my jeans and shorts or else they are way too loose! I used to just wear belts on occasion, but now it's pretty much a necessity. I'm not quite at the point of going down a size yet, but I'm getting there! I think when I finally drop a pants size that will be an amazing NSV. I can't wait!
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