Obese flier turned away from airlines; dies overseas



  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    OK from what I read she was obese but sounds like there were things that could have caused that (says she was an ampute, not sure what but that could hinder exercise) and regardless, the airline was able to get her over there (and was able to every year get her to and from) why couldn't they get her back?

    I'm not a professional, but can't you lose limbs from diabetes? Which also CAN result from a bad diet. Depending on the type of diabetes.

    Yes you can. I have an uncle who is close to losing both of his feet from diabetes. You can lose the circulation in your limbs from unmanaged diabetes.

    I beg to differ, my neice is a diabetic is as skinny as a rake and has no BAD diet whatsoever. However due to her diabetes she has various problems with her circulation. I seriously wish people would stop speculating when they really don't know they are talking about!!
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    Apparently she couldnt go to a hospital overseas because they didnt know her history. Fair enough, but there's this wonderful thing called a fax machine, and email, and her records could have been sent over. This isnt the airlines fault at all. If she was so sick she never should have travelled.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    When did obesity become a disability?

    She had those diseases because of her obesity

    Why should we have to accomodate this?

    Although I dont feel the airline is responsible for her death. I do have to add that like any addiction wether it is to food or alcohol it is indeed a disease. A disease of the mind. It's an addiction and food addiction happens to be the most difficult to break. If you see a person who is 300lb+ they are suffering from the disease of addcition that can eventually lead to crippling disability.

    Well before I started dieting I was 323lbs, don't have a crippling disability. In fact I am on my 3rd day of the insanity programme. So maybe I probably have lost my mind with the pathetic comments on this forum tonight.

    Why are over 300lb and 400lb people targetted on this topic? Are you seriously telling me that a woman/man who is 30 or 40 pounds overweight they don't have an addiction? Seriously guys get real and talk some sense
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    How did she get over there in the first place? Assuming there were no problems flying over there, why such a mix up flying back?

    Thinking they have a pretty good case against the airline that allowed her to fly away from home but would not fly her back--inconsistent refusal of service = discrimation on what was clearly a disability.

    How is being fat a disabilty? Did I miss something? :huh:
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Were there no doctors for her to see overseas? If she was having medical issues to the point of death, her husband should have taken her to a hospital. The fact that she died doesn't seem to have to do with the fact that she couldn't board her plane, but by the fact that she was old, obese, and had several comorbidities. This is an extremely sad article; I will be interested to see how the lawsuit turns out.

    Oh. Everyone 56 and over better be prepared to die. We are old.

    Seriously there are very few compassionate people here considering this site is to encourage a healthy lifestyle. And we all know she was not a MFP member how? Oh. We don't. We are all sitting here judging a woman without knowing how much or little she was attempting to improve her life

    Please feel free to bash my opinion if you desire. I am old and near death, or so i am told, so it won't hurt me for long.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Were there no doctors for her to see overseas? If she was having medical issues to the point of death, her husband should have taken her to a hospital. The fact that she died doesn't seem to have to do with the fact that she couldn't board her plane, but by the fact that she was old, obese, and had several comorbidities. This is an extremely sad article; I will be interested to see how the lawsuit turns out.

    Oh. Everyone 56 and over better be prepared to die. We are old.

    Seriously there are very few compassionate people here considering this site is to encourage a healthy lifestyle. And we all know she was not a MFP member how? Oh. We don't. We are all sitting here judging a woman without knowing how much or little she was attempting to improve her life

    Please feel free to bash my opinion if you desire. I am old and near death, or so i am told, so it won't hurt me for long.
    If you could stop being so sanctimonious for just one second and scroll up a few posts, you will find something that may change your mind about the person you are quoting.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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