Obese flier turned away from airlines; dies overseas



  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    How did the plane, that couldn't return her to the US, take her overseas?

    this question has been asked and aswered 20+ times in this topic.

    Really? I haven't seen one legitimate answer. Maybe the person who used to work for the airlines could answer how she was able to buy a return ticket - two of them actually! - when there wouldn't have been a plane available with the proper belt extenders?

    I really think that's what it boils down to! She was able to fly there with the airlines knowing her situation. They should have never allowed it knowing full well that they wouldn't have the same facilities where she was travelling.

    I'm just going out on a limb here, but she probably didn't notify the airline of her physical disability. In the US, more people are obese so airlines are better equipped here, but in Europe, they are less likely to have to address the needs of a morbidly obese passenger.

    As another poster said, she likely gained more weight while traveling and the same equipment that was satisfactory for her flight there, might not have been satisfactory for her flight back.

    Of course, I have already stated that I think the guy will win this case. But not everything that get decided by the judicial system is right or fair.

    From what I have read they had a travel agent that notified the airlines of her obesity and made sure to book her two seats for all flights.
  • More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.

    Who wouldn't ?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    How did the plane, that couldn't return her to the US, take her overseas?

    this question has been asked and aswered 20+ times in this topic.

    Really? I haven't seen one legitimate answer. Maybe the person who used to work for the airlines could answer how she was able to buy a return ticket - two of them actually! - when there wouldn't have been a plane available with the proper belt extenders?

    I really think that's what it boils down to! She was able to fly there with the airlines knowing her situation. They should have never allowed it knowing full well that they wouldn't have the same facilities where she was travelling.

    Last time, you guys!! Here we go!

    She was gone for more than a month, she got heavier and larger, and different airlines can only do so much, and they obviously did everything they could, unless getting the local fire department to carry her into three seats she still did not fit does not qualify as trying.

    AGAIN, not a legitmate answer!

    I like cat people. You are obviously a dog lover imitating a cat lover.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    How did the plane, that couldn't return her to the US, take her overseas?

    this question has been asked and aswered 20+ times in this topic.

    Really? I haven't seen one legitimate answer. Maybe the person who used to work for the airlines could answer how she was able to buy a return ticket - two of them actually! - when there wouldn't have been a plane available with the proper belt extenders?

    I really think that's what it boils down to! She was able to fly there with the airlines knowing her situation. They should have never allowed it knowing full well that they wouldn't have the same facilities where she was travelling.

    Last time, you guys!! Here we go!

    She was gone for more than a month, she got heavier and larger, and different airlines can only do so much, and they obviously did everything they could, unless getting the local fire department to carry her into three seats she still did not fit does not qualify as trying.

    AGAIN, not a legitmate answer!

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm just going out on a limb here, but she probably didn't notify the airline of her physical disability. In the US, more people are obese so airlines are better equipped here, but in Europe, they are less likely to have to address the needs of a morbidly obese passenger.

    She had to buy two tickets for herself! They knew!
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.

    Who wouldn't ?

    Someone ethical and honest? *points to self*
  • More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.

    Who wouldn't ?

    Someone ethical and honest? *points to self*

    :laugh: LIAR
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.

    Who wouldn't ?

    Someone who isn't overly litigious and looking to blame everyone else for their problems.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    OK from what I read she was obese but sounds like there were things that could have caused that (says she was an ampute, not sure what but that could hinder exercise) and regardless, the airline was able to get her over there (and was able to every year get her to and from) why couldn't they get her back?

    I'm not a professional, but can't you lose limbs from diabetes? Which also CAN result from a bad diet. Depending on the type of diabetes.

    Also, nobody is allowed to ask that question anymore.

    It doesn't say that's why she lost them though so it could have been something completely different. People are judging based on assumptions.

    Also I have yet to see someone actually answer the question, with a logical answer.

    .. ****ing a.

    "Her illness, a combination of kidney disease and diabetes, caused her to gain water weight, and the airline said it didn’t have a seat-belt extender for her, Janos said."

  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
  • I'm not saying just because she was obese or sick she didn't deserve to enjoy a few weeks of vacation but she was very sickly & think she should have stayed in the states & continued treatment. My only question is how did she get over there in the first place? She flew on a plane & they didn't have a problem so just wondering why she kept getting turned away on her return flights.
  • OK from what I read she was obese but sounds like there were things that could have caused that (says she was an ampute, not sure what but that could hinder exercise) and regardless, the airline was able to get her over there (and was able to every year get her to and from) why couldn't they get her back?

    I'm not a professional, but can't you lose limbs from diabetes? Which also CAN result from a bad diet. Depending on the type of diabetes.

    Yes you can. I have an uncle who is close to losing both of his feet from diabetes. You can lose the circulation in your limbs from unmanaged diabetes.
    Yes. I have a friend who is an amputee and a dialysis patient, both because of diabetes that he and his doctors undertreated because he was so skinny. (Past tense.)
  • More importantly, a person has died. This person has left behind a family who is now in mourning. God bless them in this time...no matter how much she weighed or who's fault it is.

    She has left behind a family... who is wanting to pocket big $$$ on her death.

    Who wouldn't ?

    Someone who isn't overly litigious and looking to blame everyone else for their problems.

    Well, that's dumb. i always find someone to blame! that's how I've made it this far ^_^
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    How did the plane, that couldn't return her to the US, take her overseas?

    this question has been asked and aswered 20+ times in this topic.

    Really? I haven't seen one legitimate answer. Maybe the person who used to work for the airlines could answer how she was able to buy a return ticket - two of them actually! - when there wouldn't have been a plane available with the proper belt extenders?

    I really think that's what it boils down to! She was able to fly there with the airlines knowing her situation. They should have never allowed it knowing full well that they wouldn't have the same facilities where she was travelling.

    Last time, you guys!! Here we go!

    She was gone for more than a month, she got heavier and larger, and different airlines can only do so much, and they obviously did everything they could, unless getting the local fire department to carry her into three seats she still did not fit does not qualify as trying.

    She would have had to gain a substantial amount and you don't know that to be the case. Also they bought three seat two for her and one for her husband, not three for her that she didn't fit in.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    How did the plane, that couldn't return her to the US, take her overseas?

    this question has been asked and aswered 20+ times in this topic.

    Really? I haven't seen one legitimate answer. Maybe the person who used to work for the airlines could answer how she was able to buy a return ticket - two of them actually! - when there wouldn't have been a plane available with the proper belt extenders?

    I really think that's what it boils down to! She was able to fly there with the airlines knowing her situation. They should have never allowed it knowing full well that they wouldn't have the same facilities where she was travelling.

    Last time, you guys!! Here we go!

    She was gone for more than a month, she got heavier and larger, and different airlines can only do so much, and they obviously did everything they could, unless getting the local fire department to carry her into three seats she still did not fit does not qualify as trying.

    She would have had to gain a substantial amount and you don't know that to be the case. Also they bought three seat two for her and one for her husband, not three for her that she didn't fit in.

    It says so in the article o_o
  • aguethler
    aguethler Posts: 26 Member
    One thing we are not even discussing is illness. Airlines also frequently deny flight if they feel that your illness cannot properly be treated on board, and this is more likely to happen on a transatlantic flight. We have no idea what symptoms this lady was presenting with. She could have be grossly bloated which could have truly made it possible for them to fly her out of the country in the first place, but not back weeks later if the seat belt extender no longer fit. She could have also now been carrying weight in a way that she would have been at high risk of an embolism during the trip. I am sorry for her family, but care should have been sought to stabilize her condition before attempting to board the plane. In this day and age of technology, her DRs could have easily conferred with Drs in the country she was in. I feel like this problem was not limited to one airline, the fact that a number of airlines could not accommodate her despite what seems to have been beyond the call of duty means to me that at the time she was denied travel she simply was not fit for travel and that it was not the airlines fault.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I would like to add `rest in peace` for this lady. And I hope her family do not suffer from the comments that people make :brokenheart:

    Whatever her problems with her weight it is not nice to have people dissect your life.
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