New Study Reveals: Plateaus are NOT real...



  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I will admit that calling you arrogant was a cheap shot and, for that, I apologize. I suppose my frustration was getting taken out on you for your comment that nobody has a plateau for more than a few days if they're doing things right. I really wish that weren't the case but for a lot of us, due to health issues and hormonal factors, it's a reality. Your comments felt like a slap in the face of my efforts.
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    Well apology accepted :-) I understand my comment may not have been worded the best and i'm sure the people on my friend list would testify that I am a very supportive person and respect everyones hard work regardless. I was talking about people with zero health issues and plenty of time to focus on their goal. Again, no offence was intended :-) peace?
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I have to say, that before my computer went down and I lost the data - this has actually worked. And it's worked really well.

    Thanks for posting it :D
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    They say unicorns aren't real....but I still BELIEVE!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    My One persons study. It is not scientific... but I think is insightful. By not scientific I mean 100's of people would need to do something similar to what I have done and then see what the results are. So, my results are extremely subjective. Honestly, its just a provocative blog headline to get some attention.
    What study are you referring to?

    So based on results of what worked for you, you conclude that no one can possibly experience a plateau that lasts longer than a couple weeks?

    OK then ...

    not saying that at all. it's not my experience but I guess can surely happen. sounds like the case for you.

    please take the time to do some sort of analysis, like a spreadsheet. if you have not it might reveal something.

    good luck with that. plateaus suck.
    Your subject is: new study reveals. I asked what study you were referring to, you replied: your personal anecdotal evidence. Perhaps your subject line is the issue. Perhaps it should be: "I've just done a personal experiment and based on my physiology, age, gender, etc. my own personal plateau was not, indeed, a plateau. I wonder if my results would be replicated among various people with similar and different physiology."

    Do you know nothing of marketing? there are so many posts here that NO ONE would have read if I had made such a boring title. Write something controversial as a headline to get the party started. Do you feel manipulated yet? muhahahaha
    Oh, so you're marketing something. :yawn: swell. You're not? Well, then don't play with hyperbole when folks are so invested. State facts as facts, and personal experience as such

    Yes, I'm promoting the use of a spreadsheet to get a better idea of what is going on while you are losing weight along with many other benefits. What's wrong with that?
    Nothing. I haven't comment on that, have I? I've commented on the use of "new study reveals plateaus are not real..." which suggests there's a new study that, well, reveals something.
    Use a spreadsheet, yay. Don't make sweeping claims about weightloss for everyone.
    I thing I've made my point. I think we're done. Que no?

    The point of these postings are to exchange information, help each other etc. I think I have helped to achieve that with this forum topic and a lot of people have already used the tool I've made and benefited from it. If I had not written that title then its likely it would have been lost in the shuffle. In this case it was certainly worth the deception to get the word out over so many useless forum topics that help almost no one. So in this case the ends do justify the means.
    The ends justify the means...where have I heard that before...:huh:

    I guess some people just can't see the big picture.

    OP - wouldn't worry about it. your msg was simple. you wanted to tell an anecdotal story with personal data, which is interesting to read and the whole point of a FORUM. you were open saying that the title got people reading and in your original post you mentioned that it was just your data and that there a lot of factors that complicate this application ....

    for those who are clearly picking fights in random sidenotes rather than debate on a salient point, ignore them. don't feed the trolls.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    OP - wouldn't worry about it. your msg was simple. you wanted to tell an anecdotal story with personal data, which is interesting to read and the whole point of a FORUM. you were open saying that the title got people reading and in your original post you mentioned that it was just your data and that there a lot of factors that complicate this application ....

    for those who are clearly picking fights in random sidenotes rather than debate on a salient point, ignore them. don't feed the trolls.

    *scratches head