Tattoos making me feel better about my body



  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    that is awesome

    What makes it even better is what it is. My 63 year old mom is sporting a violet Lantern Corps symbol on her wrist. :laugh:

    haha yea, that makes it epic
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I am not going to read through all the posts because they are revolting. Let me just say this: "Yuck" How can anyone in their right mind try to get their body in shape and then "F" it up with tatoos? Are you so unaware that your body is going to change with age? I am absolutely not on board with body disfigurement. Some of you remind me of Natunal Geographic magazine from the 1960's. Nose bone, anyone?

    Good thing I asked your opinion!! Oh.... no.... wait. No one hear gives a f**k what you think. The difference between a person with tattoos and a person without them? We don't care if you don't have any.

    yup, and im sure when we can barely make it to the bathroom on time, the first thing we'll say is, "damn, I wish I didn't get a tattoo that reminds me of the good days."
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    hell yes I have one!!!!!!! oh boy do I regret it!!!! I am trying to cover it up also!! with something nicer... I got my old nickname which now i lived with forever.. than I tred making it look prettier and added more decoration around it.. boy now I am trying to cover that with flowers.... also i regret the one on my wrist!! badly!!! that one i have to remove 1000 for a tiny little thing!!! if u gain weight they will look like crap!!! that is why i am trying to lose weight... ah..... u shouldnt get more.. I hate to many tattoos on people
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    Here is the one I've just started, it's two weeks old (but about two minutes old in the pic!) It's going to take two more 4 hour sessions to finish.



    And don't judge my tramp stamp back there! I love it :)
    I really do not like this one very much... I would hate walking around with a undo tat.. I would get way to sad... I bet it will look good when it is done but no I would get sooooo sad if I walked even 3 days with this... and had to look at it everyday. was it to expensive to finish? or what?... to time consuming?... is this professional?....
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    It's a time thing. My artist is very professional. After 4 hours a persons pain tolerance just plummets. Skin starts to swell and bleed and not hold in ink very well. And I actually LOVE it. But when I look at it, all I see is what it's going to be. I'll go in in a month for my next session.
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    I have one tattoo. I got it earlier this year, after thinking about getting one since I was 18. I had a great artist that listened to me and what I was after (Or more what i didnt want - I was very vague!) and she drew something up that exceeded my expectations and it has special meaning to me. I am thinking about getting another 1 or 2 when I hit my goal weight. I got my tattoo for me and no one else, my husband loves it so that's an added bonus. :). I didnt get my tat to feel better about myself but when I see it in the mirror, I do end up feeling less "down" about my body.
  • yup, and im sure when we can barely make it to the bathroom on time, the first thing we'll say is, "damn, I wish I didn't get a tattoo that reminds me of the good days."

  • Guess I'm old fashioned about this. If you have a tatoo, then you had better been a soldier, sailor, or biker.

    You do realize that there are lot of ex-military women like me that are bikers and have tattoos, right? LOL!

    Yes! In fact the ideal woman was a soldier, is a biker, and drinks like a sailor! :bigsmile:

    Check, check and check! :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member

    Good thing I asked your opinion!! Oh.... no.... wait. No one hear gives a f**k what you think. The difference between a person with tattoos and a person without them? We don't care if you don't have any.
    Well said.
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    I personally have never seen a tattoo that I thought looked good and some are down right hideous.

    That's amazing to hear, because there is some really beautiful body art out there! I hope you get a chance to some and change your mind. I have two small tattoos, both have meaning to me, and am thinking about a third.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    People get tattoos for various reasons. So long as you are happy with your tattoos and reasons then good for you! You're always going to have naysayers but it's all about being happy, comfortable, and confident with you. People get tattoos for deeply personal reasons, to have fun, that drunken weekend, whatever. So long as you don't regret them and are getting them done in a clean and steril environment then it shouldn't matter what others think. I have 4 and I love mine.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am not going to read through all the posts because they are revolting. Let me just say this: "Yuck" How can anyone in their right mind try to get their body in shape and then "F" it up with tatoos? Are you so unaware that your body is going to change with age? I am absolutely not on board with body disfigurement. Some of you remind me of Natunal Geographic magazine from the 1960's. Nose bone, anyone?

    Wow. If you don't like tattoos then why would you even take the time and effort to post this? Your lack of respect for people and their opinions/choices is what is truly revolting here. You aren't just bashing the art, you are bashing the people and the memories that are associated with them.

    I'm not saying that disagreeing with something is bad. There have been at least one really good post from someone who doesn't like tattoos but was respectful in how they conveyed their opinions.

    Me, personally? I love tattoos, although I don't have any myself. They can be so beautiful and I have found that 90% of the stories behind them are just as beautiful as the actual tattoo themselves. I would love to get one myself, but I'm scared of
  • teflongirl
    teflongirl Posts: 1 Member
    Mine are cosmetic--tattoo eyeliner and eyebrow embroidery. I love them because they do not streak when my eyes tear or when I sweat during a workout. Best investment ever--people see it and do not even know its permanent. Otherwise I am tat bare.
  • I am not going to read through all the posts because they are revolting. Let me just say this: "Yuck" How can anyone in their right mind try to get their body in shape and then "F" it up with tatoos? Are you so unaware that your body is going to change with age? I am absolutely not on board with body disfigurement. Some of you remind me of Natunal Geographic magazine from the 1960's. Nose bone, anyone?

    Do you realize that many people with tattoos feel that those tattoos are a part of them, a part of their story. Saying "yuck" and that they "f***ed up" their body is really a very personal attack. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but there are more appropriate ways of expressing it. You wouldn't walk up to a stranger and tell them they looked "f***ked up" or at least I hope you wouldn't. Why post of a forum with a bunch of people with tattoos and do essentially that?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    gunna get mine as soon as i hit my goal and tone up some..and they will have meaning :wink:
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I have 5 tattoos so far (more to come ;) ) 4 of them with a meaning behind them
    I'm saving for a new one now that I will get once I reach my goal weight (it will be a phoenix)

    [old skin even looks bad w/o tats]

    Oh, I had a BEAUTIFUL phoenix that I almost got and ended up with somehting else. Don't get me wrong, I love what I have but I regret NOT getting the phoenix. It was during a time I was 'rising from the ashes' in my life so it had great significance to me. Maybe that's why I regret that I ended up with something else.
    Anyway, I have two and they still mean as much to me as they did when I got them. I've had one for 21 years and the other for 6 years.
  • I can't keep my cellphone wallpaper the same for a week without getting sick of the picture. I could never handle that on my body, permanent. Yikes.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    I have 2 so far and I'm planning on getting another one within the next few goal weight tat :) My first 2 have meaning from the stages of life i was in at the time, the next one is gonna be a celebration of what I've accomplished and a reminder that it didn't come easy. Everyone is beautiful, ink or no ink :)
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i have two and i love them :D
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    you know whats REALLY revolting? closed minded people who will go and insult others because they do something you dont agree with. what the heck is wrong with you?! can you not just think these thoughts in your mind rather than put others down? grow up
    I am not going to read through all the posts because they are revolting. Let me just say this: "Yuck" How can anyone in their right mind try to get their body in shape and then "F" it up with tatoos? Are you so unaware that your body is going to change with age? I am absolutely not on board with body disfigurement. Some of you remind me of Natunal Geographic magazine from the 1960's. Nose bone, anyone?