Tattoos making me feel better about my body



  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I think when I am old,struggling to get around, and living in a nursing home, the last thing on my mind will be, "Gee, I wish I did not have these tattoos that remind me of the good ol days. What was I thinking?!"
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    A couple of gorgeous ones on here so far! I love looking at pictures of others tattoos :) Keep em coming!

    I've been saving up for a while and have finally started on what I've been wanting for a while - two Lion King scenes, covering the majority of the fleshy part of each calf. One appt done, 3 more to go.

    My only regret is that I'm doing it now, during the winter, and all I want now is a nice hot bath, lol!

    Also, just because it amuses me...

  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I have many many tats, and yes they make me feel better. But not because they are "hiding" parts of me, they are works of art on my skin. They accentuate me, they add to me, they are an extension of my personality. Tattoos are beautiful and I feel more beautiful with them no matter what my weight is. To those that shun it and say the body is a temple, I say...what kind of temple doesn't have art on the walls? ;)
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    ...To those that shun it and say the body is a temple, I say...what kind of temple doesn't have art on the walls? ;)

    Love that!
  • I can never understand why people who hate tattoos always have to voice their opinion about it!

    I have lots of them, most i love, 1 i don't like too much as it wasn't done correctly - i am now thinking about some stuff to cover up the bits that were done crappy. I don't regret getting it, i just regret that the tattooist (professional too!) Didn't listen to my requests and did it his way and since it was on my back i didn't get to see it till it was done.

    Yes tattoos will look different when we are older, but EVERYONE looks different as they age. I'll be happy to just be ALIVE at 80! We are living in the here and now, not worrying about what its gonna be like in decades to come.

    If you want a tattoo get it! Nearly all of my tattoos have a meaning, some i just liked the picture!

    I am lucky that my husband does tattooing so i can get them free in a sense (just have to pay for the materials)