You might be a fitness pal if.........Jokes!



  • sbarbry
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    .....if your partner makes you a meal and you make them get the food packets out the trash so you can log it

    Hahahaha, so guilty of this one!! I make him measure everything too if he's cooking :)
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    ...if you took your food scale 600 miles away from your home to Thanksgiving dinner at your parents' house so you could weigh your foods and log your calories accordingly.
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    ...if Bob or Jillian could show up without calling and open your fridge and find nothing to throw out, but when your friends stop by they ask if you have any 'normal' food.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    If you can name the person who always says "Just break up" or feel compelled to answer "hookers and blow" to random questions
  • heidimaggott78
    If you see a hot guy with muscle definition and you don't think "hmmm hot guy" ,instead you think "wow that guy must have put in loads of work to get that body"
  • justkeepswimng
    The F5 thing doesn't work on macs. You can always do Control (Command)+R on any program and it refreshes the page.
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    If you already wrote a blog titled, your addited to MFP when...

  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    ... you drop something on the floor but don't bend down to pick it up because you've already exceeded your exercise target for today?
  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    You got me. (smile)
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    you take off your glasses before you weigh yourself because you want every ounce of loss to show and glasses might add a few lbs........................(did it this morning *facepalm*)
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    Options get caught counting pop chips at your desk for your 3:00pm snack......if you won't go to a restaraunt that doesn't have nutritional info on their online menu so you can pre-log.
  • MyOwnLittleWorld
    You've seriously considered stabbing someone with the fork for stealing a bite off of your painstakingly measured plate. Those are my calories dammit!