Why are you single?



  • Amby_Bear_2012
    bacause i cant find anyone who understands me my previous boyfreind have all cheated on me and a bf is what i want and what im looking for but noone seems to like the really hmmmm ah well keep looking one day mabey.....one day
  • Antlady69
    Antlady69 Posts: 204 Member
    Because I'm an a55hole, but I'm aware of it. I'm staying single so that I don't force my way onto others - it just wouldn't be fair on them.

    Also, because I don't like having sex. :>
  • torylinnangel
    because I haven't asked him out yet...and I tell everyone else no (I'm a heartbreaker)
  • KSwatek
    KSwatek Posts: 222 Member
    Basically, because I only want what I can't have. I don't give nice guys a chance and only want one *kitten* who told me, "the feelings you have for me are stronger than the ones I have for you." I've tried dating but me not having a filter and being an open book probably isn't a very attractive quality in a woman. Plus, I talk a lot. And probably interrupt too much.

    Plus, my weight gets in the way. I don't have self-confidence issues with my looks, I know I'm kinda pretty. But my weight gets in the way.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    To the OP , I am Sorry for your Loss,

    I'm single because I can't trust myself , I can be here today and gone tomorrow . Does that make any sense ?
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Apart from crazy internet stalkers fast-talking me into a 'relationship' that didn't last a day I've always been single. c: This is because my social skills suck butt, my reclusive nature and I'm pretty much trying to deal with my own issues first before I get involved with anybody on a more than friends basis.

    Funnily enough whenever it comes up in a conversation people always assume I'm taken. : P
  • Chessie24
    I'm shy and don't get out enough
    I also have a condition that many girls can't get over once I admit it to them. you can guess what that means...
    I must be dense...or naive..but curiosity killed the cat sooo...."condition"??

    I think I must be dense too because I couldn't figure it out.

    I'm not single but if anything ever happened I'd be single because I'm never approached and my standards for "the one" are pretty high. I don't think I could ever just settle.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    For awhile I was just too fat. I hated my body and didn't want anyone else to see it. Now it's okay in clothes but still not great naked. But then, I have a kid and I'm 40, my body is never going to be what it was. But it can get better.

    Meanwhile, I'm contemplating dating again, but I don't want anything serious because I don't want to stay in this area of the country (or in this country at all for that matter) so why risk falling into a serious relationship?

    A friend with benefits would do nicely for now, it's too bad all my friends got married long ago.
  • PipBnz
    PipBnz Posts: 49 Member
    Every guy i get to know and get interested in ends up going for my friends, or tells me several months into dating that he already has a gf/ fiance....I have standards and theyre not stupidly high, but i dont do bull***t or drama and theres ALOT of *kitten* out there!
    So for now im just working on being the best version of me i can be :)
  • Donica_Marie
    Donica_Marie Posts: 64 Member
    I am single because i was in a 5 yr relationship and was engaged and found out he was cheating on me from what i finally found out at the end was at least 4 times and it was a very bad break up and still hurt even tho we have been broken up for months and months now dont know how trust again but who knows ...till then i will wait for my true prince charming.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I am 22 and I take my studies seriously so during the school year I rarely go out and enjoy life like I should. I believe this can be a huge obstacle in meeting new potential partners. Also, I think I am picky. It almost had to be a spark right away. I find it difficult to find feelings for established friends.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I'm shy and don't get out enough
    I also have a condition that many girls can't get over once I admit it to them. you can guess what that means...
    I must be dense...or naive..but curiosity killed the cat sooo...."condition"??

    I think I must be dense too because I couldn't figure it out.

    I wanna know too!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm so awesome it's intimidating. And I'm a picky b*tch.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I am autistic and asexual.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am not really sure. I have always had trouble getting a man's attention for some reason. All through high school, college, and all throughout my 20s, I pined for men who just looked right through me or did not feel the same attraction I did. I will admit, I am not very social so I have trouble getting out and meeting new people. The majority of my friends are married with children now. There was one guy I just went out with around Thanksgiving who I thought had serious potential, but he too disappeared after a couple of weeks and I have no idea why. I have learned not to look desperate and chase men when this happens.

    I think the best thing to do for now is focus on bettering myself and meeting some personal goals (new job, weight loss, make some new friends, feel better about my life overall). I know that my day will come when I cross paths with someone awesome for me. I think I'm a pretty good catch.... someone will realize that sooner or later.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I've always been single. I think when I have tired to put myself out there... it just always ended in humiliation and heartbreak. I'm not confident enough in my appearance or my weight so I think that really holds me back. I have always been made fun of and talked about because of my weight and appearance so... I guess I find it hard to believe that anyone would actually be able to like or love me in a romantic way. On top of that, my lack of experience in the relationship dept probably isn't helping either.

    I think I need to be more comfortable and confident with myself,

    this is me to a T i had one serious relationship in my life its sad. i seem to go for the girl i can't have who way out of my league
  • little_silver_bell
    i dont trust people
    im crazy
    no confidence
    my voice is like a chain saw ripping through your ears (i can sing though...just cant talk)

    but i have a boyfriend...but are relationship is dying so ill be single soon

    ive never really understood why people dont like me though...I hide all of that, maybe I dont hide it well enough...I had my family convinced
  • little_silver_bell
    I'm shy and don't get out enough
    I also have a condition that many girls can't get over once I admit it to them. you can guess what that means...

    tell meee
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm shy and don't get out enough
    I also have a condition that many girls can't get over once I admit it to them. you can guess what that means...

    tell meee
    sounds like erectile dysfunction
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    @jayche you intimidate the ladies!