The Biggest Loser, the worst show on TV



  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Bump. I completely agree.
  • DKWaggoner
    Jillian is HOT & I would let her scream at me all day long! How's that for being up front and honest..BTW I love the show!
  • DKWaggoner
    I've only seen a couple episodes over the years and agree it sucks, but calling it the worst show on TV is a bold statement- there is so much crap on television I can't even wrap my head around picking a "worst"
    It is far from the worst show on tv..Jersey shore and Honey boo boo come to mind
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    If I wanted to watch people struggle with their weight I'd go to my family reunion! Lmao thats one of my favorite Larry the Cable Guy jokes :D
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I dont watch anymore too repetitive but it got me to do my very marathon a couple years ago, when they had to complete a mararthon...granted their flat straight line run...I was like wth...the next day I decided to run one...workn on my 3rd next Im not gonna totally "hate" on the moved me...isnt that what the shows comes when you least expect it.........:smile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    call the police and they will remove that guy from your house who is holding a gun to your head making you watch the show
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm okay with the Biggest Loser, as long as you don't get any expectations from it (like thinking you should lose 5 lbs a week at home). But this season has KIDS on it. Seriously, CHILDREN. 13 year olds and 16 year olds. That's ridiculous.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I watched the first season of the show and haven't watched it since, but I honestly never thought about the show in the way that your post states it. I honestly completely agree though!

    More power to those people for losing all of that weight. It's still a great accomplishment no matter how they went about doing it. However, what about the thousands of people who are working to lose weight every single day, like all of us here on MFP? And we're doing it without someone yelling at and punishing us with insane workouts (at least I would assume that to be true for the people on here... mostly.) Where's our cash prize at the end of this? Haha
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I watch Biggest Loser for the comedic value, while eating ice cream. I'm sure this speaks negatively to my character.
  • shanayj88
    If you have never been an obesed person you can't POSSIBLY imagine what it is like to have to lose over half your body weight. That's a challenge. It's easier pass judgement on something that you can't relate to and also very ignorant. :smile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    . It's easier pass judgement on something that you can't relate to and also very ignorant. :smile:

    but that is the OP's specialty
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm okay with the Biggest Loser, as long as you don't get any expectations from it (like thinking you should lose 5 lbs a week at home). But this season has KIDS on it. Seriously, CHILDREN. 13 year olds and 16 year olds. That's ridiculous.

    I read somewhere (I cannot remember where or I'd link it) that the kids will NOT be participating in weekly weigh ins/eliminations like the adults do...I watched the show regularly in the past and really got turned off the last season with all the drama and nastiness...and yes, I know they dehydrate before shows, etc. I watched it for the same reason as other people have mentioned--motivation and the realization that if 400 and 500 pound people were getting off their a$$es and working out and changing their habits, so could I. I follow a couple former contestants on social media and met two former contestants (a son and mother) who have not only remained healthy and fit, they now work with a foundation promoting children's health and run half marathons every weekend for part of the year (I met them at my first half marathon). So...I think the show has a few redeeming qualities...I cannot think of a single redeeming quality in a lot of other "reality" TV these days...And I do like Jillian Michaels even though she scares me LOL so I will probably check out the new season...while I'm at the gym working out :bigsmile:
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    It is inspiring to see the transformed lives.

    But I don't like the same dehumanization of fat people either.

    They could do so much more with the show.

    With just a few minutes a show they could really be helping the average person out. Instead they are focused on getting max money through trying to sell their other products and getting max ratings. There is no doubt that is the show producers and the networks priority as it always has been with any show.
  • jesslinn85
    I've always been told that quick weight loss is not lasting weight loss. I think it's not healthy to punish your body by going to the extremes that they do. I've only watched a couple episodes of the show myself and honestly had no clue it was only 6-8 weeks. WOW! The only thing I can offer my opinion on is the working out at home statement. Because I'm so self-conscious, I am not comfortable in a gym setting. However, I am most comfortable at home where I do Leslie Sansone DVDs. I am motivated enough to do them on my own though. I began exercising and using myfitnesspal the end of September and I have lost 12 pounds since then. The reason I decided to make a change is because I had lost 60 pounds and gained 10 back. So altogether I've lost 62. But I don't count that, I just count my recent loss! Anyway- My question for people is: How do you feel about Adipex or other weight loss pills such as that? As I said before I've lost 12 pounds since the end of Sept but a friend of mine began taking Adipex 2 weeks ago and has lost 14. I'm scared of pills like that and feel if I can't lose it naturally then it doesn't need to be lost. (haha) I'm not a fan of pharmacologic weight loss...
  • GetFitCarly
    That's very true
    Never thought of it like that
  • thatsillyshana
    i like watching to see the first person to fall off the treadmill. not to be mean, but they shouldn't be forced to run that fast. ok, its a little mean...
  • dnmoorer
    dnmoorer Posts: 11 Member
    Love the biggest loser. And think the original poster and those that agree with him are completely missing what is important. These people are getting healthy. Who are ya'll to judge these people? Losing weight is very hard especially if you grew up overweight with a history of bad habits. Saying they should of done this or that sounds like someone who has never been significantly overweight. I am shocked that some attack these people for wanting to lose weight. They are working their *kitten* off. They aren't taking pills. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the show is a controlled environment but modest results can be reached achieved with similar hard work. Wow. Talk about missing the big picture!!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Love the biggest loser. And think the original poster and those that agree with him are completely missing what is important. These people are getting healthy. Who are ya'll to judge these people?
    How are they getting healthy by using completely unhealthy methods?
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    I watched some of the german version of it and I think its good that these people want to lose weight but I don't like the way they do it
    I also never liked that they let them look like weak, whiney losers
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    If you watch the first couple of seasons,Bob and Jillian each had different diets they touted. I think one was low carb and the other was balanced.Season one or two they actually had a contestant that was 160 lbs. she wanted to lose 30 lbs ! They tried to have a wide range on the show so the audience could relate.

    Now everything is Extreme. I think Jillian has some unsafe exercises also. Like when the jumps on thier backs and them walk around the gym. Their poor Knees !! that isnt safe at all.

    eh, I watch it. take it with a grain of salt tho.