The Biggest Loser, the worst show on TV



  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I love the Biggest Loser. I am a huge Dolvett fan and I follow him off the show as well. He is a trainer and has is own facility in Georgia.

    With that being said, I have no problem with the VS fashion show. I see nothing wrong with beautiful women and women should appreciate each other. The disgust for the VS fashion show is nothing but jealousy. If that fashion show should do anything, it should give people motivation. When I watch it all it does is make me want to work out more, not because I want to look like them, but because I want the confidence that they have. All women should know, it takes courage to walk out on a stage in your underwear and strut it. Regardless of how thin you may be, all women have some issue with their body.

    The VS models should be cheered for simply because they are strong women who walk out on stage and own it. If you disagree it is only because you are jealous or because you don't want your bf or husband watching it. If the second one is your reason please refer back to the fact that you're jealous.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    call the police and they will remove that guy from your house who is holding a gun to your head making you watch the show

  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I watch Biggest Loser for the comedic value, while eating ice cream. I'm sure this speaks negatively to my character.

    I think it speaks AWESOMELY about your character :flowerforyou:
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    I used to watch it when I was fat... I'd sit there and eat and cry that if these huge people could do it, why couldn't I LOL. I'd love to see all of the contestants in some sort of followup show and see if they kept the weight off or lost more and got healthier. I'd guess the percentage of people who keep it off has got to be low, but maybe I'm wrong. I really don't see how the show truly changes their habits (except maybe the at home ones.) It's fantasy land, then you go back home to your family and real life and what did you learn? Not how to eat more healthy in real life and figure out time to exercise even though your life is super busy. The only thing that I think is real on that show, is the depiction of 67% of america (5% which is morbidly obese.) SMH
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Love the biggest loser. And think the original poster and those that agree with him are completely missing what is important. These people are getting healthy. Who are ya'll to judge these people?
    How are they getting healthy by using completely unhealthy methods?

    Actually they aren't unhealthy methods. They are just placed in a controlled environment with no temptations from everyday life and they workout for long periods of time.
    If you think about it, we could all do it if we had the time and didn't have distractions like jobs, kids, husbands, chores, etc. You can drop a ton of weight week after week if you do what they do.
    The workouts are hard, and some may think them extreme. I go to boot camp to work out so it isn't anything different than what we do there. They don't start out running fast, it just looks like they are running fast because they fall off the treadmill, one guy fell off and his treadmill was only on 3.5
    I guess it is all about personal preference though. Sorry if I sounded rude I don't mean to if I did.
  • fitsin10
    fitsin10 Posts: 141
    bumping, got to leave now, good read!
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    They shouldnt reward winners with money.

    I dont see the people on intervention getting $250, 000 for going to rehab.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    They shouldnt reward winners with money.

    I dont see the people on intervention getting $250, 000 for going to rehab.

    I do agree with this. I am a little tired of contestants saying "I can't do it on my own so I had to come here" would they if there wasn't a monetary reward? I don't think so.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Watching reality TV game show contestants sweat, strain, and diet their way to big weight loss may actually lead viewers, especially thin viewers, to more harshly judge all overweight people, a new study shows.

    Researchers think the reason is that the show appears to do a good job of convincing us that body weight is entirely within a person’s control.

    That sets up the idea that if show contestants can shrink dramatically, everyone should be able to.

    The problem with that notion, experts say, is that it just isn’t true.

    “The real reality is that significant, sustainable weight loss is not achievable for most people,” says Rebecca Puhl, PhD, director of research at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., in an email to WebMD.
  • Lookingforfitat40

    “The real reality is that significant, sustainable weight loss is not achievable for most people,” says Rebecca Puhl, PhD, director of research at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., in an email to WebMD.

    A doctor telling us real weight loss isn't sustainable.....awesome.

    The kids signing up up to protect our freedom go through a lot more than these attention *kitten* go through. Nobody is writing them a check for $250k.

    If you sign up for a "reality" TV show and are surprised by anything you're put through then you had it coming.

    Just pat yourself on the back of the hand and tell yourself that it's not your fault.

    And now the outrage over a kids' version? Has anybody checked out Honey Boo Boo or the pageant bullsh!t lately? Abuse is rampant but Honey Boo Boo was the hottest selling Halloween costume this year.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member

    Wow very eye opening! I watched the first few seasons and then stopped. I just knew that it didn't really motivate me b/c I have a job and things to do so I couldn't spend 3 months, 24/7 trying to lose weight. I also realize it is made for TV. While I think I have done a good job losing 55 pounds in 10 months, I know it wouldn't make good TV. Could you see the viewing publc getting excited over a 1.5 pound weight loss in a week like I actually do? Or worse yet, seeing a week where "Lisa gained a half a pound this week while on vacation and enjoying herself. And she has the nerve NOT to feel like less of a person because of it."
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I love this post. If this post were sitting next to me, I'd high-5 it.

    I also love oogling VS models (daaaaaaaang, just how long can a human torso be???) and watching Biggest Loser. And yea, I usually eat crappy food while watching BL, why is that? I watch BL for the entertainment but in no way/shape/form do I find it logical or inspiring for weight loss. Come on now.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Love the biggest loser. And think the original poster and those that agree with him are completely missing what is important. These people are getting healthy. Who are ya'll to judge these people?
    How are they getting healthy by using completely unhealthy methods?

    Actually they aren't unhealthy methods. They are just placed in a controlled environment with no temptations from everyday life and they workout for long periods of time.
    If you think about it, we could all do it if we had the time and didn't have distractions like jobs, kids, husbands, chores, etc. You can drop a ton of weight week after week if you do what they do.
    The workouts are hard, and some may think them extreme. I go to boot camp to work out so it isn't anything different than what we do there. They don't start out running fast, it just looks like they are running fast because they fall off the treadmill, one guy fell off and his treadmill was only on 3.5
    I guess it is all about personal preference though. Sorry if I sounded rude I don't mean to if I did.

    Did you read the article interview that was posted about what goes on behind the scenes? They severely dehydrate their contestants. That's definitely unsafe!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    We all have our opinions, mine is I like it, I use their products...hell I have the bodymedia core armband that Jillian Michaels sponsors. I have lost weight doing all they say and at a very good rate for "Real Life" loss. Its what you take away from the show that matters and how you use it. Heck no, I am not going to do everything they do to a T. But this obese world needs something like this right now to get our fat arses off the couch our hand out of the potato chip bags and get healthy...So if that means I get a show like this and people volunteer to actually do it. Then I am going to enjoy it and not criticize it down to a T.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I do their workouts (mostly the Jillian Michael's Workouts) and I have been known to watch the show, BUT I do think they have very unrealistic expectations of how us "normal, everyday people" lose our weight. It's good for the entertainment value, but it would be nice to see a LOT more of where they are now, because they really DO mostly (not all of them) disappear from the spotlight. Other that that, I'm sure I'll keep watching it and keep my expectations for myself real.
  • PamFitnessJourney
    I completely agee with the sentiments of this post regarding "The Biggest Loser"!

    It is all for TV ratings and marketing. It is definitely not geared towards enriching anyone's lives or truly teaching people the true tools to getting control of their lives.

    Also, statistics show that most people can barely lose and keep off 25 lbs for more than a year without WLS. This show is a lie! How many contestants have they followed up with five years later after they have gained back all of the weight that they lost. I highly doubt that most of the contestants truly keep up with the vigorous exersize schedules and diets provided to them. If you have more than 100 lbs to lose, WLS is a great tool.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    i think Biggest Loser is a horrible show too and don't watch it, but isn't the same production team behind the Extreme Weight Loss show that Chris Powell does? i find the latter show to be a pretty good one and Powell seems to really care about the people he works with.
  • ElleEmmeKay
    I definitely can see why so many people view The Biggest Loser as an inspirational watch. I'm currently finishing up my Bachelors Degree in Nutrition Science and I can't tell you how many classes I have had in which we just discuss the extreme society we live in... everyone either has problems with obesity or with orthoexia (the newest eating disorder), and sooooooooooooooooooo sick of it. I've come to the conclusion that nutrition education isn't the problem but instead self-respect and self-control are.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I agree. I think the show is insane. The weight loss is unhealthy and unrealistic. I don't find it motivational at all. Additionally, although I don't know if it's true, I am under the impression that after the show ends, a large majority of the contestants regain the weight they lost. I'm not a big fan of the notion that you have to kill yourself to get thin....or of the notion that it would be worth it. I don't watch it and don't support any of the products it sells.

    As for VS. I'm not watching it. I don't have any real heartburn about it. Love VS products but could care less about their models. Yes, they are beautiful. So what?

    Agree so much - the show is crazy. Maybe in the beginning it was good, but now it's about selling stuff. And it's not a good example for other people. A former Biggest Loser contestant that lives in my area is now featured in a diet pill commercial for Complete Nutrition. How is that responsible? Wasn't she given the tools to keep the weight off by the show?

    And I also agree about VS - there are plenty of beautiful people in the world. I don't need to have a hissy fit every time one of them does something or is in the public light. I'll never look like that, but who cares?
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I have never seen the show and don't plan on watching anytime soon.