How did you get proposed to?



  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    We met online. He lived in the UK and I lived in the US. One night we were chatting and talking about how we could be together on the same continent. So it was something like this:

    Me: We have some options. Student visas, this company called BUNAC, spousal visas... We'll just have to research.
    Him: I ACCEPT!
    Me: wut
    Me: k

    LOL, thats cute!
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    We were taking a bubble bath together, he says "I can't wait any longer". He gets out bubbles running all down him, goes and gets the ring and proposes on the side of the tub. Nice bath.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    In an email on a Friday afternoon when he knew I didn't have access to a computer until Monday. :laugh:
  • We took a weekend trip to South Lake Tahoe over this past Labor Day Weekend. He wanted to take the Gondola ride at Heavenly and was really persistent about it. He wanted to propose at the lookout point but couldn't wait any longer and proposed in the gondola, just him and I. It was perfect and the views of the lake were incredible! We had been together for 8 months when he proposed and we're getting married September 2013 :)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    We met online. He lived in the UK and I lived in the US. One night we were chatting and talking about how we could be together on the same continent. So it was something like this:

    Me: We have some options. Student visas, this company called BUNAC, spousal visas... We'll just have to research.
    Him: I ACCEPT!
    Me: wut
    Me: k

    LOL, thats cute!

    Haha, I don't often tell people our "proposal" story because it's kind of ridiculous. But there it is... Married 4 years now and it really does kind of sum up the relationship perfectly!
  • We lived two doors down from each other for 8 years and grew up together as friends in a big group of kids. His family moved to Holland and we lost touch. About 4 years later we started talking on msn every day, for about a year or so, and developed feelings for each other (oh young love - I was 14, he was 16!), but we lost touch again.

    Fast forward 3 years and it turns out he is at my university, in the year below me. We started talking again and got on great, just like before. Only difference tis time being we were both in other relationships. Mine ended and me and him got closer, but I never once tried to end his relationship. My feelings were that strong that I just wanted him to be happy - consoled him over and helped with his realtionship at the time. I was his only friend that done that.

    We told each other pretty much everything, and spoke every day for hours on end.

    Then he finished with her, but went on a wee bender and we both 'seen' other people for a while (me a guy for about a month or so, him a girl for a few weeks and then his ex a couple of times). His reason for this was that he didn't know if he could handle the fact I had a son, in a serious relationship (he didn't want just fun), and my reason was not wanting to wait on him anymore (9 months in total from being single to being with him!).
    On boxing day we went to his student halls, got drunk, and admitted our feelings for each other. We talked it over soberly on the 27th Dec 2011 and were a couple from that moment on - although, we both say the 26th, and that's when everything really happened.

    We were then engaged on the 17th March 27 2012 at a law ball, run by my student law society. We were just talking about how much we loved each other, and he just asked me. Being the total romantic I am my first question was "are you drunk", promptly followed by "will you remember?" and "are you sure?".

    People didn't believe us at first, thought we were too young (me 19 and him 21). We're now set to get married on 05/07/14 and can't wait!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    Right there with ya :grumble:
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    He requested 2 trail horses at the ranch where we would go trail riding every week-end....but wanted to be able to go out without a guide. After we signed the waivers and got on the horse we spent about 2.5 hours just riding, exploring the park, being goofy with the horses. We got to the campsite clearing and he did a little trot around the clearing to come up beside as close as he could. Then he asked me to be his wife and pulled out the ring.
  • We had been together over five years, living together for two, so I knew it was coming - just didn't know when!

    July 4th weekend 2010, we were at my parents' house and were downstairs watching TV in the living room after my parents had gone to bed. I was leaning on his shoulder falling asleep, as I usually do when we're watching TV on the couch. He poked me and told me to sit up and he pulled the ring out of his pocket. Total surprise - in fact, I said "Holy sht I didn't think you were gonna do it this weekend!" Then he said lots of lovely things and I said yes and he put the ring on and I immediately asked when and where he got it and how long he'd had it. (I'm a TV producer so I always like to know how things happen :) ) Then I went and woke up my parents by screaming WAKE UP I'M ENGAGED! And my mom knew it was going to happen so she was prepared with Prosecco. Been married over a year!
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    He sang My Girl by The Temptations (his friends and him dressed as The Temptations and even had the moves down)

    Dreaming :love:
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    On our two year anniversary to the day, Dec 9th 2007. At a Italian Restaurant. I pulled a card out, & a watch to give to him... And then he said he has something for me too. And then he pulled out a little box. He got a little tounge tied, and he asked. And I was like, "Are you sure? Really?" I told him a conversation I had with my father before my father died. My Dad asked me, if I thought Brent would ever asked me. And I said, "I don't know Dad. But, if he ever does, I will definately say yes." And I did say yes. Best yes I've ever said. :smile:
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    New Years 2000 - had a big party with friends at a condo on the beach. After midnight we all hugged kissed blah blah - he then asked me to go for a walk on the beach to get some fresh air. Walking walking then he says hey come here for a second - walked back to him, he got down on one knee and asked. I said yes - we hugged and all our friends shot out fireworks from the balcony of the condo.

    It was perfect!
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    In Carlsbad Caverns. I told him it was my favorite place and he never forgot. My ring is extremely unique, too. It's a taaffeite stone.

    Would love to see your ring!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    w just kind of said, wanna get married? and ok. to make it official, he gave me the ring in a booth at denny's
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    I met mine on the internet. We dated for 3 years. On our 3 year anniversary he proposed. We went out for a nice steak dinner and then a movie. After that we went to a lake that is right by the steakhouse. This is the same steakhouse we went to every year on our annv. then he got down on this knee and pulled out a Grizzy wintergreen long cut dip can. He had the ring hidden inside. He asked me to marry him and I said yes of course. We got married on our 4 year annv.

    I love my Alabama Hubby!!!!!
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    Christmas Day evening, just us, by the christmas tree! It was so sweet.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    I met my fiance at hiking group meetup that we were both members of. This particular outing was to dollar movies to see James Bond movie. After movie, he asked me if I wanted to go and get something to eat. I started saying no, but then thought that I had no other plans. We had greatest time talking and closed the restaurant down. I did not want to date anyone and told him that because he asked me about my dating approach. I was interested into making friends only.

    We texted each for a week and I immediately recognized that he was not like anyone else I have met. We made best friends spending weekend daytime together and talking every weeknight on the phone, and in about 3 month we realized that we want to marry. We both are in our forties and maturity helps to make better decisions, especially if you are not involved with someone sexually. He proposed to me 6.5 month after we met. He planned to do it on our 7th month meeting anniversary and had quite a plan, but could not wait any longer, excitement took him over. He came to my house in the middle of the week, and got down on his knee and asked me. Had a beautiful ring. Our wedding will be on a day exactly 14 month after we met, in May of 2013.

    He is my best friend and soulmate. I am looking forward to the best years and best times of our life to come.

  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    We have lots of cats and Thursday is her day to clean the litter box. So I hid the ring in there and when she was cleaning it out, it filtered into the scoop. She screamed and I quickly picked it up and put it on her finger.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    It was 3:00 a.m. and we were watching Ghostbusters II...
    Did he "Slime you" ?
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    We'd been dating for 3 months. We wanted to spend New Year's weekend in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. At the stroke of midnight of the new milennium, he slipped the ring on my finger as I went in for the kiss!!! We got married 8 months later. That was (obviously) 12 years ago!! :blushing: