does milk count as water?



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    well, didn't this turn out fun!

    milk is mostly water. personally, i only count water as water. however i do drink coffee, diet soda (gasp!), and other wet things and i add them into my calorie tracker to keep track of the macros.

    as far as the ice vs water argument i just read a few posts back- what effing nonsense is that?? the state of solid vs liquid vs gas is down to the speed of the vibrations of the molecules. and it is a bit daft to say that water and ice have different densities at the same temperature! it freezes, melts and vapourises at the same temperature- knowing this gave us the standardised temperature scales we have now!
    Error 1)
    Why is it daft to say that water and ice have different densities at the same temperature? Ice at 0 deg is less dense than water at zero degrees before phase change. The phase change molecular alignment of water, partially due to its dipolar nature creates a material that is, luckily, less dense that the liquid state.
    We are alive thanks to this small fact - if ice were denser than water it would sink and almost all the water on the earth would have frozen, sunk, and remained cold. the fact that ice floats allows for melting de to thermal currents, warmer air and sunlight.
    Error 2) it freezes, melts and "vaporizes" at different temperatures based on pressure and other factors including salt content and purity. This is why we have phase diagrams, super cooled liquids and the dangers of super heated liquids flashing.

    I double log milk - log it as a food and as a glass f water at the bottom. One does not need 8 glasses of pure water a day. That's poppycock.