GMO Food Products



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    GMO was introduced into our food supply where I live without consumers knowing or getting to choose. Most people, when the learn about this, do not like it. Including myself. Other countries reject the products, and that is noteworthy in itself. I would like GMO products to be labeled, as I would never choose to purchase them if labeled. Hence, the whole GMO controversy is that the genetic modifications are for the sole purpose of making some corporation some extra money.

    Right and if GMO's are so safe, why did these companies fight the labelling process so that people are informed consumers? There was BIG money put up by Monsanto and many other companies to ensure that Prop 37 did not pass in California. They knew if it passed in 1 state that many other states would follow suit.

    They don't want people to know. What are they hiding?

    Because people who would fearmonger and oversensationalize it, the label would get a stigma and the company would go out of business due to paranoia about the safety of the product, regardless of any actual study or negative reaction.

    I say GOOD. Put them all out of business. We don't need to eat that junk anyway.

    Were you abused by food growing up? You seem to have some very deep seated issues with it. All this undo stress in your life will probably kill you faster then these evil GMOs.

    Stay stafe.

    Please, I am far from stressed. I have no issues with food. I have issues with companies that MANUFACTURE food like products passing it off as some nutritious substance that it is not.

    I am passionate about wanting nutritious food that has not been artificially tampered with.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    99% of the meat in America is Factory farmed.

    Just how do you expect to avoid GMO food unless you grow it yourself or buy from small local producers with good practices. Heading to my town's Winter Farmer's Market tonight in fact. :heart:

    I do purchase the majority of my foods from local producers and farmers. I purchase very little from a grocery store.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Here's another one:

    Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds, according to Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar. Unlike many European Union countries, Hungary is a nation where genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. In a similar stance against GM ingredients, Peru has also passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.

    There are a LOT of countries that are barring and banning Monsanto and the like out of their countries. I wish the US would ban them and run them out of the country.

    I seriously want to b*** *p the Corporate office everytime I drive down Lindbergh in St Louis.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    And anyone that thinks Big Food, Monsanto, or all of the government lobbyists for factory farming are going to go "out of business" needs to learn a little about how the food system works in America. The world is adapting America's ways for food production and food quality.

    I think the fact that so many people think that GMOs are nothing to be concerned about is a testament to the power of food lobbyists. Personally I avoid modified food as much as I can, although I'm sure I can't avoid all of it. I just do my best.

    It's worth noting that some countries are moving away from American food production values, though. Germany recently passed some anti-agribusiness legislation, Peru just banned GMOs in general and Monsanto in particular, and I expect there are others. Europe in particular has always been much more aware of the issues surrounds GMO food than we are in North America, I believe.

    I agree. I think the thing people do not realize is that GMOs are in so much of the food we eat. 99% of the meat is factory farmed. What do people think those feed lot animals eat? And as far as the films and booked I mentioned earlier being criticized as being biased, I'd like to know what types of books those people would suggest.

    I volunteer on a farm so mostly I go with what I learn locally in my own community.

    People calling books like Animal Vegetable Miracle biased have no idea what they are talking about.

    I agree also...................these people that don't mind CAFO meat sources and GMO grains, vegetables and fruits are part of the eat everything in moderation crowd.

    They would probably stab you for a Twinkie right about now.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Please, I am far from stressed. I have no issues with food. I have issues with companies that MANUFACTURE food like products passing it off as some nutritious substance that it is not.

    I am passionate about wanting nutritious food that has not been artificially tampered with.

    "If a genetically engineered trait results in a change in nutritional composition, then a label is mandatory"
    Ya that's a law btw..
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm no fan of Monsanto, BUT I also suspect GMO crops will be key in the survival of humanity given the havoc we are doing to the climate. If GMO can make a crop resistant to the drought, floods, etc.we humans seem intent on bringing to pass, well... we might have to get off our high horses.

    They are messing up the balance in nature. Everything in life has a cycle. Droughts, floods, etc are all part of that NATURAL life cycle. We need things to happen as part of the natural cycle of life.

    Humans are trying to be God or Mother Nature and they are ruining everything.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    The problem is not that there is not enough food, the problem is food distribution.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm no fan of Monsanto, BUT I also suspect GMO crops will be key in the survival of humanity given the havoc we are doing to the climate. If GMO can make a crop resistant to the drought, floods, etc.we humans seem intent on bringing to pass, well... we might have to get off our high horses.

    They are messing up the balance in nature. Everything in life has a cycle. Droughts, floods, etc are all part of that NATURAL life cycle. We need things to happen as part of the natural cycle of life.

    Humans are trying to be God or Mother Nature and they are ruining everything.

    ok then don't drive your car and don't use plastics etc etc..Remember we are consumers and eventually one day the earth will run out of resources.. Some day. What happens when the sun burns out then we are all doomed then too ahhhhhh. But before that all happens are you are suggesting that GMO is going to destroy nature and natural life as we know it.. Evolution is REAL.. run for your lifes!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm no fan of Monsanto, BUT I also suspect GMO crops will be key in the survival of humanity given the havoc we are doing to the climate. If GMO can make a crop resistant to the drought, floods, etc.we humans seem intent on bringing to pass, well... we might have to get off our high horses.

    They are messing up the balance in nature. Everything in life has a cycle. Droughts, floods, etc are all part of that NATURAL life cycle. We need things to happen as part of the natural cycle of life.

    Humans are trying to be God or Mother Nature and they are ruining everything.

    ok then don't drive your car and don't use plastics etc etc..Remember we are consumers and eventually one day the earth will run out of resources.. Some day. What happens when the sun burns out then we are all doomed then too ahhhhhh. But before that all happens are you are suggesting that GMO is going to destroy nature and natural life as we know it.. Evolution is REAL.. run for your lifes!!

    And stop going to the tanning bed.

    I think it's kind of funny that to justify sitting in a tanning bed, which produces known carcinogens and most definitely without doubt causes cancer, you tell us that the dangers of tanning beds aren't what we've been led to believe, but you rail against something that has not yet been proven to cause disease.

    Make up your mind.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People calling books like Animal Vegetable Miracle biased have no idea what they are talking about.

    Do you even know ANYTHING about Barbara Kingsolver?
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    GMO was introduced into our food supply where I live without consumers knowing or getting to choose. Most people, when the learn about this, do not like it. Including myself. Other countries reject the products, and that is noteworthy in itself. I would like GMO products to be labeled, as I would never choose to purchase them if labeled. Hence, the whole GMO controversy is that the genetic modifications are for the sole purpose of making some corporation some extra money.

    Right and if GMO's are so safe, why did these companies fight the labelling process so that people are informed consumers? There was BIG money put up by Monsanto and many other companies to ensure that Prop 37 did not pass in California. They knew if it passed in 1 state that many other states would follow suit.

    They don't want people to know. What are they hiding?

    Because people who would fearmonger and oversensationalize it, the label would get a stigma and the company would go out of business due to paranoia about the safety of the product, regardless of any actual study or negative reaction.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I "suspect" that monsanto is the advent of some office *kitten* contest and furthermore, unless the plebes speak up for your health, they will win the contest. Your choice.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    GMO was introduced into our food supply where I live without consumers knowing or getting to choose. Most people, when the learn about this, do not like it. Including myself. Other countries reject the products, and that is noteworthy in itself. I would like GMO products to be labeled, as I would never choose to purchase them if labeled. Hence, the whole GMO controversy is that the genetic modifications are for the sole purpose of making some corporation some extra money.

    Right and if GMO's are so safe, why did these companies fight the labelling process so that people are informed consumers? There was BIG money put up by Monsanto and many other companies to ensure that Prop 37 did not pass in California. They knew if it passed in 1 state that many other states would follow suit.

    They don't want people to know. What are they hiding?

    Because people who would fearmonger and oversensationalize it, the label would get a stigma and the company would go out of business due to paranoia about the safety of the product, regardless of any actual study or negative reaction.

    No, because if GMO's are labeled then we could track any potential health risks. I have the right to know what is in my food, I say YES TO LABELING GMO's! Such labeling is already required in India, Japan, Europe, South Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand...
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    GMO was introduced into our food supply where I live without consumers knowing or getting to choose. Most people, when the learn about this, do not like it. Including myself. Other countries reject the products, and that is noteworthy in itself. I would like GMO products to be labeled, as I would never choose to purchase them if labeled. Hence, the whole GMO controversy is that the genetic modifications are for the sole purpose of making some corporation some extra money.

    Right and if GMO's are so safe, why did these companies fight the labelling process so that people are informed consumers? There was BIG money put up by Monsanto and many other companies to ensure that Prop 37 did not pass in California. They knew if it passed in 1 state that many other states would follow suit.

    They don't want people to know. What are they hiding?

    Because people who would fearmonger and oversensationalize it, the label would get a stigma and the company would go out of business due to paranoia about the safety of the product, regardless of any actual study or negative reaction.

  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    OP Has found that the majority want the GMO off our shelves, THANK YOU!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You are burning the corn when you drive your car. Federally mandated ethanol is made from corn and the politicians are using your money to reward the corn producers by requiring we purchase their less than useless product, which buys them elections in the mid-west. If you really want to punish them, stop driving.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I know I am much older than most people here so I hope you will bear with me when I say "this reminds me of . . ."

    My mother and father, a nurse and a doctor, were lifelong smokers. My father had his first heart attack when he was 35 and continued to smoke. In the late sixties and early seventies people started talking about how smoking was bad for you and no one believed it. Tobacco companies advertised that smoking was healthy, and even health care providers believed this was true. Tobacco companies had very powerful lobby groups spreading misinformation. My father used to say that smoking wasn't bad for you; what WAS bad for you was jogging along the street and inhaling car exhaust. THAT's what would kill a person.

    My parents, both healthcare providers, would routinely drive the car with the windows rolled up and myself and my sister in the back, and they would chain smoke. I can't imagine anyone doing that today.

    This argument seems very similar to that time. Lots of people were sounding the warning about smoking, and there were a whole lot of people telling them they were wrong.

    I really hope people speak out against GMO foods because that will protect all of us, just the way less smokers protects all of us from the effects of second hand smoke.

    Exiting soapbox.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    That's a logical fallacy. Because X is true and you believe Y is true, Y is the same as X so it's true. I can use the same logic by pointing out that it was common knowledge that tomatoes were poisonous. They weren't poisonous so GMO's must be safe.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    This is why I'm really glad that we work our *kitten* off every year to provide ourselves with our own HOME GROWN vegetables. They are so much better for you. That would be my advice. GROW YOUR OWN CROPS! :)
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    That's a logical fallacy. Because X is true and you believe Y is true, Y is the same as X so it's true. I can use the same logic by pointing out that it was common knowledge that tomatoes were poisonous. They weren't poisonous so GMO's must be safe.

    Then I wasn't very clear, I'm sorry. I wasn't saying smoking was bad therefore genetically modified food is bad. I'm saying even "experts" can be shown to be wrong over time. I'll be surprised if that doesn't happen here.