GMO Food Products



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    99% of the meat in America is Factory farmed.

    Just how do you expect to avoid GMO food unless you grow it yourself or buy from small local producers with good practices. Heading to my town's Winter Farmer's Market tonight in fact. :heart:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I say GOOD. Put them all out of business. We don't need to eat that junk anyway.

    So it's not "take it off the market until they can find a way to make sure it is 100% safe through years of (additional) intensive R&D", it's "destroy it entirely"?

    They burned our GMO corn in Germany. That's all the proof I need.

    I also know that GMOs are in everything. I mean, 99% of everything.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    awe ... c'mon, you must have something better. that was weak,
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    And anyone that thinks Big Food, Monsanto, or all of the government lobbyists for factory farming are going to go "out of business" needs to learn a little about how the food system works in America. The world is adapting America's ways for food production and food quality.

    It's way beyond raising your hands to the air and saying "oh, I hope they all go out of business"

    Anyone that knows anything about how the food system works would not waste their breath.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn'

    And 'Food Inc.'

    And 'Forks over Knives'

    And read 'Eating Animals'

    And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle'

    That is all. Stay educated.

    And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?


    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I say GOOD. Put them all out of business. We don't need to eat that junk anyway.

    So it's not "take it off the market until they can find a way to make sure it is 100% safe through years of (additional) intensive R&D", it's "destroy it entirely"?

    They burned our GMO corn in Germany. That's all the proof I need.

    I also know that GMOs are in everything. I mean, 99% of everything.

    So, when Germany burns
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn'

    And 'Food Inc.'

    And 'Forks over Knives'

    And read 'Eating Animals'

    And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle'

    That is all. Stay educated.

    And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?


    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    Animal. Vegetable. Miracle. is Biased?

    What planet are you on?
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    I say GOOD. Put them all out of business. We don't need to eat that junk anyway.

    So it's not "take it off the market until they can find a way to make sure it is 100% safe through years of (additional) intensive R&D", it's "destroy it entirely"?

    They burned our GMO corn in Germany. That's all the proof I need.

    I also know that GMOs are in everything. I mean, 99% of everything.

    So, when Germany burns

    damn you beat me to it.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I say GOOD. Put them all out of business. We don't need to eat that junk anyway.

    So it's not "take it off the market until they can find a way to make sure it is 100% safe through years of (additional) intensive R&D", it's "destroy it entirely"?

    They burned our GMO corn in Germany. That's all the proof I need.

    I also know that GMOs are in everything. I mean, 99% of everything.

    So, when Germany burns

    They did burn the corn. It was big news. Don't take this down another path. I'm talking about corn.
  • MirinSerratus
    MirinSerratus Posts: 30 Member
    there is a good youtube webisode on this topic, those interested should check it out.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's another one:

    Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds, according to Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar. Unlike many European Union countries, Hungary is a nation where genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. In a similar stance against GM ingredients, Peru has also passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    And anyone that thinks Big Food, Monsanto, or all of the government lobbyists for factory farming are going to go "out of business" needs to learn a little about how the food system works in America. The world is adapting America's ways for food production and food quality.

    I think the fact that so many people think that GMOs are nothing to be concerned about is a testament to the power of food lobbyists. Personally I avoid modified food as much as I can, although I'm sure I can't avoid all of it. I just do my best.

    It's worth noting that some countries are moving away from American food production values, though. Germany recently passed some anti-agribusiness legislation, Peru just banned GMOs in general and Monsanto in particular, and I expect there are others. Europe in particular has always been much more aware of the issues surrounds GMO food than we are in North America, I believe.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn'

    And 'Food Inc.'

    And 'Forks over Knives'

    And read 'Eating Animals'

    And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle'

    That is all. Stay educated.

    And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?


    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    Animal. Vegetable. Miracle. is Biased?

    What planet are you on?
    The planet where Barbara Kingsolver is a co-author of that book.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    And anyone that thinks Big Food, Monsanto, or all of the government lobbyists for factory farming are going to go "out of business" needs to learn a little about how the food system works in America. The world is adapting America's ways for food production and food quality.

    I think the fact that so many people think that GMOs are nothing to be concerned about is a testament to the power of food lobbyists. Personally I avoid modified food as much as I can, although I'm sure I can't avoid all of it. I just do my best.

    It's worth noting that some countries are moving away from American food production values, though. Germany recently passed some anti-agribusiness legislation, Peru just banned GMOs in general and Monsanto in particular, and I expect there are others. Europe in particular has always been much more aware of the issues surrounds GMO food than we are in North America, I believe.

    I agree. I think the thing people do not realize is that GMOs are in so much of the food we eat. 99% of the meat is factory farmed. What do people think those feed lot animals eat? And as far as the films and booked I mentioned earlier being criticized as being biased, I'd like to know what types of books those people would suggest.

    I volunteer on a farm so mostly I go with what I learn locally in my own community.

    People calling books like Animal Vegetable Miracle biased have no idea what they are talking about.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn'

    And 'Food Inc.'

    And 'Forks over Knives'

    And read 'Eating Animals'

    And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle'

    That is all. Stay educated.

    And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?


    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    Animal. Vegetable. Miracle. is Biased?

    What planet are you on?
    The planet where Barbara Kingsolver is a co-author of that book.

    So cooking with a family and having your kids contribute to recipes is a horrible way to live?

    Eating locally and supporting your community is a horrible way to live.

    Guess what? I've eaten as locally as possible for nearly 36 years now. I was raised on small family farm meat and that's what I stick to now. I'm healthier for it. Both my husband and me are healthy weights. I'll stick to what works for me. I'll stick to my 400 square foot garden and volunteering at a local farm.

    You continue to think that a book about cooking and growing food with your family is "biased" or "wrong" or "strange" or...something.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    They have a point of view, but unlikely they are making as much money from their point of view as the companies who are publicizing theirs.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Has anyone seen Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. The LA one was particularity disturbing.

    And please don't call Jamie Oliver "biased"

    He's raising healthy kids in his house. Something can be learned from that. Kids that love to cook in fact.
  • MirinSerratus
    MirinSerratus Posts: 30 Member
    Thu 12/06/12 04:12 PMQUOTE:




    not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn'

    And 'Food Inc.'

    And 'Forks over Knives'

    And read 'Eating Animals'

    And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle'

    That is all. Stay educated.

    And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?

    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    Animal. Vegetable. Miracle. is Biased?

    What planet are you on?

    The planet where Barbara Kingsolver is a co-author of that book.

    So cooking with a family and having your kids contribute to recipes is a horrible way to live?

    Eating locally and supporting your community is a horrible way to live.

    Guess what? I've eaten as locally as possible for nearly 36 years now. I was raised on small family farm meat and that's what I stick to now. I'm healthier for it. Both my husband and me are healthy weights. I'll stick to what works for me. I'll stick to my 400 square foot garden and volunteering at a local farm.

    You continue to think that a book about cooking and growing food with your family is "biased" or "wrong" or "strange" or...something.

    in b4 yes could argue the statement you are a healthy seem to be farming adipose tissue.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Those are ALL extremely, highly biased sources with very sketchy, questionable methods and conclusions.

    They have a point of view, but unlikely they are making as much money from their point of view as the companies who are publicizing theirs.

    It's a darn good point of view.

    It works for me and my family.

    We're thin and fit and healthy and active. It's not easy but it works for us.

    How did eating healthy and growing food at home suddenly become about corporate greed? I think opening a box of cornflakes and pouring factory farmed milk laced with antibiotics is more about corporate greed and bias.