How does your intelligence compare with your SO's?



  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    My husband is more intelligent than me, but that doesn't mean, by a long shot, that I am of low intelligence! And the problem is he thinks a lot of people are stupid, and sometimes that attitude applies to me. Condescension infuriates me, especially from him and I have told him this numerous times, but it still happens. On the other hand, he wouldn't have been interested in me in the first place if he truly thought I wasn't intelligent. And, as you say, we have different talents, abilities and aptitudes. We try to put them together to make a cohesive partnership. There are still areas where we can't seem to put that together, however.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    My wife is more book smart and I am more street smart like Mcgyver :wink:

    so we are both smarter than the other, and stupider than the other in different ways
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Since my wife is a friend of mine on MFP...I'll just say that I'm smart enough to say "She is!"
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    We're about the same. I've had more (better) schooling and have a more "intellectual" sounding job, but he's just as smart, he just hasn't utilized it as I have (he doesn't want a 9-5 desk job anyway).
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Common sense wise - we're evenly matched.

    Academically - he's way smarter than me!

    Street smarts - DEFINATELY him!! I'm so green, it still baffles him how I don't know certain things!

    He has a memory like an elephant & takes extreme pride in his extensive knowledge of the history of music & WWII. He can tell you things that make you go, "how in the hell do you remember that......& why?"

    Knowledge is power - he takes that saying VERY seriously!
  • IslandRider
    Well, she was stupid enough to marry me.... I must be smarter!

  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    My girlfriend is pretty sharp.
    I like being with someone with intelligence.
    Oh hey that is why I divorced the Ex! HA!!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    My wife and I are pretty close but I'm more intelligent than anyone I know so...
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    We fit together just fine, my wife and I. We've not found any problem in life that we can't get a solution for working together.
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Common sense wise - we're evenly matched.

    Academically - he's way smarter than me!

    Street smarts - DEFINATELY him!! I'm so green, it still baffles him how I don't know certain things!

    He has a memory like an elephant & takes extreme pride in his extensive knowledge of the history of music & WWII. He can tell you things that make you go, "how in the hell do you remember that......& why?"

    Knowledge is power - he takes that saying VERY seriously!

    That sounds like my husband! Knows all about the wars!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    This is not fair, because I think I'm pretty fair-middling on the old IQ stakes, but my wife is a freak. She solves Sherlock mysteries before Sherlock does. She has weird genius modes of thinking so far outside the box that you can't even see the box from where she's standing. She runs circles around me.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    He is extremely book smart but lacks all common sense. Since I am somewhat book smart and have common sense as well, I say I am smarter.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    No SO here. I must be a genius.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Shhhh, don't tell him, but he is smarter than me.

    I just win all the arguments because I argue better. It's what I am paid to do!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm more book smart, she's more street smart.
    I learn faster, she tries harder.
    I work IT, she works HR.
    I'm tech savvy, she has trouble with setting clocks.
    I'm an introvert, she's an extrovert.

    Basically, we're two sides to one coin. She completes me.
    This is me and my fiance.

    Except he's in finance and I am in tech. Other than that, I'm pretty much exactly like her and he like you. lol
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I was married to a genius, but looking back he destroyed his very prominent public service career with a mid life crisis. First came the sports car, then the boat, then the much younger woman who worked for him. After several "business trips" together, his bossed fired him. Later I dated a man whose cousin was the Ethics Director for the large county I lived in. She had him blackballed in the several counties and all the cities in those counties for the way he treated me. (I call it the divorce from Hell) I guess it's just Karma. Who is a genius now?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    This is not fair, because I think I'm pretty fair-middling on the old IQ stakes, but my wife is a freak. She solves Sherlock mysteries before Sherlock does. She has weird genius modes of thinking so far outside the box that you can't even see the box from where she's standing. She runs circles around me.

    My husband does that to me. They would be dangerous in the same room! And impossible to watch TV with.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    we each have our strengths and weaknesses

    Math - he's freakishly smart and I cant add 2+2 (thats just for dramatic impact BTW)
    Spelling -- I make him write the grocery list so I get a good laugh -- dude cant spell Spaghetti to save his life
    Common sense - I win that one but he will disagree

    and we both rock in the useless information dept - his strong suit is Music and knowing within a half a note the song and who sings it - Im good at pop culture nonsense! - our friends wont play trivia games with us on the same team!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    It depends on the subject... my fiance is much better at math and science, while I am betting at english, history, and behavioral sciences.