Your WTF moment of the year...



  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    WTF for my nephew. His airbag deployed while sitting in car parked at his work.
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    Story #1: One of my friends died last May- during final exam period. My boyfriend picked me up to school, took me to the wake, and I slept over his house, which was closer to the church than my school. We woke up early the next morning to go to the funeral (in the car he bought 2 weeks prior). While we're stopped at a red light one street away from the church we hear "Eeeerrrreeee" and get re-ended by a kid in an old mustang. Guess he slipped off the clutch? Needless to say, we were late to the funeral, despite the fact that we could see the church. After the funeral we went to the hospital to be looked over and then proceeded to deal with the insurance for his new car.

    Story #2: September: From the car accident I had been in physical therapy and going to a chiropractor for a while. I've always had neck/back problems and being re-ended like that didn't make it easier. A friend and I had a class together and she would always call me before class so we could meet, walk together, and catch up with each other. While she's on the phone with me she starts screaming. She was stung by a bee. She'd never been stung before and had no idea what to do or if she was allergic. I've dealt with it a few times and ran out with my stuff to meet her. Halfway through a parking lot my back spasm-ed and I couldn't really walk. I made it a few more steps to the far edge of the parking lot along the road where I quiet literally collapsed on a car. Everyone walking/driving by ignored me including a campus police officer. When my friend reached me I slunk down, got the stinger out of her foot, and couldn't get up again. After 20 minutes she got me up and we both hobbled to health services- which was useless, I should have just called an ambulance. We never made it to class. Some hero I am, huh?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Customer: I like your hair.
    Me: Thanks.
    Customer: *reaches up and starts petting my hair.*

    Me: *innocently stocking shelves. Feels slight pressure on my shoulder. Looks down*
    Customer: *standing beside me with his head on my shoulder. Looks up*
    Me: O.O
    Customer: *smiles broadly then confidently walks away*

    Me: Sure you don't need help with that?
    Customer: Nah! I used to be able to lift an engine with one hand!
    Me: Wow! Impressive!
    Customer: You like that huh? You should see what ELSE I can do with these hands.

    Yes... all my WTF moments happened at work. And involve flirty men.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Customer: I like your hair.
    Me: Thanks.
    Customer: *reaches up and starts petting my hair.*

    Me: *innocently stocking shelves. Feels slight pressure on my shoulder. Looks down*
    Customer: *standing beside me with his head on my shoulder. Looks up*
    Me: O.O
    Customer: *smiles broadly then confidently walks away*

    Me: Sure you don't need help with that?
    Customer: Nah! I used to be able to lift an engine with one hand!
    Me: Wow! Impressive!
    Customer: You like that huh? You should see what ELSE I can do with these hands.

    Yes... all my WTF moments happened at work. And involve flirty men.

    Hahaha! I one time had a kid that had to be at least 15 come up to me while I was stocking shelves at work (when I worked at Kroger)....

    He was like, "Ey, do you have a boyfriend?" I looked at him, blinked and said, "No, but I have a husband." He toddled off all embarrassed.

    I have to mention that I have a rather large, er....donk and I get attention from some of the black males from around here. *blush*
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    Hahaha! I one time had a kid that had to be at least 15 come up to me while I was stocking shelves at work (when I worked at Kroger)....

    He was like, "Ey, do you have a boyfriend?" I looked at him, blinked and said, "No, but I have a husband." He toddled off all embarrassed.

    I have to mention that I have a rather large, er....donk and I get attention from some of the black males from around here. *blush*

    Oh man! Hah! I get lots of creepy attention. Not sure why. I think it's because I have a 'friendly' vibe.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    A family of six incredibly loud, chewing and grinding squirrels moved into my attic and my apartment maintenance refused to remove them until I told them one died in the wall and was starting to smell so bad that I couldn't sleep in my bedroom. THEN they got on it. WTF.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    Biggest "WTF" moment: waking up on Nov. 7

    Same here.

    What was supposed to happen?
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I've really enjoyed reading these. :) Here's mine.

    Receptionist at my daughter's preschool: Wow! Your daughter has the biggest vocabulary I've ever seen!
    Me: (Filled with maternal pride) Yes, she sure does. You can really tell her mama's an English teacher.
    Receptionist: REALLY?! You're an English teacher?? Well that explains the outfit.

    I was wearing a cardigan at the time, so I guess I kind of asked for it.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Finding out that exercise was counterproductive to my weight loss and health o.O

    (High intensity exercise was aggravating my sugar cravings and increased my appetite exponentially. As soon as I cut back to pole dancing, pilates and occasional weight training, the appetite dramatically decreased, and the weight began falling off...)
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    It was early in the year, probably the end of March, after "the winter that wasn't": around 3 AM, I hear the most ungodly sound I've ever heard (my bedroom windows were open, it was so warm). It goes on for about 5 minutes and I finally get up and go to the window, peek out and there's some animal on the front lawn. I finally figure out, it's a red fox. Apparently he/she decided it was already mating season. I'd never seen a red fox in the neighborhood before. Even though there's acres of woods across the street. He/she finally shut up 30 minutes later. I look out again, the fox is on the other side of the street, in that neighbor's driveway - LOOKING RIGHT BACK AT ME! <eeeek> Creepy!

    Does that qualify?
  • ovrsped
    ovrsped Posts: 9 Member
    My then fiance, now wife stepped in a hole while jogging. She twisted her ankle which twisted her leg and broke her leg. She fell from the pain and landed on a tree stump. This fractured the socket part of her hip in four places. She had to be shipped out of town to see a specialist and have surgery. The surgeon said he had never seen this type of accident before except in a car wreck. She did all this while running and falling.
    Our son moved back home and we bought a new van all in the same week as the injury. Also,we were in the middle of planning our wedding. We got remarried a month later. Our sons wheeled her down the aisle in her wheelchair.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    HIlarious WTF moment:

    Hubs and I live across the street from an elementary school parking lot. This past summer, we heard this awful scream/groan/panting noise eminating from said parking lot around 1:00 a.m. It was LOUD and sounded like either a very injured animal or a rape in progress. It had awakened our neighbors, too, who were standing in their driveways trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

    Hubs notices a white pickup truck in the parking lot, so he takes a baseball bat and the other neighbor guy over to investigate. Two naked teenagers going at it with their windows (and their pants! :laugh: ) down, both of them startled by the men and accidentally mooned the guys as they tired to get dressed. Hubs and neighbour start laughing their heads off. Truck screams down the parking lot and off into the night.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    My then fiance, now wife stepped in a hole while jogging. She twisted her ankle which twisted her leg and broke her leg. She fell from the pain and landed on a tree stump. This fractured the socket part of her hip in four places. She had to be shipped out of town to see a specialist and have surgery. The surgeon said he had never seen this type of accident before except in a car wreck. She did all this while running and falling.
    Our son moved back home and we bought a new van all in the same week as the injury. Also,we were in the middle of planning our wedding. We got remarried a month later. Our sons wheeled her down the aisle in her wheelchair.

    I resemble this story oh wait lol it's me!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I've really enjoyed reading these. :) Here's mine.

    Receptionist at my daughter's preschool: Wow! Your daughter has the biggest vocabulary I've ever seen!
    Me: (Filled with maternal pride) Yes, she sure does. You can really tell her mama's an English teacher.
    Receptionist: REALLY?! You're an English teacher?? Well that explains the outfit.

    I was wearing a cardigan at the time, so I guess I kind of asked for it.

    Only hipsters are allowed to get away with cardigans these days - and then, only over a vintage t-shirt. Hipsters.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    These are all great stories... thanks for sharing everyone!
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    My life is an entire series of WTF moments. However my favorites are as follows.

    1. The A/C unit of my new condo basically exploded, flooding the entire condo and needing replacement. I made (what I thought was a joke) to my then-boyfriend (whose parents purchased the condo for us) about how I hoped this wasn't a sign for our future. Then, other things started slowly falling apart. I fixed up everything and it looked GORGEOUS for when he moved in... well he lasted 10 days and moved out because he 1. Didn't have any family or friends 2. Loved me, but I was all he had in this area. 3. Cheated on me because he was scared of moving in together AND because he had me get sized for a ring. i figured I was indebted to trying things out, but he was just too scared to try.

    2. Went out for a beer with my friend, but I didn't really want to be out so I was as covered up as possible. I was also texting on my phone so that no one would talk to me because I was not interested. A man came up and bought beers for my friend and I. I thanked him kindly and went back to minding my own business. He decided to take this as an invitation to touch my butt. I kept moving away but he would follow and grope, follow and grope. I eventually started talking to some random people to get away from this guy. When the guy left, a man came up to me and said "i like your hair," and proceeded to pet me. He then put his arm around my waist, looked me in the eyes, and said "so, have you ever been with a black man?" I grabbed my friend and high-tailed it out of there. Then on the street I heard some boys talking about how nice my butt is. We ducked into a bar to get away from them and an older man (60-70) in a powdered blue suit grabbed me, gave me his business card, and told me to call him the following week if I was interested in going salsa dancing with him. needless to say, I went home as quickly as possible to stay safe.
  • XxXWhitneyShereeXxX
    I have WTF moments all the time but one of the more recent ones was when I lost my phone and found it a few hours later in the freezer
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697


    meow weekend
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Packing up and moving country for no other reason than we could!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    when my mom took me to court. hahaha... BTW, i'm winning!