SAHM 2/15/2010 - 2/21/2010

Hi everyone! We are a great group of stay at home mom's that share our life experiences with each other through our weight loss journey. We don't have any official weigh in's or challenges, but are here to encourage and support each other. We welcome newcomers!


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone!

    Trish- I hope you don't mind that I started the new thread!

    Stacey- welcome back! I am glad you had a great time! Don't be ashamed about having a great time! I was thinking of you yesterday as we were planting our last 30 trees, I suggested to the kids that we plant the last ones in a heart shape. They liked it, but I couldn't figure out to do it!

    I am off to drink some water. I didn't drink enough yesterday!
  • mama22girlz
    HI all

    I've been eating okay this weekend. Not great. But took the dog on an hour long walk this morning and might take the kids skating today so hopefully I'll get back in the groove again

    Nicolee I didn't drink enough water yesterday either.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi canada kim!--how fun to go skating! have a great time. and i'm jealous about the dog walk. that is one of my fave parts of owning a dog. i always found it so relaxing. :)

    thanks nicole! and thanks for thinking of me while you planted the trees--a heart shape is very original. your property is going to look so amazing over the years given all the hard work and love you've put into it.

    goals this week
    DRINK that WATER--i didn't have as much these last cpl days and i feel it
    Clean the house (with kids' help)
    Schoolwork with kids
    p90x hybrid week 11 (again) b/c i want to repeat it b4 moving on

    i think that's enuf. any more and i won't really succeed.

    what are you focusing on? 2 more weeks of the month--what results do you want to see at month's end?? what steps can you take to get there?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry, completely spaced out! I knew I was supposed to be doing something this morning. Sorry 'bout that.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I like the idea of monday/friday weigh ins, helps the accountability factor, i did great super bowl, i just overate yesterday, but back on track today. i did nto weigh ths morning so i will tomorrow and back to friday/monday after thta. we are goign to the gym tonight so that will help with the lack of exercise this weekend! thanks for all the support i needed it today!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's all cool Trish, as long as one of us gets the thread started!:flowerforyou:

    Canada Kim- Skating sounds like alot of fun!

    Michelle- Crank it out at the gym!

    Stacey- My goal is to get beyond the fluctuation I have been going through for the last month. I would like to see the pounds start coming off again.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    my oldest is vacuuming most of the house rt now for $3---this is AWESOME!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies! I've missed you all! Samantha's birthday went well. 19 children in the house. :noway: I was lucky that one of her friend's mom used to be a 2nd & 3rd grade teacher. She just naturally took over with the kids. :bigsmile: She was afraid she'd stepped on some toes, but I was grateful!! I owe her big time! Tony's Superbowl party went well too. And my parents came in town to help celebrate Samantha's birthday (Can't believe my baby is 6 now! :cry: ). They left Tuesday morning and Tony and I ended up getting sick that day. From what I've read, it looks like I wasn't the only ones sick. We started feeling better by Friday night, which was good because it started snowing again that evening, so that night we took the kids outside to make a snowman. They both had birthday parties on Saturday at different locations at the same time, and then we had a Valentine's dinner at our church Saturday night. We took a nap yesterday afternoon. Today is the first day that I really feel like I've got some energy. Well, I'm off to do some laundry! Hope everyone is doing well! :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Glad to see you back on, Amy. I'm glad you're getting over the gambu.

    Stacey, isn't that why we had kids? My parents always used to tell me (teasingly) "Why do you think we had you? To fetch and tote!"

    Canada Kim, welcome to our fold. We have the best group of gals here!

    Hubby had today off so went to gym with me. I decided to repeat week 2 of C25K so he could run with me. This was the first time back running for him since he got sick right before the race.
    Guess what-- I actually made it through the program today! It wasn't easy, but I did it. Well, almost. I walked the interval right before the cooldown, but that just allowed me a 5 min cool down. I went 2 miles in 32 mins. This means I've taken 15 mins off my 5k time! It also means I got past that stupid 16 min wall where I would normally poop out. The track isn't the most entertaining to look at, but I've noticed my best runs come from there and the road.
    After that I went upstairs for a bike session, and did 10.6 miles in 30 mins, and finished up on elliptical by going just under a mile in 15 mins. In all, I burned over 700 cals. I hope this week is the week I move past 218 pounds, which I've been stuck at Hale Freezes Over.

    Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight. Can't wait!
  • curliegirl
    Awesome job Trish! Glad the wall has melted away for you! Stacey--good to see you back & ready to tackle the house & the rest. Amy--19 kids? Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't a wonder woman! Canadian Kim--welcome back. And happy Monday to the rest of you!

    I had an insane weekend but managed to keep the eating under control & not gain an oz--YES! Today I have felt really lazy but I got up and walked my 30 minutes so I have lots of calories to "spend" on my dinner out with a friend for her b-day tonight. Thinking salad and an amazing dessert.

    Gotta go get things ready for the family for supper before I go.


    Walk every day this week for at least 15 & 30 on MWF--I want to drop another lb this week to get below 150.
    Plan my meals--yikes that was yesterdays job!
    Keep getting to bed by 10:30

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Go, curlie, go! You can do it! Rah, rah, sis, boom, bah!
  • blessdmomof4
    Options potluck Good things I had a 1200 cal going into it! I managed to stay under, or at least I estimate that I did. Hard to count someone elses casseroles. I tried to overestimate and ate my own dessert b/c I knew each brownie had 170. Good thing I made it to the gym this morning.

    My goal from now to the end of the month is to keep doing what I have been, maybe try to scale back on calories a little more and see what happens. I would love to have lost 15 lbs by March 1st. I would like to lose the next 20 as fast as I gained it which was in only 1 month. When we moved 2 years ago I gained 20 lbs in the month we moved idk if it was stress, bad eating habits during that month, to much on the go food etc but it came on quick and stuck hard lol! I had been working at that 20 for almost 2 years and then got frustrated and gave up and gained 10 more! I finally lost that 10, now must try to battle the stubborn 20 again...not to mention I was at least 10 lbs overweight when I gained that 20! I guess it came on in stages so it'll have to go in stages too.

    Snow forecasted for tonight. Hoping the roads are OK at 5:30 so I can get to the gym!

    Met my water goals today!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    Yay Trish for making pushing it through the run! How did Dave make out this weekend?

    Amy- Welcome back!

    Kim- You are amazing! How do you coordinate homeschooling all your kiddos?

    Melissa- I gained weight too when we moved! way to keep the cals for the potluck.

    I need to go drink more water. Nothing exciting to report about dinner. I am trying to come up with something creative for tomorrow night's din-din. Something with ground turkey.
  • curliegirl
    Well dinner out was AWESOME but I cannot do that again for months. We didn't know where we were going(1st mistake) so couldn't look it up ahead. Actually dinner wasn't bad alone--Bourbon Chicken & Lo Mein Noodles. But then we went to Olive garden(2nd mistake) for dessert--I didn't even log it. It will just depress me and take the fun out of it. So I start over tomorrow. Important thing is my friend didn't spend her b-day alone.

    Thanks for the Rah Trish--it made me smile!

    Nicole--I am blessed with kids who pretty much do their work. Some days I feel like I am holding them back by not keeping up with grading etc. You gotta remember that my 18 yo is pretty much out of the house. He eats & sleeps here but his schooling is at a level where I am not teaching him. My 13 yo is FINALLY getting math--we have struggled for years & this year has been the best so far. My 8 yo just follows her sibs example and does a great job. My little man doesn't really like school but he likes the attention of being with me so he deals with it. Luckily he buzzes through stuff for bribes like me reading aloud to him and science experiments. Lucky him!

    Headed to bed so tomorrow will go well.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--i like turkey burgers--w/dijon mustard and green beans or corn. simple and good.

    omg--so much to start commenting on now that we have more ppl! if i leave ppl out, please don't be offended. i read it all but it's just weird to me to comment one by one. idk....

    melissa--it is hard to be patient. and it is sooo easy to gain! we're here with you each # of the way.

    trish--good work. you are so goal oriented and determined. you inspire me!
    when my my mil was here helping me pack for the trip, she just kept me going from one to the next. i got distracted and wd 1/2 finish things. but she kept pushing me and redirecting me which was so helpful. reading your schedule and plans is that same thing for me--so thanks for sharing your step by steps!

    i didn't get in the p90x exercise---BUT i did rearrange a lot of furniture today. bookcase, couch, desk and mopping. so i know i used those muscles. short on water but really good on veges.
    i also worked on math with #1 and sight words with #2. feel like it was a successful day. :)

    kim--how do you teach everything? it is so hard to find the time to sit down with #1 and do her work. it was more fun using the time to rearrange! seriously, the textbook confuses ME. it's just not how i would teach the material and not organized the way i think it should be. but it dsn't matter what i think. i have to teach the curric so she can succeed at the re-take of the test. will keep plugging away at it tomorrow.

    but any tips--nicole and kim--would be welcomed!!

    alright--gotta tuck the girls in. let's do it GREAT tomorrow!!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi all,
    I don't have much to report, things are still pretty crazy around here so I just wanted to touch base and let you know I'm thinkng of you all. I hope everyone is hanging in there and I can't wait to get some free time to sit and catch up with you all. All for now Have a good night :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    GM girls

    I really do need to stop weighing myself every day. It's driving me bananas... but then I go bananas if I don't weigh. You'd think just "logging in" on the wii would be satisfying enough, but stupid me insists on stepping on the home scale afterwards, even though they're only 1 lb apart. *Sigh*
    As long as I'm 216-217 by Friday, I'll be happy.

    Dave did us fine over the weekend, thanks for asking Nicole. We are just hoping everything comes through before our week trial is up. We got our very own insurance last night, my mom found the title to my old car and is going to mail it, and the tax return should help pay off enough debt to help us make the monthly payment on Dave. I really do feel the Lord wants us to have this car. I do not think it would be going so smoothly otherwise.
    Picking up brother in law for therapy today (and my walk around the mall, hopefully will relax me). BIL has not heard we got new car, so it should be amusing to see his reaction.

    Especially excited for leftover homemade pizza for lunch. Wii Biggest Loser workout today, too. I just want the weight to come off. It's been a while since I've wanted something to be gone this badly. Hubby dropped 5 lbs in the last 2 days. Proud of him, but kinda jealous.

    EDIT: Also wanted to say that Grace has been sleeping phenomenally since we took her off of milk on Friday. Before that, she was tossing & turning restlessly all night. It was a constant "Thunk-thunk" as she accidentally bumped various body parts against her crib. When we saw the chiro, we asked if he could suggest anything to help her reflux issues. He gave her an adjustment (Grace's reaction was entertaining in itself), and then told us to cut out milk. I put her on my almond milk, and she's been sleeping like a fossil ever since. Not just a rock, but a FOSSIL! I hope this is the end of middle of the night puke sessions.
  • curliegirl
    Trish--glad Dave is doing well. Sorry that you are frustrated by the journey right now. Remember it is a journey & it counts that you are on it. Some people never realize they need to do something to get healthy & you are there! Rock on girl don't let your body defeat your mind. Guys are built different(obvious I know) and it is soooo not fair when they can drop weight without blinking. My hubby is like that. Actually it is kinda funny right now. I have always weighed more than him for our almost 20 yrs together but currently he is more than me & I think it may bother him a bit. Chuckle Chuckle.

    Off to drink another 8 oz. :drinker:

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yes, I'm on the journey, but I feel like my mode of transportation is broken, LOL
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone!

    Thanks for the ideas of burgers Stacey. As for math with your daughter, I too struggle with how they teach in the book sometimes. And how can you teach it if you don't understand it yourself? Does she have to do it exactly the way the book teaches if she gets the correct answer and shows her work? I have found that as long as he can work through the probelm and get the correct answer, that is what really matters. There are different ways to reach an answer most of the time and everyone learns different. I just alwyas make him show his work, so if it is incorrect, I can see where he went wrong and I know where to help. Most of the time it is simple errors that he does. I hoep this helps.

    Trish- I know it's frustrating to watch Hubs drop that quickly, but think baout how far you have come and how healthy you are!!! Very interesting about the dairy. We actually don't do dairy in the house either, because of Kyle and hubs.

    Kim- Isn't that interesting about your

    Ok.....I am still on the plateau with you Trish! I upped my base cals to 1350, and I am trying to eat all of my exercise cals. I am trying this method and seeing what it does. I think it's going to be extremely tough today though. I already burnt 550 cals doing taebo this morning, and I am going to run 4 this afternoon. that will probably put me in the range of 700 cals. 1250 extra to do guys eat that much???? I am going to try though!