Day 1 of 30 day Slimdown



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    If you look at the first post, you will see a link for the slimdown schedule; otherwise, you can just do the 30 day shred. The slimdown incorporates 3 of her DVDs. You are welcome to join the group as well. I am going to Mexico in 30 days. I have already done the slimdown once and the difference is incredible (for me, anyway). I am not losing a lot of weight, however, I am shrinking and feeling muscular. This is the effect I would rather have. No mushy mama here!!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Is 30 Day Slimdown the same as 30 day Shred? Does anyone know approximately how many calories you burn during one 20 minute segment? I've not been following the program correctly because I started on level two (it was on demand) for free, then backtracked when I got the DVD. Somedays I do level one and two when I'm feeling energetic, or add some elliptical in. My goal has been to shed a few pounds, but mostly to tone...especially in the abdomen and love handles. Do you think Shred will help with this, or do you know of any others that are better for that area?

    By the way, my name is Heather. I have 3 children, ages 9, 5, and 3. My husband is taking me to Mexico in a little over 2 weeks...which is how this all got started! However, we are both trying to make lifestyle changes, so this continues after Mexico!:laugh:

    The slimdown incorporates the shred, but also Jillian's other two dvds. Calories - nope. I'm using what Kim says. It does depend on how much you weigh and all that for how many calories are burned though. I weight about 156 right now and Kim says I burn around 170 or so. Without a HRM I have no idea.

    The shred will definately help you tone. I worked through it last summer and toned a lot. I didn't lose any pounds, but could feel my muscles getting stronger and toner.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, I think I am going to try and get some more protein in today...hopefully, that will combat the starvation problem I had yesterday. It was terrible. So, here is the plan for today:

    1) Egg sandwich for breakfast

    2) Shrimp with spinach salad

    3) Tilapia or shrimp, steamed veggies and something else I have to figure out

    Day 4, Shred #2....Shannon, are you feeling the pain this morning...I didn't hear you moaning about that NMTZ...I did it yesterday and was starving and pooped all day
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    OK, I think I am going to try and get some more protein in today...hopefully, that will combat the starvation problem I had yesterday. It was terrible. So, here is the plan for today:

    1) Egg sandwich for breakfast

    2) Shrimp with spinach salad

    3) Tilapia or shrimp, steamed veggies and something else I have to figure out

    Day 4, Shred #2....Shannon, are you feeling the pain this morning...I didn't hear you moaning about that NMTZ...I did it yesterday and was starving and pooped all day

    I will let you know as the day goes on. I could totally feel it when I was doing it. I moved this morning and could feel it in my butt for sure. So far I'm not too bad, but we'll see. She really works the muscles in this one!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    so I get 7 minutes into the shred, and guess who wakes up from his nap :ohwell: I will try again after they go to bed if I have enough energy! I did run a 5k this morning in 32:40, so at least I got some exercise!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    ok today was cardio day so I did I a kickbox bootcamp by jeanette jenkins..I also did 10 min beginner yoga to stretch, it felt good
  • momta2girls
    Day 3 NMTZ done! I hate jumping jacks!!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Gay ~ me too! but I like them better than mountain climbers!

    Wohoo! Day 1 complete!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Day 4 - level 1 shred - check. I feel like it was easier after doing NMTZ last night. But, that's good I suppose.
  • MegKacz
    Day 4, Level 1 DOWN! I missed yesterday :( Got right back on the train though!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Good Job everyone!

    Today I am switching Day 2 and 3 around. So I will be doing NMTZ today, and 30 Day shred tomorrow. I usually do my long runs on Saturdays and thought that coming back and doing NMTZ after running 7 miles would be rough ;)

    Weighed in and took measurements today:
    Bust: 36.5
    Waist: 30.5
    Hips: 37
    Thigh: 24

    I will take them again after I finish! :)
  • ttfit2
    ttfit2 Posts: 54 Member
    :happy: Hello everyone. I have all 3 JM DVDs - 30 Day Shred, No more trouble zones and banish fat, boost metabolism. Yesterday, a group of ladies and I did banish fat, boost metabolism. Needless to say, it is a great workout and challenging. We did finish the DVD with no stops.

    I downloaded the plan from exercise tv also. I bought the 3 DVDs from for $25.15 with free shipping February 6, 2010. Not sure if the sale is still on, but check it out if you can wait 5-7 business days to receive them.

    I like JM DVDs cause they make me work hard. I agree with JM when she says "Results don't come for free."
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi ttfit2...thanks for the information...I like Comcast TV for their exercise variety

    Seems like everyone is off to a good start

    Going to the theatre with the kids was hard yesterday...they had movie theatre popcorn...I had styrofoam popcorn from home, drank water, had 3.5 red vine licorice and a tootsie pop sucker.

    Today, is BFBM...I love this up a good sweat

    Unfortunately, tonight is my liquor drinking night...I will try to have some control; but, I do love my cocktails

    Here's my info from the start:



    178.5 inches total

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wohoo, NMTZ done!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    450 cals burned on BFBM....that's nearly my bottle of wine:blushing: :drinker:


    REMEMBER, KEEP ON TRACK FOR THE WEEKEND:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Ok, here are my measurements. We'll see where I end up. Oh, and I didn't get down to like 1/16ths or anything. Most of them were so close I just put down the inches.

    Waist - 36
    Hips - 41
    Thighs - 23
    Chest, over - 37.75
    Chest, under - 34

    Wasn't real sure if I should measure over or under my chest so I did both. Guess I can see if anything changes there as well.

    It is crazy how close to a whole inch most of them were.
  • momta2girls
    Choosing not to work out today. I have a killer headache thanks to all the weather variations in the south my sinuses don't know which end is up:angry:

    Anyway, logging food today and staying on track calorie wise. Back to Jillian tomorrow.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope your feeling better tomorrow!!!
  • MegKacz
    I didn't take my measurements yet but I weighed in at 144 fully clothed today at the Reserve Center for my physical. My scale at home says 139 haha I guess that's WAYYYYYYYYYY off. What I'm more concerned about is my blood pressure was 138/90! I need to start watching my sodium intake because I'm definitely active so that's the only other thing I can think of. My mom (among others) thinks it's white coat syndrome but doctors definitely don't make me nervous so I don't think that's it. I have a family history of high blood pressure so that doesn't help but GEEZ! I'm only 21!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    So, I was super tired last night and didn't get to the BFBM. I'm about to do it now. I think I'll do the NMTZ - or quick zones whatever it says tomorrow. I might still do the zumba in the morning. It'll be a hard day if I do both for sure.

    Meg - sorry bout the high blood pressure. Is that really high or just on the high side? Mine is usually around 115/70, so on the low side. Its never been high except after I had my girls so I don't really know the range. Hope you can keep it under control. That's scary with being active and so young.