Day 1 of 30 day Slimdown



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    So, I was super tired last night and didn't get to the BFBM. I'm about to do it now. I think I'll do the NMTZ - or quick zones whatever it says tomorrow. I might still do the zumba in the morning. It'll be a hard day if I do both for sure.

    Meg - sorry bout the high blood pressure. Is that really high or just on the high side? Mine is usually around 115/70, so on the low side. Its never been high except after I had my girls so I don't really know the range. Hope you can keep it under control. That's scary with being active and so young.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Day 3 done, Did 30 Day Shred because I'm going out for a long run today. Burned 200 cals doing Level 1 this morning, I was too sore from NMTZ yesterday to do level 2 again LOL So far so good, I'm enjoying myself so far!

    Shannon ~ Good luck getting it all in! I love Zumba, never really feels like a workout to me because I'm having so much fun!

    Meg ~ Hopefully it was just a fluke, maybe they took it wrong? The only time my BP has been high was during pregnancy as well, not sure what the normal levels are.

    Have a great weekend, hope everyone stays on track!
  • MegKacz
    Way to go ladies! I did the 30 day shred at about 10:00 last night (while the people that live above me were having a raging party.....).

    I'm hoping the blood pressure was just kind of abnormally high. Maybe I was just nervous. I was getting a physical for the Navy and I had no idea what was going on and everyone was telling me to go here and do this and go there and do that and there were people in uniform EVERYWHERE! My roommate (and fellow nursing student) has offered to take my BP when she gets home tonight, haha. Mine has always been on the normal/high side, so today's reading was kind of an outlier.

    I've never tried Zumba, but they have classes at the Rec Center here at school and it looks really fun! I did cardio kickboxing last semester and that was a BLAST! I did spin too. Now I don't have time for those fun classes :(

    I'm meeting an old high school friend for lunch today, hopefully the restaurant has some decent healthy choices (with low sodium, haha).

    Have a good weekend everyone!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    A normal BP 120/80; but, they actually prefer it to be a little lower.

    Katie, way to go on keeping a good pace...very dedicated to run while also shredding

    Shannon, I had my drinking night last night and picked up a bonus shift this morning that I thought I would be cancelled. But, I wasn't and I had to work it. I was a bit sluggish to say the least. I didn't exercise today; so, I will switch my "off" day for today and workout tomorrow. No wine for me tonight either.

    Meg, good luck with the Navy. My son just joined the national guard and is stationed in GA right now. I don't think I would have done the shred with a big party downstairs. I would have tried to crash the party. I do love my cocktails.

    Anyway, 1st week is nearly over

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :) Still lurking, still haven't bought NMTZ or BFBM, but getting more inspired to do so by reading these posts. I've been doing the shred - and to mix it up, doing it in 3 day rotations, level 1, followed by 2, then 3, then starting all over again with another rotation on day 4. They say to "confuse" your body by changing up your workouts - maybe this will do the trick ???

    Hoping to advance to doing two levels back to back at some point.

    Anyone else find those darn v-raises nearly impossible?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    smiles ~ Maybe some days, do two in a row? I know towards the end of the program, there are days where you are to combine 2 of the 30 Day shred workouts!

    Kim ~ Thanks! :) I love running. I gotta switch the program up a bit, as I find it easier to do a shred workout and run on the same days than do NMTZ or BFBM and run LOL

    Meg ~ Good luck with the Navy! Hope your blood pressure was better

    So today was a non run day and instead of doing 30DS, I did BFBM and burned 500 calories! It's the first time I've been through it, holy moly! Must be the hardest workout I've done in a while LOL. Day 4, DONE! :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Well, I have to admit I didn't do all of the BFBM on Saturday. It was just too much at that particular time. I did do zumba on my day off. Hopefully that'll have made up for it. However, I also didn't do NMTZ last night like I wanted. We went out shopping and to dinner and I was already exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. Anyway, I'm a day behind now.

    I am going to do NMTZs tonight instead of the shred. I like that one better anyway. If I'm feeling up for it, I could get the shred in but that's doubtful. Maybe 2 levels tomorrow to get back on track. :shrug:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    I picked up hours on Saturday and Sunday...

    Saturday, too much Friday wine and work = no workout
    Sunday, crazy patients and work for 10.5 hours = exhaustion and no workout

    Got today off and will pickup where I left off....oh, and putting away 300 lbs of laundry should count for something.

    Wish the snow would finally melt has been there for least, it's sunny
  • momta2girls
    Okay Kim. Your post made me feel better and stop hating myself.

    Feb. 20th marked the 4th anniversary of my dad's death so this whole weekend I've done nothing but lay around. No workouts at all. Just wasn't motivated. On one hand I think I keep finding excuses NOT to workout but on the other hand this is life.

    I'm back at it today though. Will workout when I'm home from work.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Okay Kim. Your post made me feel better and stop hating myself.

    Feb. 20th marked the 4th anniversary of my dad's death so this whole weekend I've done nothing but lay around. No workouts at all. Just wasn't motivated. On one hand I think I keep finding excuses NOT to workout but on the other hand this is life.

    I'm back at it today though. Will workout when I'm home from work.

    Sorry to hear that. My sister died 6 years ago on Wednesday. The anniversaries suck, as well as their birthdays. We all need to take time now and then. Time to remember, reflect, grieve - whatever you need - is healthy. don't feel bad about it. :bighug:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Such horrible losses...Your right, Shannon, taking time to grieve and remember is important...although sad:cry: , it is healthy

    I also think it's important for our children to see how we handle the sadness and grieving...that it's "OK" to be sad, grieve and keep our memories that we hold deeply on marked occasions.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, today will be easy, breezy....Day 6, quick trouble problem

    I might try some yoga off comcast...but, I am so tired from working and I didn't sleep well last night

    No idea what to make for dinner:sad: :ohwell:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sorry about the bad weekends for some, but YAY for getting back on track today!

    Kim ~ I'm making healthy tacos :)

    Day 5 done, and I did 30DS Level 2. As I said, I switch them around so I can incorporate my runs without overdoing it. I also ran 3.2 miles in 34:40. Total workout time: 60 minutes, Total cal burn: 648

    Just had a huge carb and fat heavy lunch, gotta be good the rest of the day ;)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Way to stay focused Katie...I have to say at least I move around a lot at work

    Thinking about tilapia tonight, potato & cauliflower

    Your right about getting back on track...HAGD
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Day 6, Quick Trouble Zones....check
    6 pack abs...check

    Tomorrow, Shred #2 and lots of running around
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Did NMTZ last night. It was great!! I do love that dvd.

    Shred #1 tonight. I am going to try to get out and shovel the rest of the drive that hubby didn't get to as well so that'll be extra. If not, maybe I'll get shred #2 in as well. :noway:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Did NMTZ last night. It was great!! I do love that dvd.

    Shred #1 tonight. I am going to try to get out and shovel the rest of the drive that hubby didn't get to as well so that'll be extra. If not, maybe I'll get shred #2 in as well. :noway:

    Shannon, a little sleep and your all fired up...nice to do the driveway and let the girls play outside

    OK, on my way to do shred #2....I get to do shred #3 in a couple...I'm a little afraid...I just don't feel like this is any easier...I still do girly push-ups!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kim ~ I can do about 10 regular push-ups, the rest I do on my knees. I say do what you can on your knees first, even if it's just'll eventually get stronger!

    So what circuits to y'all choose when you do the Quick Trouble Zones? I started off doing a quick warm up and a 10 minute HIIT, then I did core&upper body/core&lower body/triceps&thighs. Is 3 enough? Are you supposed to do more?

    Anyway, total workout time 37 minutes, total burn 310
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Not sure if the girls will be out with me, or even home. They'd love to go out and play. We'll see on that whole deal. I would like to get the end of the drive and the sidewalks cleared though.

    Kim, I loved level 3!! It goes so quick it seems like. Its intense for sure, but you push right through it. Some of the moves are repeats, just adding weights in to make it harder. I like it much better than the rest. You'll do great.

    For Quick Trouble Zones, I just do the NMTZ dvd - the whole thing. I think Kim told me it was like 5 out of 7 circuits or something? I dunno, I just do them all. I like that dvd anyway. If it was BFBM I would break it down.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Oh, and I always do girlie push ups. I also do planks on my knees. It still keeps me moving and my heart rate up. My thinking is that I'd rather do them with good form, all of them, than to half *kitten* the other way. That's my thinking anyway.