Why in the hell won't my fat burn!!!!!!!!!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I also wanted to mention that I've lost weight twice in my life and both times I eat like what I am now or maybe a little worse and exercised. The weight came back on first from a car accident. I had to lay in bed for 3 months. The second time the weight came back on was from pregnancy.

    Why is it so much harder to lose weight this time? Is it cause Im 31? is it cause i worry about weight too much? or is it the fact that doing things the same this round just wont cut it???

    I have not read all the posts so apologies if I am duplicating here. If you were not ambulatory for a few months you probably lost a good deal of LBM so you may have a high BF% compared to your weight.

    It sounds as if you have been restricting calories for a while also. At the amount you are eating, and assuming you are logging everything accurately (including weighing and measuring) should put you at a fairly large deficit.

    So my suggestions are

    1) Take a diet break for 10 – 14 days where you eat at maintenance (to get the hormones back in sync and to give your mind a body a break). See this good article that explains further: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html.
    2) Set your weight loss to 1/2lb a week when you go back on a deficit plus eat about half to 75% of your exercise calories back (to account for your BMR and for any over-estimation).
    3) Set your macros at 1 g protein per lb of lean body mass and 0.35g of fat per lb of total body mass. Use these as a minimum threshold, The rest of the calories can come from wherever
    4) Get 80% ‘good’ and 20% ‘whatever’ of your calories from a nutrient perspective. When I say ‘good’ I mean making sure you are getting a good mix of nutrition, for example, fruits, veggies, different fat sources etc.
    5) Keep strength training.
    6) For cardio, you do not really need it from a weight loss perspective but it can allow you to eat more and keep a consistent deficit. There are also other non-weight loss related benefits so I am not dismissing it out of hand. In my opinion, the best form of cardio if you are going to do it is really a mix – some intervals, some steady state.
    7) Take measurements and photos (cause the scale can be a beyotch)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So, I hate to break it to you, but about, 90% of what you are eating I wouldn't call healthy?

    Yes, you do have fruit. But where is your lean protein? You aren't eating any vegetables, and what little protein you do have is processed and pumped full of sodium.

    ETA-- the fats in your diet are also mostly partially hydrogenated (ie, the margarine). I really believe that body comp is 3/4 because of what you eat (if not more), so in order to develop more muscle tone you are going to need to eat more lean protein, less processed carbohydrates, and replace the trans fats with stuff like avocado, olive oil, and nuts.

    Whoah! You sound awfully picky about what you consider healthy. There are no bad foods, just bad diets.

    Definitely do not agree with this...there are alot of bad foods...especially processed ones. Your body is what you make it...you are what you eat. Consume foods that are closest to nature and reap the rewards....Lean meats like turkey chop meat and chicken breast, healthy fats like olive oil nuts and avocado, healthy carbs to fuel your workouts as in sweet pototo(low GI index) and brown rice...oats...mix with fruit.

    So you hunt your own turkey and chicken? You grow your own potatoes and press your own olive oil? Sorry, but if you buy them at the store, they're processed.

    And brown rice is just plain gross. Eww.

    It's called fresh and easy and whole food stores and farmer's markets, so you don't have to hunt your own turkey duh! Avoid saturated fats, genetically modified foods, fillers, artificial flavors ect. I'm sorry but this post was pretty Ignorant. :noway:

    Thank you. FYI, to the original poster disagreeing with me--- no one is saying that you need to "hunt your own turkey" for it to be healthy. What she has logged in her diary (to which I was referring) was highly processed "deli" meat that is pumped full of saline solution. I think you have a skewed view of what processed means--any nutritionist will tell you that common terminology/use of the word "processed" in nutrition terms refers to food that has either been stripped of its original constituents (such as white rice), or added to (such as crackers). Potatoes and olive oil? Not the case. Do your research before you post about something you clearly don't have all the facts on.

    Saline makes you fat. :laugh:
    Olive oil is stripped of its original constituents, those being olives.

    Facts? You ain't got none.

    ETA: OP - how long have you been at this? It will come off, it takes time.
    LOL this^

    "Processed" food means food that has been processed for sale. Whether that's roasting nuts, drying beans, pressing olives into oil, picking an unripe fruit and ripening it during or after transport, individually quick freezing fruits and vegetables, or creating an entire meal that's packaged and sold, they are all processed foods.

    Ground beef? Processed. Sirloin steak? Processed, but less so than ground beef. Beef primal? Processed but less than thesirloin steak. Half a cow? Processed, but less so than the primal. Whole carcass? Processed, but less than the half carcass. Living cow? Unprocessed.

    You can't just make up your own definition of a word and expect other people to use it, it doesn't work that way. The level of processing doesn't inherently have any impact on nutrition. Hell, some of the more nutritious things out there are highly processed foods, like olive oil, coconut oil, whey protein, etc.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    From Sarah post and after reading your accident post - number 1, 2, 3, 5 are very important.

    5) Keep strength training and build up your lean muscle mass. You probably lost a lot of muscle mass if you were bed-ridden for several months. Building this back up will likely be the number one help in weight loss.

    By trying to lose more slowly you will help your body retain muscle and build it. Both the diet break and slower weight loss will help this. Eating higher protein will also help.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    So, I hate to break it to you, but about, 90% of what you are eating I wouldn't call healthy?

    Yes, you do have fruit. But where is your lean protein? You aren't eating any vegetables, and what little protein you do have is processed and pumped full of sodium.

    ETA-- the fats in your diet are also mostly partially hydrogenated (ie, the margarine). I really believe that body comp is 3/4 because of what you eat (if not more), so in order to develop more muscle tone you are going to need to eat more lean protein, less processed carbohydrates, and replace the trans fats with stuff like avocado, olive oil, and nuts.

    Whoah! You sound awfully picky about what you consider healthy. There are no bad foods, just bad diets.

    Definitely do not agree with this...there are alot of bad foods...especially processed ones. Your body is what you make it...you are what you eat. Consume foods that are closest to nature and reap the rewards....Lean meats like turkey chop meat and chicken breast, healthy fats like olive oil nuts and avocado, healthy carbs to fuel your workouts as in sweet pototo(low GI index) and brown rice...oats...mix with fruit.

    So you hunt your own turkey and chicken? You grow your own potatoes and press your own olive oil? Sorry, but if you buy them at the store, they're processed.

    And brown rice is just plain gross. Eww.

    It's called fresh and easy and whole food stores and farmer's markets, so you don't have to hunt your own turkey duh! Avoid saturated fats, genetically modified foods, fillers, artificial flavors ect. I'm sorry but this post was pretty Ignorant. :noway:

    Thank you. FYI, to the original poster disagreeing with me--- no one is saying that you need to "hunt your own turkey" for it to be healthy. What she has logged in her diary (to which I was referring) was highly processed "deli" meat that is pumped full of saline solution. I think you have a skewed view of what processed means--any nutritionist will tell you that common terminology/use of the word "processed" in nutrition terms refers to food that has either been stripped of its original constituents (such as white rice), or added to (such as crackers). Potatoes and olive oil? Not the case. Do your research before you post about something you clearly don't have all the facts on.

    Sodium is energy free, therefore, not a macronutrient and will not affect overall body composition. An extreme, uncommon, acute intake of sodium may cause some temporary water retention, but this is completely unrelated to the original poster's question regarding fat loss. Don't call out other people for not knowing their facts when you preach bull**** pseudoscience claiming that "body comp is 3/4 because of what you eat (if not more)."