Rate your fear of Christmas food on a scale of 1 - 10



  • kimmeyroxy
    kimmeyroxy Posts: 3 Member
    Not as much as prevous years, but today's work party proves its difficultness.
    I had no idea how to count the calories since it was all potluck style.

    I think I estimated in the right area.
    I guess a lite supper.

    I am going to bake this year but not eat my baking - give it all to my family.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    Why on earth would I have a fear of food?

    Think about it logically. How could a couple of days of over-indulgence possibly outweigh years of healthy lifestyle???

    ^ This.

    I'm looking forward to the holiday food!
    Tonnes of protein in the meats, I know that everything is going to be prepared without preservatives (by all members of my families), and it's not like I eat like that every day. No need to go overboard and stuff yourself to the point of wanting to die--eat sensibly, control your portions and ENJOY YOURSELF.