The Friend Zone



  • Proyecto_AN
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Yeah, I was friend zoned by a dude. So, it's like this for chicks too.

    I had to end the friendship because I wanted the cookies and milk and he wasn't sharing.

    Would text me every minute of every day and flirt hardcore, but had zero interest in me.

    Crap, haha.
    He wants you as FWB. I hate that as well :explode:
  • pixcompu
    Bumping to read later..
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    ugh I had my friend zone removed. How fraking creepy is to have a guy friend that is always within 10 feet of you, follwing you around, dying to hear you complain about the current guy, to yell at you and insist on walking you home when youre completely wasted just in case you start taking off all your clothes, to sit patiently waiting and scheming for that one day when you wake up and realize that you can never do better than them, that you should settle for safe and devoted and give up the chance to find someone that takes your breath away, challenges and inspires you- and just go ahead and marry the guy in the friend zone.... and be forever "fine".

    /wild applause

    Dudes, if you aren't happy just being her friend, then why keep following her around? If it's so hard to be "just" a friend/confidant and are always wanting more, then maybe you aren't cut out for friendship. If it hurts you that much to be around some girl, grow a pair and end the friendship for your own good.

    Also, just because she likes you and thinks you're awesome doesn't mean she SHOULD date you. How many people do you know that are awesome but you don't feel any chemistry with? There's no hard and fast rule that just because you're nice and do things for her, she owes you a date.

    Stop crying.

    This. All this.

    I don't care how nice you are. I don't care how often you offer to let me cry on your shoulder, bring me chocolate, are there are 2 in the morning for me to call you - I don't owe you a date. I don't owe you a lay. I don't owe you anything but my FRIENDSHIP. I'm not an obstacle course to be jaunted through so that you can have my first prize award - I'm a person, not a freakin' pellet bar you can press to get your reward.

    If you're the kind of guy (or girl!) who is nice in the hopes that someday I will magically make my panties dissapear for you - **** it, you ain't my friend, you don't deserve to be around me, and I won't so much friend-zone you as I will drop your needy *kitten* and never look back. Real friendship isn't about owing things to people.

    Being nice is not an obligation for me to be anything but merely nice in return.

    Friendship is about respect, not the imagined carrot of getting to be my beau.
  • fearless_
    I wish I would have seen this a long time ago.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Ahh, the joys of not being in the friend zone with women I find attractive! I purposely avoid it.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Yeah, I was friend zoned by a dude. So, it's like this for chicks too.

    I had to end the friendship because I wanted the cookies and milk and he wasn't sharing.

    Would text me every minute of every day and flirt hardcore, but had zero interest in me.

    Crap, haha.
    He wants you as FWB. I hate that as well :explode:

    Not even! Couldn't even get that. He joked about it, but never ever made a move.

    An episode of HIMYM made me realize that I needed to end it, haha. I was "on his hook". Pathetic me.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    ouch, the friend zone... when a person doesn't want to have to permanently end things, because they still receive benefits from the person in love with them.
  • sashastackhouse
    sashastackhouse Posts: 51 Member
    My boyfriend was in the friend zone for a while because I was still trying to get my head together after a break up. But then I realized that a guy like him doesn't come around very often and I realized I might lose him if I didn't make a move. Best decision I ever made :)
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    I "friendzone" guys who I cannot fully respect. I have a friend who I treasure for his humor, awesomeness, etc, but I cannot connect with him on a lover level because he makes very little money and does not mind mooching off of other people for most of his living.

    Another friend is amazing, he rescues pitbulls and has a heart of gold, and he cooks like a 5-star chef- but he is an alcoholic which is something I don't want to deal with as his love.

    Another friend definitely is in love with me, and I we have established and re-established that we are friends only- but we both know I will never be his lover.

    I love all three of these guys, but never in a romantic way. I can't let them go though because I value their friendship, and I contribute to the friendships as much if not more... so it's not all give, give, give for my friendzone fellas.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Also, no reasonable employer would treat a job candidate like this. They would just dismiss them and both sides would go on with life.

    So why does this dynamic play out like this in male-female social interactions?
  • brookes999
    whhyyyyyyy do you have a profile pic of just your tits! Whyyyyyy do women do that?!
  • brookes999
    whyyyyyy do women do this? Seriously.

    whhyyyyyyy do you have a profile pic of just your tits! Whyyyyyy do women do that?!
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Just so you know, Guys do the friend zone thing to girls too. I've been there for the majority of my life.
  • louised88
    I get kinda irked about guys who ***** about being friendzoned. Women are not machines you put kindness into until sex falls out. Sometimes they just don't feel any chemistry with you, so get over it. Besides, what's wrong with having more friends? :huh:


    Basically, they're approaching us dishonestly to be "friends" with an ulterior motive already in mind and then they get mad because we...just want to be friends?

    How about not being entitled? How about mustering up some courage to just be straight about what you're trying to get from us? Honesty instead of manipulation. Then think of how many perfectly nice women YOU have rejected in the past.

    Besides, a lot of the men I know who complain about this phenomenon are NOT nice guys. They're mad because a chick who is out of their league didn't want to have sex with them. Period, end of story. Not exactly a "nice guy" mindset.

    I love you two. Guys are complaining because the woman they;re pretending to be friends with and who they would rather try to manipulate into sleeping with them rather than being upfront and asking them out (and then accepting either as yes or a no as FINAL) are not 'nice guys' who've been 'friendzoned', they're creepy.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I get kinda irked about guys who ***** about being friendzoned. Women are not machines you put kindness into until sex falls out. Sometimes they just don't feel any chemistry with you, so get over it. Besides, what's wrong with having more friends? :huh:


    Basically, they're approaching us dishonestly to be "friends" with an ulterior motive already in mind and then they get mad because we...just want to be friends?

    How about not being entitled? How about mustering up some courage to just be straight about what you're trying to get from us? Honesty instead of manipulation. Then think of how many perfectly nice women YOU have rejected in the past.

    Besides, a lot of the men I know who complain about this phenomenon are NOT nice guys. They're mad because a chick who is out of their league didn't want to have sex with them. Period, end of story. Not exactly a "nice guy" mindset.

    I love you two. Guys are complaining because the woman they;re pretending to be friends with and who they would rather try to manipulate into sleeping with them rather than being upfront and asking them out (and then accepting either as yes or a no as FINAL) are not 'nice guys' who've been 'friendzoned', they're creepy.

  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I went to a tech Uni, so most of my friends are men.

    If they don't want to be "friendzoned", they should ask me out rather than pretending to want to be friends.
    Simple as that. Women can't magically detect whether you want to be friends or dating, you know. Tell us.
  • I get kinda irked about guys who ***** about being friendzoned. Women are not machines you put kindness into until sex falls out. Sometimes they just don't feel any chemistry with you, so get over it. Besides, what's wrong with having more friends? :huh:


    Basically, they're approaching us dishonestly to be "friends" with an ulterior motive already in mind and then they get mad because we...just want to be friends?

    How about not being entitled? How about mustering up some courage to just be straight about what you're trying to get from us? Honesty instead of manipulation. Then think of how many perfectly nice women YOU have rejected in the past.

    Besides, a lot of the men I know who complain about this phenomenon are NOT nice guys. They're mad because a chick who is out of their league didn't want to have sex with them. Period, end of story. Not exactly a "nice guy" mindset.

    I love you two. Guys are complaining because the woman they;re pretending to be friends with and who they would rather try to manipulate into sleeping with them rather than being upfront and asking them out (and then accepting either as yes or a no as FINAL) are not 'nice guys' who've been 'friendzoned', they're creepy.


    I was going to post very similar things, but it seems that I don't have to. Thank you, lovelies.
  • myth4ever
    Lol......hmmmm if you can't spot me while I squat or I can't be your friend. Thanks for the offer!
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Just a warning to the guys about friend zoning a girl and getting benefits. Don't do it if you can tell she wants more, you'll break her heart eventually. I've done this more than once. Then again, I married a girl from my friend zone.