Please Look at my Diary... Help!



  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Bad is a relative term. In general though to get proper nutrients you need to eat whole foods. Bad depends on how serious you are about your health. Personally I wouldn't eat them on a regular basis. Everything is fine in moderation. But an egg white and banana for breakfast would be better. You can always chop onion and pepper and cook them with your egg. Do the prep once a week and keep a baggie in the fridge. It would be cheaper in the long run, too.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Ok, so number 1 I had Gastric Bypass 7 months ago, so my intake is going to be very low! I am not perfect, but I have really tried to make better food choices. I cannot easily hit 900 cals a day. I have to set a timer on my phone to remind me to eat. I seem to have gained 2 lbs in the last week, and can't figure out why. My weight loss is slow for bypass patients. I need more protein I know, but how??? I'm not a huge meat eater. Please be kind, but I would love some feed back. At most I have lost 101 lbs, 22 are pre surgery so of those, 79 are post surgery. I have now had my fist gain...2 lbs. In the last 8 weeks I have really increased exercise though in the last 5 days I have not. I have 65+ more pounds to go, and feel like I am really struggling. Is it caloric intake? Protein? too many carbs though many come from fruits? Help please but BE NICE!!! :bigsmile:

    have u ever tried protein shakes. I know you cant drink alot of one, but maybe try sipping on it throughout the day??
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    I think the Jerky and the Jimmy Dean will both have higher sodium contents, which can cause you to retain water...and overall, a lot of the nutrients just aren't as good as if you get them from unprocessed foods.

    As for protein, I found that if I eat some nuts, have some greek yogurt as well as my lean meats, I come close to my goals. What normally pushes me to meet my goal for protein is a protein shake. I haven't found a powder I like, but EAS Advantedge tastes good to me and has 17g of protein in each shake and is 100 calories. You can find it at Wal-Mart and most grocery chains.

    Hang in there, you can do this. It's all about adjusting and finding what works for you!
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    For someone who recently had the surgery done you are looking really good in the diary. There is always room for improvement of course but my dad had this surgery and it was EXTREMELY hard on his body. As a matter of fact, in order to reach the proper amount of protein, he had to go to GNC a lot and drink a ton of protein drinks and have a lot of protein puddings and all that stuff. That was the only way he seemed to function right because he would get sick so often. Not sure if that helps but it has been almost 7 years since his surgery and he has put on about 20 lbs. Not great, but much better than the 340 lbs he was before. I have a lot of memories of him having to get sick all the time, it got to the point of us just going about daily life... like he would be driving... then would just open the door at an intersection and throw up... then go on like it never happened. Anyway, if you are concerned about this I know that there are plenty of support groups and people who have been going through the same thing who might be able to know exactly what is going on with you. And of course your doctor should have answers also.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Lentils, chickpeas, edamame, and greek yogurt are great non-meat protein alternatives. I'm not a big fan of meat either, though I do eat some once or twice a week. There's plenty of alternatives out there.

    thats an awesome thought!

    Hey thanks. :flowerforyou: I should also say that those are pretty cheap options too, compared to meat. That's the main reason I eat them. Green lentils are about $0.10/serving with 16 servings/1lb bag. They're also very high in fiber, so you feel full.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Lentils, chickpeas, edamame, and greek yogurt are great non-meat protein alternatives. I'm not a big fan of meat either, though I do eat some once or twice a week. There's plenty of alternatives out there.

    I love edamame! I will have to experiment with the others as I am sad to say, i don't think I have ever had them.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Ok so this is an eat on the run thing.. Why not try this take a small amount of walnuts, almonds, and raisins and put them in a little sandwich bag and store them in your desk :)
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Can you eat chicken? Tuna? Beans, Nuts? There are better ways to get protein. Jerky isn't a good option, IMO.

    I agree I need to eat out less as you said in the previous. And yes I can eat those things. Jerky is easy to eat behind my desk. At the risk of sounding like I am making excuses, I tell you that I choose some foods like the fruit, and jerky because the are easy when I work 60+ hours a week and have a family of 5. So it is how I short cut. Do you have other short cut ideas for me. I have to remember the nuts though, Those are good behind the desk things too. thanks.

    Do you have access to a fridge and microwave? Pack things that can be heated? I know it's hard work, but when you cook a meal with meat, save some for lunch the next day. KWIM? It's just better than jerky, is all. If you can't do something reheated, get tuna. DH takes tuna for lunch quite often and I chop veggies for him to put in there with relish and mustard - no mayo because he is still trying to lose and it's too high in fat and calories.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ok...I just took a quick glance, but beef jerky is high in sodium. If you eat that a lot, you could be retaining water. Also, maybe instead of the cheez its, you coulda had a Greek yogurt, which would give you 12-14g of protein, depending on the brand.

    You have to change that relationship with food, or else your surgery woulda been for nil. Cheez its and beef jerky are not fuel. You gotta change your mindset to look at food as fuel to keep you energized throughout the day rather than pleasure. Before deciding what to eat, ask yourself "how will this make me feel? Will I get energy from it? Will it help reduce post-workout soreness?" I decide what I'm gonna eat based on those questions, cept for when I allow myself a treat a couple nights per week lol
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Lentils, chickpeas, edamame, and greek yogurt are great non-meat protein alternatives. I'm not a big fan of meat either, though I do eat some once or twice a week. There's plenty of alternatives out there.

    thats an awesome thought!

    Hey thanks. :flowerforyou: I should also say that those are pretty cheap options too, compared to meat. That's the main reason I eat them. Green lentils are about $0.10/serving with 16 servings/1lb bag. They're also very high in fiber, so you feel full.

    Also Chickpea popcorn is to die for have you tried that? just take some cooked chickpea and season them with your fav no sodium italian seasons and put them in the oven for about 20 mins its really a nice crunchy snack
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ok so this is an eat on the run thing.. Why not try this take a small amount of walnuts, almonds, and raisins and put them in a little sandwich bag and store them in your desk :)

    ^^^ this too! When I worked an office job I always had homemade trail mix in my desk. Always! Dry roasted unsalted peanuts, almonds, cashews and raisins.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Lentils, chickpeas, edamame, and greek yogurt are great non-meat protein alternatives. I'm not a big fan of meat either, though I do eat some once or twice a week. There's plenty of alternatives out there.

    thats an awesome thought!

    Hey thanks. :flowerforyou: I should also say that those are pretty cheap options too, compared to meat. That's the main reason I eat them. Green lentils are about $0.10/serving with 16 servings/1lb bag. They're also very high in fiber, so you feel full.

    Also Chickpea popcorn is to die for have you tried that? just take some cooked chickpea and season them with your fav no sodium italian seasons and put them in the oven for about 20 mins its really a nice crunchy snack

    I never heard of it myself but I may try this one day!
  • lillauraseymour
    lillauraseymour Posts: 63 Member
    If you are truely logging everything you are eating, your not eating engouh. Your only consuming 900 cals a day at the most, an individual needs to consume AT LEAST 1,200 anything under that and your body is in stravation mode and is clinging onto everything you are eating. More water and better choices.. like someone said, nuts/carrots/raisins/yoghurt/fruit all things you can eat at work.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Plan ahead and portion out when you can. It helps to have healthy options on you all the time. I understand. I don't have kids, but I do work full time and go to school almost full time. Before I added school to the mix, it was much easier. I'm gonna suggest Wasa crackers for you. They're cheap, high fiber, and almost never go stale. One or two, especially with peanut butter, can hold me for a few hours. With tuna, it's a meal. I agree with everyone that nuts are a great go-to option also. Do you have a large crockpot to cook dinner for your family while you're at work? I love coming home to dinner already made. :wink: And you'll have more control over the nutritional value if you make it yourself.
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    First of all well done on your huge weightloss so far!! That is awesome.

    I had a look at some of your entries, the main thing that struck me was a high amount of processed/pre-made/take-away items which tend to be very high in sodium (like bacon and cheese slices) and sugar. The closer a food is to it's original form the better..

    Maybe switch to proteins in their natural state like grilled chicken breast. Greek yoghurt has high levels of protein. If you can't bring yourself to eat protein may drink a high quality protein shake. Add in more veggies, and lots of water, you can substitute pasta for a product called Slim pasta made from konjac root, I use it in everything.

    You could also try increasing your good fats to increase your calories like avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, peanut butter etc.

    Just keep in mind that the whole weightloss thing is a journey and it will take time to figure out what is going to work to get your weight moving again :) Good luck!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    If you like breakfast sausage it is very easy to make yourself and you can control what goes in. I buy pork when it is on sale and grind it up and keep it in quart baggies in the freezer. I usually use Alton Brown's recipe. You can take out a pack whenever you feel like making up a pound or two of sausage. Or make up a large batch and freeze that in one pound portions. It's usually much leaner than the store offers. If you don't own a grinder, I believe a light use electric grinder can be bought for about $50.00. If you own a KitchenAid stand mixer, there is a grinder attachment available.

    I no longer buy store sausage or ground beef. I buy cheap cuts on sale and grind it up. I do the same with turkey when it's on sale at Thankgiving. It's a lot less expensive and leaner.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Lentils, chickpeas, edamame, and greek yogurt are great non-meat protein alternatives. I'm not a big fan of meat either, though I do eat some once or twice a week. There's plenty of alternatives out there.

    thats an awesome thought!

    Hey thanks. :flowerforyou: I should also say that those are pretty cheap options too, compared to meat. That's the main reason I eat them. Green lentils are about $0.10/serving with 16 servings/1lb bag. They're also very high in fiber, so you feel full.

    Also Chickpea popcorn is to die for have you tried that? just take some cooked chickpea and season them with your fav no sodium italian seasons and put them in the oven for about 20 mins its really a nice crunchy snack

    I never heard of it myself but I may try this one day!

    Oooooohhhhhh! I haven't heard of that either! (They should make a drooling smiley face so I can insert it here.) I will have to try that. Thanks!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Ok so this is an eat on the run thing.. Why not try this take a small amount of walnuts, almonds, and raisins and put them in a little sandwich bag and store them in your desk :)

    ^^^ this too! When I worked an office job I always had homemade trail mix in my desk. Always! Dry roasted unsalted peanuts, almonds, cashews and raisins.

    Good point. i will make an effort to do this. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal, this will be a new goal for me.
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi I also had Gastric bypass and i did excellent, however eating like you are I eventually gained alot of my weight back. I did not gain it all because I have not been able to eat the amount I did before the surgery. Let me explain what I mean "like you do" you are eating alot of food outside of home. I did the same. I also thought to myself there is no way I could gain weight because even though I was eating that I did not eat alot of food. What happen is my body got used to that way and slowed it self down actually causing me to gain weight. I completely did a flip in the way I was eating. I eat more clean food then process food I also do not eat noodles, etc, I eat more vegetables and protein then anything else. I also eat three times and snacks in between all of it. I do not eat heavy calorie protein items either. Give yourself a chance by leaving the restaurants alone. Eat a vegetable platter, i.e sweet potato, beans, corn, etc. with the bypass i can eat that very well, in fact I can eat more of that as it is not heavy on the stomach. I also find that I have to drink alot more water than a lot of people due to the bypass. If you like send me a friend request and I can get into a lot more of it. But since I made these changes within my eating patterns I have been losing steady a lb to 2 a week. good luck.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    How about an herbalife protein supplement fruit drink? They are 70 calories and pack 15 grams of whey protein in each serving. I drink one on days I am off balance on my protein.