Rude/mean people on here



    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Only way to combat rude or mean posts is by clicking the "Report Post" link.
    That'll get 'em!

  • pithynutritionpun
    pithynutritionpun Posts: 17 Member
    OP=master troll.

    There's no other reasonable explanation for why someone would ask such a question in regards to the internet.
  • Fitnessfriend10
    Since when did this site become 4chan?
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Why do you think it needs to be said? The people that post those kinds of things are not going to change. Someone makes one of these posts at least once a day. Search for 'mean people' or 'bullies'. If it violates the rules then report it. If it does not then put them on ignore. These hair-flip posts just stir the pot.

    In actuality I don't think it needed to be said in an objective sense so much as the OP just needed to say it. The OP like many of us see the forums on this site to be a place where we can talk about our goals and challenges in an open an productive way. The OP sees these interlopers as counterproductive to the overall goal of the site.

    Then come the realists pointing out the lack practicality in asking for everyone to be nice to each other. I am sure this is coincidence by the way but I went through and found the naysayers were people who were already in great shape and looking very fit. It could be that they are made more narcissistic by their outward appearances and this causes them to have a sense of superiority which compels them to put down up others in an effort to maintain their very high self images but the more likely explanation is that it is just a coincidence I wasn't able to look at all of the people that disagreed I am sure.

    My take on the matter is this. The MFP forums are a fantastic place to hear information from people who have already accomplished what I am trying to do. It is a good place to hear the success stories of other and to hear about different workouts people have tried or recipes they enjoy. The MFP forums are actually the nicest forums I have ever seen on the internet. If anyone of you doubts this go check out any gaming forum anywhere. Log in to the World of Warcraft forum and say anything. It doesn't matter what it is you will be flamed relentlessly. I think most people are basically good people who are mature enough to not insult everyone they meet but it doesn't take a large number of rude people to have a large number of negative posts. I don't think there is anything wrong with asking people to be nicer. If we are going to defend the trolls right to spew bile then why not defend the OP's post berating it? I don't think it will end hostility at all but as many have already said this is the internet people will say what they want.

    Either way even though the whole internet can't change and people will still be rude to one another on the personal level it couldn't hurt if we asked ourselves if we could be nicer. If you conclude that being a jerk to others on the internet is a joy you can't live without then keep it up I have no authority or ability to stop you but we could all stand to be bit nicer to each other. It is just something to think about.

    As a side note I would not at all be surprised if people:
    Went through and found any spelling or grammar errors I have made.
    Said negative things about me for this post being too long.
    Said negative things to me for not including enough in this post.
    Called me stupid for defending the OP.
    Called me stupid for defending the naysayers and the trolls respective rights to say what they will.

    But hey that is the internet for you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thank you for changing the human race. No one has thought of this tactic before. Ask and it shall be done.

    Thanks, but I don't intend on changing the human race. Those idiots will still be around :)

    Nobody should have to worry about getting rude comments on their posts on this site.

    I'm not condoning anything cruel that goes on here so please don't take it that way but.....

    in your original post, you said that it wasn't cool to call someone a retard (which I agree by the way and that should have been something reported) - is trying to say that calling someone a name isn't cool when you just called "those people" idiots?

    If you think people shouldn't go around calling others names, then maybe you should lead by example. Just saying.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    In the real world, how many "real" friends do you have? Are you friends with everyone? Does nobody have personality traits that you dislike or irritate you? She is too direct. He is a pervy jerk. Her stuttering really drives me nuts. Why would this be any different online? I am who I am 24/7. I am direct, snarky, mean, honest, playful and can be very caring. There are people who like me, and people who don't. You know how the ones that don't like me coexist with me? They "ignore" me, and I, them. Same principle. Only easier here, because there is an ACTUAL button to make it so that you no longer have to see this person's words.
  • skinnyitaliannn
    Completely agree. That's why I barely post stuff. Smartass comments and remarks.. But hey it's the internet and I bet most of them wouldn't be that way in person. Luckily I have a good sense of humor and being a smartass it doesn't really get to me but it's still pathetic when it's online & for no reason, most likely.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OP does this mean you do not want an invite to my NC17/Uncensored and offensive group ? We've got cookie!

    You've got one cookie? How do you all... Wait... No... Don't answer

    I think he meant nookie.
  • Fitnessfriend10
    Thank you for changing the human race. No one has thought of this tactic before. Ask and it shall be done.

    Thanks, but I don't intend on changing the human race. Those idiots will still be around :)

    Nobody should have to worry about getting rude comments on their posts on this site.

    I'm not condoning anything cruel that goes on here so please don't take it that way but.....

    in your original post, you said that it wasn't cool to call someone a retard (which I agree by the way and that should have been something reported) - is trying to say that calling someone a name isn't cool when you just called "those people" idiots?

    If you think people shouldn't go around calling others names, then maybe you should lead by example. Just saying.

    I think the OP's :-) after that comment indicated a light-heartedness to it
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    People just take things too personal.

    ^ What he said.
  • Fitnessfriend10
    In the real world, how many "real" friends do you have? Are you friends with everyone? Does nobody have personality traits that you dislike or irritate you? She is too direct. He is a pervy jerk. Her stuttering really drives me nuts. Why would this be any different online? I am who I am 24/7. I am direct, snarky, mean, honest, playful and can be very caring. There are people who like me, and people who don't. You know how the ones that don't like me coexist with me? They "ignore" me, and I, them. Same principle. Only easier here, because there is an ACTUAL button to make it so that you no longer have to see this person's words.

    So you're saying you don't want to be friends?
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    OP does this mean you do not want an invite to my NC17/Uncensored and offensive group ? We've got cookie!

    You've got one cookie? How do you all... Wait... No... Don't answer

    No no, cookie is this member who hands out hj's on request
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Where are all of these instances of people being called idiots or stupid in the forums? Where, I pray?
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    There are people who forget that there are actual people just past their monitors and keyboards. It's very easy to be "brave" and make fun of or intimidate someone when you don't have to see them face to face.

    Sad...but true
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    When I was a kid the saying was ' sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me' The moral to this? Thicken up your skin and stop letting strangers on the internet and in the real world get to you. Political correctness is killing society, and it's all because a bunch of whiners want it their way or else. This is re-re-re-re-re-retarded

  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Why do you feel the need to be snarky? There's no reason for it. If you don't like a post topic, don't even click on it.

    Because there are people like me who enjoy reading all the snarky comments. They are the best entertainment on a slow day at work.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    In the real world, how many "real" friends do you have? Are you friends with everyone? Does nobody have personality traits that you dislike or irritate you? She is too direct. He is a pervy jerk. Her stuttering really drives me nuts. Why would this be any different online? I am who I am 24/7. I am direct, snarky, mean, honest, playful and can be very caring. There are people who like me, and people who don't. You know how the ones that don't like me coexist with me? They "ignore" me, and I, them. Same principle. Only easier here, because there is an ACTUAL button to make it so that you no longer have to see this person's words.

    So you're saying you don't want to be friends?

    Nope. Not once did I say that. I will give anyone a shot. But, if I don't like a person, I don't take them bowling.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Where are all of these instances of people being called idiots or stupid in the forums? Where, I pray?

    Just look around stupid, what are you an idiot? :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    This is "MyFitnessPal." It's disheartening to see a simple thread that started with good intentions be turned into a circus.


    This is the best thing ever.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    When I was a kid the saying was ' sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me' The moral to this? Thicken up your skin and stop letting strangers on the internet and in the real world get to you. Political correctness is killing society, and it's all because a bunch of whiners want it their way or else. This is re-re-re-re-re-retarded


    Holy hell..I love this. I don't know who the poster is for this...but I love you!