Why do people hide their diaries?



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Just wondering why people don't publicly share their food diaries on here or even lock them with passwords? I love clicking on someone's forum post name and checking out their food diaries for comparison and learning sake but many have their diaries locked or hidden from public view. I realize many probably might not know that they have their settings on private or for friends only.. but just curious anyways. I just don't see any real negative consequences for making them public versus showing them so that others can compare and learn from them based on individual goals.

    This has been discussed in lot's of threads in the past. Here's my take on it.
    1 -It's nobodies business what I eat.
    2 - there are people with medical issues and allergies that would rather keep their diaries private then explain why they eat the way they do
    3 - there's always one bonehead in the crowd that going to give you unsolicited advice on your food choices. Yea thanks for pointing out those 12 cookies were bad for me, I honestly didn't know that.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    Because I'm sticking strictly to "calories in vs. calories out" and several people felt the need to lecture me about what I was eating, even as I was hitting my calorie goal daily and losing every week: "Oh, that's too many carbs." "Oh, you're not eating enough vegetables." It got old in a big hurry.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't keep mine open because I don't want any advice or accountability for my diet.

    This!! I've seen people taken apart for sharing their diaries. I keep to my calories but some days I might eat a muffin or white bread - my choice - and then you get comments like "You'd be so much better off if you swapped that white bread for wholegrain". Yes, true, and I do that. But today I felt like white bread and it fitted into my calorie allowance thank you.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Same reason they can't see my interactions or conversations with my friends.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Honestly, I find nothing wrong with it if people want to leave theirs on public for people to get ideas from, or if they are looking for advice... but personally... unless I ASK for people's advice on my dietary choices... then I don't really want to hear their unsolicited opinion on what I do or don't eat, why I keep my diary private
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    Mine is open because I like checking out my friend's for food ideas so I figure I should let them learn from me if they want. I don't judge those who have it closed, because there could be a number of reasons its closed and it's clearly none of my business if it is. However, one of my friends told me once that "what you eat in private you wear out in public, so why don't you share it" (I'm pretty sure it's an actual quote but I heard it from her) and I though that was absolutely right. So, mine is open but I don't judge those who have it closed.

    Edit: I have not had any situations where anyone judged me for what I eat. I have had people give me great ideas and suggestions which I am always open to. So far it has worked for me.
  • closet_fatty
    because they feel guilty and shamed of what they actually eat. LOL

    THIS is prime example of attitude that keeps my stuff to MYSELF~

    It's why I don't show mine. I'm not the healthiest eater, and while that slows me down in losing weight, I'm working on it, and would rather not show my diary, especially since I never really post in it. LOL
  • vbarrient
    vbarrient Posts: 52 Member
    Its a personal choice.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I often don't track cals. Not supposed to in relation to an ED. On here for friendship and support and fitness ideas. When I do track actual cals, not just food, I'm going against Dr's orders. However, I love the clean eating ideas, fitness chat, and support in leading a healthier lifestyle. Maybe your people have issues they don't need/want to discuss with someone they only know over internet?

    Also, I eat a lot of wild meat and I don't like to hear about it; it's my choice and very predominant where I'm from.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I don't keep mine open because I don't want any advice or accountability for my diet.

    ^ Agree. I do what works for me...no someone else's verison of whats right.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    I can't remember any PM's but I have had unsolicited criticism of my diary before on the forums. You post advice and someone responds with something like “nice advice seeing you ate XXX last Monday” or something stupid like that. It doesn’t really bother me. I never believe people who say they eat right 100% of the time anyway, regardless of what they log, so mine is still open.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    my friends can see mine, that's enough for me
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I thought about making mine public for funzies when I got bored enough at work to occasionally post in the forums but then I was scared away by forum threads like this one where people say that other people message them all the time telling them how much they suck. I eat a lot of pizza and candy.
    I don't have mine open because I keep track of a lot of other things in the little notes area that are just for me :)

    I didn't notice that little notes section until I read this!!
  • Drewillbeback111
    I think the default setting is closed. You have to go in and manually open it. Most people barely get through the goals setup, much less poking around in the settings...

    I didnt know.... I made it open to my friends.... Learn something every day. Thanks for posting
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    I can't remember any PM's but I have had unsolicited criticism of my diary before on the forums. You post advice and someone responds with something like “nice advice seeing you ate XXX last Monday” or something stupid like that. It doesn’t really bother me. I never believe people who say they eat right 100% of the time anyway, regardless of what they log, so mine is still open.

    Ah. Never had that. For the record, on Tuesday, I had a late lunch comprising two slices of cake Christmas cake, a mince pie, one piece of Scottish shortbread, 4 chocolates and a mini chocolate muffins. :laugh:
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I decided to open mine to friends because it holds me accountable. I had it locked for some time because my diary was embarrassingly erratic.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    I don't even have my profile open. But good luck with that.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Why are other people so concerned about what someone's eating? Does not seeing what they're eating make you gain weight?

    LOL! Love this one too!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I used to be pretty adamant about only friending people with open diaries, or having an open diary. Until I had people who, unasked, would comment on my not tracked Saturday as "hindering my progress." Uh, yeah, I'm not eating 3500 calories in one day, and I routinely eat 1200-1400 calories a day. I'm just fine. Plus, you know, generally these people were the ones who had been here a month, had no picture, parroted Dr. Oz medicine... and oh yeah, telling a recovering anorexic, "I think you're eating too much on the days you don't track" is kind of a bad time.

    So, that's why mine's hidden... and I STILL have it open for friends. So, Idgaf anymore... although, coming into the forums with a specific food/diary question with a closed diary makes no sense.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    For the same reason I hide my genitals, because I don't want anyone staring.