No support from family or boyfriend...



  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    My two cents - I wouldn't let any boyfriend/husband/significant other get away with teasing me about my weight. There's honesty (I'm proud of you for working to get healthy) and then they're non-supportive talk (you're chunky, etc). That's disrespectful and hitting you where it hurts. For me, that's rude and inconsiderate and I personally wouldn't tolerate it.

    If he can't turn things around, then I'd dump him and that solves the MIL problem. I don't know you or the particulars of your situation, so this is only my opinion. But yes, you deserve support from those closest to you.

    If you can figure out alternate transportation, that would be best for you. And stay firm. You are doing this for you, so its up to you to make it a success. Plan ahead, ignore the criticism, and find some better supports (even if that means another boyfriend).
  • crystaltate4
    girl i was so there at one time where i had no support and i keep falling back on bad habits, but this time ive gotten to the point that its to bad if they dont want to support me. I have issues with my husband all the time when he makes dinner about not telling me what hes making or how hes making it and then gives me attuide for it. U know what i do i just tell him if he want a healthier sexier wife he needs to stop acting like an *kitten* and help me out. I guess what im sayin is be more assertive with it dont take anything from anyone. if u dont want to eat it dont figure out something else. Ive always been told that no one is making u eat that u r making that choice. Feel free to invite me girl ill help supports u 100% that what we r here for to help when no one else will.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I can relate to this as my boyfriend is the same way. Sadly I don't have any awesome inspiring stories about getting past it and losing the weight, because as my ticker shows, I've only lost 3 pounds (after losing 23 and gaining 20 back)

    For a long time, I would be very bitter and blame my boyfriend. He would constantly come home with fast food. I convinced him to sign up for a gym with me, but he has only used it 3 times in the 5 months span he's had a membership even after asking him almost every day to go to the gym with me so I recently cancelled his membership. I was on the verge of ending my relationship of 2 years with him because I felt like he was not supportive enough of my goals and was hindering my performance by bringing in junk food.

    I had a huge slap of reality, though. I'm not sure what brought it on, but I realized that I needed to start being responsible for my own actions. Does it suck being tempted with fast food? Sure does, but nobody is forcing me to order something. Is it a bummer that he doesn't want to work out with me? Of course, but that doesn't mean I can't drag my butt to the gym by myself.. At the end of the day, he does not have a weight problem, so why should HE have to change his habits? I realized I was the one being selfish. It's not that he's not being supportive of my goals, it's that he is content with his lifestyle habits and felt intruded on when all of a sudden I wanted that to change. You have to want it for YOU, nobody else. When you have determined that you want it for YOU, the rest will come quite naturally. Fast food won't even be as tempting, especially once results start showing. Best of luck to you!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member

    OMG right?

    You should totally go make another thread about how everyone here is so mean....

    she did.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I don't know what to do...
    I feel like I am failing...
    I lost 15lbs when I first started and have gained 6lbs back...
    And it's because my mother in law always wants to go eat and we always go driving through somewhere...
    Plus fast food makes it hard by making all the healthy stuff super pricey...
    It really sucks....
    Especially when my mother in law starts complaining to me that she has gained weight.
    I tell her "Come to the gym with me, stop drinking soda, and stop eating fast food every day"
    She says she will....
    But then she doesn't ..
    and that makes it hard for me, since I can not drive, I rely on other people to take me where I need to go.
    And then my boyfriend always teases me for being chunky, and tells me I need to do something, but never wants to go to the gym with me either....his problem is he's lazy...but he could use the diet and excersize as well...
    I know I can't force them to change, but it would be nice for them to at least try to support me...
    Anyone else dealing with this?

    OM gosh, it is your life and your choices/decisions if they choose to eat unhealthy then do you have to follow...NO of course you don`t!

    You are your own person do this for yourself x
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member

    I know I can't force them to change, but it would be nice for them to at least try to support me...

    You don't want them to support you, you want them to do it for you. Decide to make it a priority and gain the willpower to make your own decisions.

    I needed to hear this today as I keep blaming "going home" as the reason I eat it's because I didn't plan and eat before or bring my own food. It really is easier to blame others than yourself :/
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I was simply expressing my thoughts on how crazy it is to call someone your husband when you aren't married.

    One wonders how you make it through a day in the real world

    By being sane enough to realize not married = no husband. I really don't see what all the ruffled feathers are about anyway. Just because I think that's kind of nutty doesn't mean I'm actually *bothered* by it. I forgot all about this thread until someone was crazypants enough to email me. Some people are taking this way, way more seriously than I am.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I was simply expressing my thoughts on how crazy it is to call someone your husband when you aren't married.

    One wonders how you make it through a day in the real world

    By being sane enough to realize not married = no husband. I really don't see what all the ruffled feathers are about anyway. Just because I think that's kind of nutty doesn't mean I'm actually *bothered* by it. I forgot all about this thread until someone was crazypants enough to email me. Some people are taking this way, way more seriously than I am.

    what size are "crazy pants" ?/?/?/? they sound fun!
  • NorthWoodsLee
    NorthWoodsLee Posts: 92 Member
    I can relate to this as my boyfriend is the same way. Sadly I don't have any awesome inspiring stories about getting past it and losing the weight, because as my ticker shows, I've only lost 3 pounds (after losing 23 and gaining 20 back)

    For a long time, I would be very bitter and blame my boyfriend. He would constantly come home with fast food. I convinced him to sign up for a gym with me, but he has only used it 3 times in the 5 months span he's had a membership even after asking him almost every day to go to the gym with me so I recently cancelled his membership. I was on the verge of ending my relationship of 2 years with him because I felt like he was not supportive enough of my goals and was hindering my performance by bringing in junk food.

    I had a huge slap of reality, though. I'm not sure what brought it on, but I realized that I needed to start being responsible for my own actions. Does it suck being tempted with fast food? Sure does, but nobody is forcing me to order something. Is it a bummer that he doesn't want to work out with me? Of course, but that doesn't mean I can't drag my butt to the gym by myself.. At the end of the day, he does not have a weight problem, so why should HE have to change his habits? I realized I was the one being selfish. It's not that he's not being supportive of my goals, it's that he is content with his lifestyle habits and felt intruded on when all of a sudden I wanted that to change. You have to want it for YOU, nobody else. When you have determined that you want it for YOU, the rest will come quite naturally. Fast food won't even be as tempting, especially once results start showing. Best of luck to you!

    Post of the month! You have it exactly right and you stated your point extremely well!