


  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- Im happy to hear that you are being so optimistic. You have been such an inspiration to me, I love reading your posts and your advice. Keep going! You'll break that 216.4 mark! After my pregnancy (weighed 260+) I lost a lot of weight and got down to 213...I could NOT get below that number, but I also was not working my tush off like I am now. I am so scared that when I get back to 213 I will plateau and give up like I did last time but I just remind myself, well would you rather be stuck at 213 (And working to get below) or be at a miserable 255? The thought of ever being 255 keeps me going!

    I cant wait for you to get past it and on your way out of the 200's! Keep on inspiring me girl, I need ya!

  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    "Awestfall: Do NOT read the following statements (this is for your own good).

    I thought it was interesting that a health magazine (it might have been Women's Health) said that weighing yourself daily can be a good thing and that people who weigh daily are more likely to keep lost weight off for the longer term. Why? Because you keep yourself in check by constantly knowing how the food you're eating affects your weight and water retention. Of course, this only works if one can keep themselves from getting discouraged by the fluctuations.

    Interesting, right? I'm glad to know that getting on the scale daily isn't necessarily obsessive compulsive!

    See I am one of those people that get discouraged by fluctuations so I am stepping away rom the scale for awhile until I can get it back under control.At least thats the plan that I want to be able to stick with.We will see what happens.I admit I am a scaleaholic.

    See, i think the daily weighing is obsessive too. I don't think i am buying this latest "find by researchers". Kinda like the whole new "skinny obese" crap. Anyone else heard of that.

    ( i dont know why that didn't quote right, but the above is not all my writing)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    snowflakes: Congrats on the new, smaller pants! That's so awesome and a huge milestone!

    I should apologize for bringing about the scale debate. Yes, weighing daily may be a bit obsessive, but I don't have a melt down or get discouraged by the fluctuations. I just see them as a good indicator of what is and isn't working. Each person needs to find what works for them. Enough said.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 280 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: over by 1278
    Exercise: None - I need to be kicked harder in the butt for that one. I blame my boyfriend for changing his plans; he ended up coming up to my house last night when he was originally going to have his son for the evening. Oh, well.
    Proud: That my horse is now letting me catch her in about 15 minutes in the pasture AND I didn't snack after dinner.

    Alrighty, back to work for me. Have a great day.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    So hey im back!!! So i gained 5 pounds over being gone :( but now im back and plan on losing that plus more. Today's plan is to eat as okay as possible at lunch and then instead of a bad snack im going to have an orange for a snack. When i get home i will go babysit and when i get home eat supper and then hopefully get at least 30 mins in of exercise. but then i have an essay to type and then i have to go to TV night with my friend. OH and somewhere in all of that i have to do 3 loads of laundry...well maybe ill only do 2 tonight. One dark and one sheets...lights can go later. haha good luck to me.

    Also any advice...i feel so depressed lately and i dont know why!

    Well i got to get back to paying attension to the teacher....bye!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    See, i think the daily weighing is obsessive too. I don't think i am buying this latest "find by researchers".

    I definitely don't think it's obsessive to be focused on learning more about your body and how it's affected by your exercise and food intake. I guess your reasons could be obsessive, but the actual act of weighing every day isn't the obessive part.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning girls, I don't really have much time. I have to get Ryan to speech. I just needed a suggestion. I am tired of a veggie and a salad with a meat. Tonight we are having grilled chicken asparagus and I want another dish that would replace rice or a potatoe (because of the carbs so lower carb than these.) I would appreciate any suggestions. I even thought of oven roasted potatoes and just give him half a serving. I do not know but I would sure appreciate some suggestions. I will check back later and see what you ladies can suggest. HOpe everyone is having a great day!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    See, i think the daily weighing is obsessive too. I don't think i am buying this latest "find by researchers".

    I definitely don't think it's obsessive to be focused on learning more about your body and how it's affected by your exercise and food intake. I guess your reasons could be obsessive, but the actual act of weighing every day isn't the obessive part.
    I have to agree with this too!!I never thought of looking at it at a different point of view besides obsessing over the numbers.My weight has fluctuated so much in the past few days its made me crazy.So this morning I was dying to know so I weighed in.I was 240 two days ago and I am back to 235 this morning and I was up to 238 last night so I am starting to realize what a natural fluctuate is for my body.I am hoping to start losing again soon.But bluenote and all of you ladies have told me to be patient and give it time to adjust to me eating a bit more and I will soon see results.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I weigh in everyday...I think everyone is aware that I am a scaleaholic!!!

    Through weighing every day I feel accoutnable for any significant weight gain, and seeing the numbers drop does give me the motivation to keep going. I learned through weighing myself everyday that my body fluctuates about 2-3lbs from my morning weigh in, so normally if I weigh myself during the day I take into account my clothes (usually 2lbs) and my normal fluctuation of 2lbs and then that tends to be my 'actual' weight if I had weighed in in the morning. I dont freak out if my number goes up unless its like 10lbs or something. I also like seeing what certain foods make me go over my normal 2-3lbs fluctuation.

    If I drink a lot I lose like 15lbs no joke- its all dehydration and I know thats not what I actually weigh
    If I eat pizza my number usually goes up 5lbs or so

    I like knowing these things...its interesting to me.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I weigh in everyday...I think everyone is aware that I am a scaleaholic!!!

    Through weighing every day I feel accoutnable for any significant weight gain, and seeing the numbers drop does give me the motivation to keep going. I learned through weighing myself everyday that my body fluctuates about 2-3lbs from my morning weigh in, so normally if I weigh myself during the day I take into account my clothes (usually 2lbs) and my normal fluctuation of 2lbs and then that tends to be my 'actual' weight if I had weighed in in the morning. I dont freak out if my number goes up unless its like 10lbs or something. I also like seeing what certain foods make me go over my normal 2-3lbs fluctuation.

    If I drink a lot I lose like 15lbs no joke- its all dehydration and I know thats not what I actually weigh
    If I eat pizza my number usually goes up 5lbs or so

    I like knowing these things...its interesting to me.
    I have to say I agree with you too!! I am getting to the point again were I know what makes my weight go up and what doesn't!!!
  • rach89652
    Hello! I would like to join this group. Cris20056 sent me the link. I am very new at this.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    when I say "drink a lot" I mean beer or any kind of alcoholic beverage :blushing:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome rach89652!

    Nice to see you back Renae_Kay, it sounds like you have a good plan for eating and getting your exercise in today ... even though you are very busy, you can do it! Make yourself and your weightloss your top priority!

    Momma2four, a couple suggestions instead of rice/potatoes ... how about squash, sweet potatoes or my family loves orzo - there are some really good orzo recipes online.

    checking in for yesterda:
    calories: bad ... over by 1000
    exercise: none
    water: not great
    proud: I did manage to have a light dinner after having gone over my calories for the day by lunchtime.... but should have found a way to fit some exercise in too.
    Today is a NEW day! I did my hour at the Y this morning and will do a better job with food choices today, I didn't like how I felt yesterday after eating so much.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So hey im back!!! So i gained 5 pounds over being gone :( but now im back and plan on losing that plus more. Today's plan is to eat as okay as possible at lunch and then instead of a bad snack im going to have an orange for a snack. When i get home i will go babysit and when i get home eat supper and then hopefully get at least 30 mins in of exercise. but then i have an essay to type and then i have to go to TV night with my friend. OH and somewhere in all of that i have to do 3 loads of laundry...well maybe ill only do 2 tonight. One dark and one sheets...lights can go later. haha good luck to me.

    Also any advice...i feel so depressed lately and i dont know why!

    Well i got to get back to paying attension to the teacher....bye!

    Hi Renea,
    Sounds like you have a crazy schedule and it's so much harder to eat healthy foods when you are not cooking them yourself.
    I'm no expert but I tend to feel a bit depressed when I don't get my veggies. If I eat loads of fat and sugar one day I feel like a different person and I feel bad about my choices and it becomes a downward spiral.

    I have some favorite snacks if that helps. I mix some raisins and pumpkin seeds and put then in baggies that I pre-measure at home so I know exactly how many cals are in each. It's a bit sweet and the seeds make it quite filling. If you can buy then in bulk at a health food store they are much cheaper than from the regular grocery store. I buy the crunchy salted seaweed sheets from a japanese or korean grocery to get that fix and the cals are so low, about 10 for 1 serving. Fiber one and kellogs make some cereal bars that are only about 120-140 cals each and they are chocolatey and yummy and also relatively healthy.

    If I have a bad food day I might also replace a meal with a vegetable juice. It really gives me a boost and veg juice is so easy to digest. Any juice bar will make one for you even if they don't have it on their menu. I go to Jamba juice and just tell them exactly what I want, no sorbet, no yogurt no other fillers etc.

    Keep at it, you'll be back down in no time, I'm sure!!!

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Rach, Welcome! Glad you found us!

    So like I said every day we check in with calories, water, excercise, adn something you are proud of. Weigh ins are Friday (tomorrow!) You can see lstpaul's example of her "check in for yesterday" as a guide for your own. Im sure later on in the day everyone else will be logging on to check in so you can see how different people do it and do whats best for you!

    Hope you like our thread!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'd like to join as well. Been on here for about a month. Checking out all the different discussion boards!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I have just been depressed and upset about things... not necessarily about weightloss but seeing the scale go up 3 lbs in 3 days didnt help either even though I know it was probably just water weight.

    I have been under on calories everyday and actually been reaching 8 cups of water a day(and more). My honey told me I can join a gym when we get our tax money back and pay off some of our bills so I am excited about that!

    My baby boy finally crawled yesterday! He is a lil over 8 months. I was excited and sad all at the same time. They just get so big fast.

    I will try to check in later when I am at home!

    Welcome everyone that is new!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good Morning girls, I don't really have much time. I have to get Ryan to speech. I just needed a suggestion. I am tired of a veggie and a salad with a meat. Tonight we are having grilled chicken asparagus and I want another dish that would replace rice or a potatoe (because of the carbs so lower carb than these.) I would appreciate any suggestions. I even thought of oven roasted potatoes and just give him half a serving. I do not know but I would sure appreciate some suggestions. I will check back later and see what you ladies can suggest. HOpe everyone is having a great day!!!!

    I saw this in the NYT and it looks so good! The key would be to keep portion sizes small, so only use as many potatoes as you would want each person to eat! Edited to add - I'd just use sweet potatoes!


    Recipes for Health
    Oven Fries
    Published: February 17, 2010
    These fries have savory, crisp edges and, like regular fries, they’re a bit addictive
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Momma: here are a few of ideas of things that I have made; love warm corn bread out of the oven, baked sweet potatoes sliced in rings drizzled with EVOO and sea salt, black beans topped with crumbled feta, three bean salad, I make a baked rice that goes great with chicken it has, green onions, water chestnuts and mushrooms, broccoli slaw with gold raisins or craisins, cottage cheese with a pineapple ring, relish tray with olives, homemade bread & butter pickles and raw veggies, cabbage slaw with cashews and Brianna's poppy seed dressing. Hope something here is helpful.

    My computer is still slow as tar today I will have to put my food in another time.

    Welcome to all the new gals! This is a wonderful group of ladies.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm hoping that one of you understands and can explain how sodium and water intake affect your weight.
    I don't understand it at all and I'm too new to this to notice how my intakes affect my weigh ins.

    Thanks in advance,
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ahh, sodium...my weight loss nemesis!

    I don't know the chemistry behind it other than increase sodium (salt) causes the body to retain fluids from the things you eat and drink during the day. Drinking an increased amount of water can flush the body of the sodium so that you lose the water retention.

    Unfortunately, sodium is in everything, so it's been the hardest thing for me to monitor and stay within my limits. I can definitely tell the difference when I've had too much sodium because I gain and lose weight based on my sodium intake in comparison with my water intake.

    I hope this helps, but like I said, I don't know the science between it; only the basics.